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Deeker's Message of the Week

January 11, 2009

Christmas 2008 Poll Results

Below are the results from the 2008 Christmas Poll from the 12/21/08 MOTW. A big THANK YOU to those who participated:

Number of responses received: 19

Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?


Chase  20My family was a little short on money, but that's ok. It' s not Christmas without presents, but it can't just be about presents. I don't need much.
Christian  23The only two things I did not get were in one case $50 and too hard to find in the other. Otherwise, I got the vast majority of the things on my list plus more. I made out like a bandit! People also seemed to like what I got them, which is just as important to me.
Eric  24All I got was money so now I can get what I need :)
Colin17they were blue lights for my car
Stan59My presents were just fine and thoughtfull from tose who gave them to me. I was quite surprised
Robert C.12i got a ps3
If you didn't get what you wanted, what do you suspect were the reasons?

Too expensive631.6%
Not available/hard to find421.1%
Nobody knew what I wanted526.3%
I requested it too late0.0%
Nobody willing to give such a gift15.3%
Others thought I might not like such a gift15.3%
I did not reciprocate with a gift in return15.3%
How many family members/guests (including yourself) were present for your Christmas gathering?

Just myself15.3%
16 -20210.5%
More than 200.0%

Bob  50i had my family supposed to come for christmas but my asshole sister in law or x sister inlaw invited my kids over her place so i was deserted
Chase  20My family has shrunk this year. There were far fewer people at my annual Christmas Eve party, but it was still just as fun.
Christian  23We had a Christmas Eve gathering with friends, Christmas day gathering with more friends and a family celebration on New Year's Eve when all the family will congregate for a change.
Eric  24All made it except one
Stan59We had a nice Christmas dinner and opened gifts afterwards.
How far did you travel for your Christmas gathering?

Had it at home736.8%
Less than 1 mile0.0%
1 to 3 miles210.5%
3 to 5 miles15.3%
5 to 10 miles210.5%
10 to 25 miles0.0%
25 to 50 miles15.3%
50 to 100 miles15.3%
100 to 250 miles210.5%
250 to 500 miles0.0%
500 to 1000 miles0.0%
1000 to 1500 miles0.0%
1500 to 2000 miles0.0%
2000 to 2500 miles0.0%
More than 2500 miles0.0%

Chase  20I don't think I have ever gone out of town. I probably will when I move out after I land a real job.
Christian  23We had the one on Christmas Eve here at the house, Christmas at a friend's house 10 miles or so away and New Year's will be about 100 miles.
How much of a white Christmas did you get?

No snow1052.6%
Patchy/spotty/trace amounts of snow15.3%
1 to 3 inches0.0%
3 to 6 inches15.3%
6 to 12 inches15.3%
1 to 2 feet15.3%
2 to 3 feet15.3%
More than 3 feet15.3%

Chase  20I did have to shovel about two feet of snow, but at least I did not have to go to work. I hate snow! Snow is the stupidest thing god ever made!
Christian  23It was snow/rain/sleet/freezing rain, and in the morning it clumped into smooth chunky ice that's perfect for breaking ankles and causing crashes. It melted in the afternoon, but froze again today. We slipped and slid in and out of the driveway, but we put cinders down to make it easier on us and the car.
Eric  24I was happy :)
Stan59It rained.
If not a white Christmas, did you get awet*Christmas this year?


Christian  23It rained all day Christmas Eve, but Christmas day was nice and partly sunny.
Stan59Just rain, wet drizzly rain.
How often do you get white Christmases where you live?


Bob  50in california where i am says neg 5 % white christmas
Chase  20I just want it to snow on Christmas and have that be it, but I don't want to shovel much, and I don't want to drive in it. Probably won't happen for me! Lol.
Christian  23Every two to three years is a white Christmas, last time in 2006, then 2004, then 2002.
Eric  24Hit and miss
red17Georgia never gets it at christmas
Stan59Living in Southern California, it never snows here.
How much Christmas lighting was put up on your house/family's house this year?

Very little15.3%
A lot15.3%
We went completely 'Griswold'15.3%

Chase  20We did not put up a whole lot of decorations because our house is only temporarily. Not worth it.
Christian  23My parents don't do that, as I am the only one who decorates and I stay on the inside of the house. There is tons of stuff around though.
Eric  24No time was working
red17we weregoing out of town, so we didn't put any up
Did you have to work on Christmas this year?

No, my workplace is not open on Christmas315.8%
No, I got lucky and had the day off while others had to work15.3%
I was asked to work but I refused0.0%
I was told to work but I refused0.0%
Yes (Less than 4 hours)0.0%
Yes (4 to 6 hours)15.3%
Yes (6 to 8 hours)0.0%
Yes (over 8 hours)0.0%
I'm too young to have a job526.3%
I am not currently employed526.3%
I am retired0.0%

Chase  20I work retail, so I am damn lucky to not have to work! I will work on Christmas if I have to, but if I have an option I will not. It's just not worth it even with holiday pay. Not unless I was getting a promotion for sure. I want to be with my family.
Christian  23My sister and father worked Christmas Eve.
Eric  24I was not happy about it
Rob  16i will get a job when i leave school.
Was it your choice to work on Christmas?

Yes, I volunteered0.0%
Yes, though only with an incentive0.0%
Yes, though with some coertion0.0%
I reluctantly agreed to work0.0%
No, it was mandatory that I work15.3%
No, but I didn't mind that I work0.0%

Eric  24As the new mgr I was told to
Were you still able to spend time with your family in spite of having to work on Christmas?

No, because work schedule took up the whole day0.0%
No, because I was away from home0.0%
No, because I live away from my family0.0%
No, but I chose to avoid my family0.0%
No, but I was not invited to join my family0.0%
No, I had to miss out on it completely0.0%
Yes, but my time with the family was limited0.0%
Yes, my family accommodated me around my work schedule0.0%

Eric  24Good food
If you had to work on Christmas, how did things go?

It was good0.0%
It was okay0.0%
It sucked0.0%

Eric  24People are stupid last min items
If it sucked, what made it suck?

Being away from my family/friends0.0%
Being one of the unlucky ones amongst my coworkers for havin15.3%
Knowing that almost everyone else had the day off15.3%
Seeing people enjoying the day when I had to work it15.3%
Not getting paid extra to work on Christmas0.0%
Workplace was very busy/hectic15.3%
Being short-staffed0.0%
Had to work extra long hours/shift0.0%
Had to cover for someone who called in sick or no-showed0.0%
Got called in after expecting to get the day off0.0%

Eric  24It plain sucked
Overall, how did your Christmas turn out this year?

It was great736.8%
It was good631.6%
It was okay15.3%
It sucked0.0%

Bob  50christmas sucks this year
Chase  20I particularly enjoyed Christmas this year. It was a smaller Christmas than what I am used to, but I sitll enjoyed it. I'm still luckier than most people, and I got a few really nice things.
Christian  23One of the best I can remember, everyone getting along and everything going fine without problems.
Eric  24It still was good I wish I had the day off
Stan59I had time with family and just by myself.
If there were any shortcomings this Christmas, what were they?

Being away from my family/friends15.3%
Having to work15.3%
Being unemployed210.5%
Being employed but still poor15.3%
Being sick15.3%
Being injured15.3%
Not getting the gifts I wanted15.3%
Not being able to give people gifts421.1%
Christmas dinner was poor/inferior15.3%
Unpleasant house guests or being a guest of an unpleasant pe210.5%
Observed or got involved in family fights15.3%
I was grounded or on other punishment during Christmas0.0%
Had run-in with the law on Christmas0.0%
Was a victim of a crime on Christmas0.0%
Recent death or severe illness/injury of family member210.5%

Chase  20I'm just sad that my parents had a smaller Christmas. They did not get a lot of cards or presents from relatives. I don't need a lot, but I'm sad that not ver many people like them. It's because they are jealous of my parents this year.
Christian  23I can't complain, no trageties as in past years just before Christmas. Good times! Now all I want is a job.
Eric  24Due to work and the way cash flow was I was unable to get any one anything thank goodness for ebay
Rob  16even though I didn't want anything, a "big" or expensive present is allways great fun.
red17our car got a lot of damage on Christmas day and had to get about $1,000 of repair
Colin17the common cold
Robert C.12had an accident on a new bike but were my bladders concerned nothing to loose
At what age did you stop believing in Santa Claus?

3 or younger0.0%
Past age 1215.3%
Never believed0.0%
Still believe315.8%

Chase  20I think I knew when I was a young teenager, but I still like to think there is a Santa Clause. I just liked having extra presents on Christmas morning. tr>Christian  23My father told me all about the whole setup with Santa and the other characters like that, and I cried because I felt betrayed, like I now owed my parents all the stuff they gave me.
Eric  24Act i dont remember
Rob  16not sure...
What made you stop believing in Santa Claus?

I caught mom/dad in the act315.8%
Parents told me526.3%
Brother told me421.1%
Sister told me315.8%
Friend told me210.5%
Read something about it15.3%
Figured it out on my own736.8%

Chase  20You know what would be sad? What if you never figured it out until until you started living by yourself as an adult. You wake up and say "What the hell?" Then you're neighbors say "Didn't anybody tell you?" That would be sad in a funny way. Don't worry kids. The only reason I don't get anything is because I don't believe! If you don't believe you don't recieve! That's what people tell me!
Christian  23I did have suspicions, but I wanted to believe at the time. Now I laugh about it.
Eric  24HEHE
Rob  16i sort of figured it out, my family sort of confirmed it.
Stan59Santa Claus is a state-of-mind I feel
What gifts did you ask for or hope to get?

Craig  10Lots of toys
Ben  15Video games and books mainly
Chase  20Just clothes and money. Maybe a dvd or two.
Christian  23Coldplay and James Blunt CDs, Indiana Jones film, shirts, and candy. I also got a black Lab ornament, a Wind in the
  Willows comemorative statue, (LOVE that book, and it turns 100 this year!) Star Wars toys, a miniature train set for
  my miniature collection, Hallmark Star Wars ornaments for my collection and a fruitcake, which I love.
diaperedteen  25A Piano, and of course, diapers
Weric  24Just Cash
Chad  16Playstation
Rob  16not much..... money mainly
Colin  17legos,car parts
Robert C.  12a new bike
What gifts did you receive?

Craig  10Lots of clothes
ben  15What I asked for
Chase  20All the things I asked for. I would have liked some gift certificates to clothing stores and restaurants. I am so piss poor!
Christian  23Oops, that was what I got. I also asked for the Indiana Jones Soundtracks Collection, but that was too expensive so I, ahem, downloaded it illegally.
diaperedteen  25clothing
Eric  24Good money flow
Chad  16Playstation and diapers
Rob  16a lot of stuff off of
Colin  17legos and speakers 2 my car
What was the best Christmas gift you ever received? How old were you when you got it? Who gave it to you? What made it such a great gift? Do you still have it?

Craig  10When I was eight years old when I still beleved in santa clause I recived a toy train
Chase  20The house I'm moving into next year. It was not literally a Christmas gift, but I like to think it is. I don't need a lot of stuff knowing I get that. I'm so spoiled!
Christian  23I don't know, as I love just about every gift I receive. I can't say, as I don't pick favorites either.
Eric  24Good money flow
Colin  17my dirt bike,no have a larger one
Stan  59I was 15; it was a ten-speed bicycle, and yes I still have it.
Robert C.  12ps3 12 psp 11
What was the worst Christmas gift you ever received? How old were you when you got it? Who gave it to you and why? What made it such a terrible gift? How did you react to receiving it and what did you end up doing with it?

Ben  15A zit remover. 14. Mom, for my face. It was torture on my skin. I try to hide from it.
Chase  20A football from my aunt. She obviously did not know me very well or did not put a lot of thought into that. I hate sports! I still said "Thank You" because that is the right thing to do. T
Christian  23The knowledge that my suicide attempt failed and that I would be spending 11 days in the f*cking psych ward.
diaperedteen  25socks
Eric  24dont remember ever being a sour xmas
Rob  16a lot of stuff off of
Colin  17there really is no bad gift for me
Who was present at your Christmas gathering? Where was it held?

Craig  10grandmas grandpas aunts uncles cousins
Ben  15House family, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.
Chase  20Just at my house. Unfortunatelynot everyone wanted to come, but I did see some family members that had divorced us a few years ago. It was a wonderful party! That was just before Christmas of 2006, but Christmas itself was good if a bit strained.
Christian  22See above for details
diaperedteen  25Family, families house.
Eric  24all family at my grandmas house
Rob  16FAmily, at home.
Jon  16My family, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandparents.
Colin  17my close family and my grandparents
Stan  59Mom, sisters, brothers, sons, in-laws, nieces and nephews
Robert C.  12number 8 restaurant in selby
What did your Christmas dinner consist of?

Craig  10ham, beans, potatoes
Ben  15Dun remember
Chase  20Baked pasta, stuffed mushrooms, soda, and dinner rolls. I did not eat everything at the dinner buffet, but those are some of my favorites.
Christian  23Ham, turkey, turkey corn soup, ham vegetable noodle soup, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, baked beans, pies, cakes, candies, cookies, drinks of all kinds. There was also macaroni and cheese and cheesy broccoli caserole, but since cheese makes me sick I avoided those. I did have some drinks last night and got a bit tipsy.
diaperedteen  25Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, salad, gravy, rolls, yule log
Eric  24Meatballs and Pie :)
Rob  16Roast tureky, (quorn for me, im a vegitarian).
Colin  17roladen and potatoes
Stan  59Turkey with ALL the usual trimmings, and plenty of desserts.
Robert C.  12the usual
Describe how things went for Christmas this year:

Craig  10very very good
Chase  20This was a good Christmas. I particularly enjoyed the season. 2008 was a rough year for me and my family. In all honesty I am more excited for new years (which is usually not the case) because 2008 was such a crappy year. I'm hoping for the best in 2009. I did not enjoy as many gifts this year because money was tight being that my parents decided to build a new house, but I did gifts. Family is the only thing that matters to me anymore. I'm just glad to be with my family. People have been jealous so they lost a lot of family this year (both to people's bitterness and death), and that made me sad. My parents did not recieve as many gifts. I could not afford to buy them much. I think they deserve big Christmases. Usually it takes us three hours just to open gifts. This year it was about 45 minutes, but I'm still a hell of a lot luckier than most people. I'm spoiled enough as it is! I'm still living better than most people, and I still had a great Christmas. This was one of my favorites! The few gifts I got were great! I did not have to work. I relaxed and I enjoyed my family.
Christian  23Pretty damned good! Now all I have to do is get through the family part... Hopefully that will go well.
diaperedteen  25Went well, but family member has/had serious illness, so it put a damper on the Christmas celebration.
Eric  24Was nice fun and warm feeling
Rob  16good.
Colin  17every thing went as a normal xmas
Stan  59Very nice. Family members were all fine, no issues or arguments.
Include any diaper-related comments concerning Christmas here. Include details such as whether you went around in just diapers in the presence of family members, other boys who were diapered, if you or other boys got diapers for Christmas, diaper-related Christmas tales from your past boyhood, etc.

Chase  20It would have been appaling to recieve diapers for Christmas. How embarassing! No one knows about my diaper fetish, but I sure did masterbate thinking about diapers and looking at diaper drawings in my spare time!
Christian  23Baring in mind the fact that I was around loads of people, including my parents who don't like me wearing diapers, I
  didn't think it would be wise. I save that for college and mall shopping.
Eric  24No diapers were present had to work how ever atfer work the 26th is my bday so iam going to wear all day :)
Chad  16This christmas I wore nothing but plain white disposable diapers. We had christmas at my grandmothers house. There were 10 female cousins there, as well as Aunts and uncles. My other three males cousins were similarly diapered. Everyone else wore normal clothes.
Rob  16I can't tell anyone about my diapers for reasons I can't state without going into too much detail, but I kept somehow thinking I would get some diapers form family for christmas as a sort of "we know and understand" from my parents or family members even though I am not aware that they know and cant think of a way that they could. However, I didn't.
Jon  16My cousin who is 14 was visiting with his family from out of town. He normally does not wear diapers but was curious about mine, so my sister put one on him. He liked it and has been diapered since then including all day Christmas in diapers. He shared my bed and we have had fun diaper humping each other. We have also had fun at changing time and we have showered together. He is sitting with me right now in a wet diaper.
Colin  17i being the only boy except my dad and granddad was the only 1 in diapers
Stan  59I was in diapers this weekend, only me though. I was my own caretaker and user.

Average Age of respondents to this question:21.3
Range of ages of respondents:10 -  59

Age Distribution
Under 100

Youth Age Distribution

Bob  50in california where i am says neg 5 % white christmas
Rob  16i will get a job when i leave school.
Rob  16even though I didn't want anything, a "big" or expensive present is allways great fun.
Rob  16not sure...
Rob  16i sort of figured it out, my family sort of confirmed it.

* * * * *

Have a good week, everyone! Stay happily and thickly diapered!

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