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Deeker's Message of the Week

October 1, 2006

New Email Address

From now on I am having all email from this web site go through a different email address: 

I'm sure you can figure out what the proper syntax is. I just formatted it that way to foil the spammers (Fuckers!) You can also mouse over the link as well as the "Email" and "Contact" icons to the left to see the address.

The primary purpose for this change is in response to some reliability issues that I have been having with my ISP and its handling of my email. Over the past couple of weeks I have received a number of reports from people who have had their emails sent to me bounce back, or in some cases when expecting a reply, they did not receive one. I don't know what the hell is going on at their end, but I figure the most sensible solution is to direct all email related to this web site to this address instead.

It also just makes more sense to have all email for this web site go through an appropriately labeled address. This will free up my main address for all non-Deeker stuff.

If you have contacted me in the past using the old email address, please start using the new address from now on. If you sent me any messages from the old email and had it bounce back, please send it again to the new address.

While the old address is still valid, it hasn't proven itself to be as reliable as of late, so if you are used to using the old address please migrate yourself to using the new address and update your address book accordingly.

* * * * *

Have a good week, everyone. Stay happily and thickly diapered!

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