Deeker's Diaper Page

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Story Submission Guidelines

Revised January 30, 2005

How to Submit a Story
Suggested Ideas
Updates and Deadlines
Discontinued Stories
For Further Assistance
Closing Comments


Send your story to and include the following:

You may also use this form for submitting your story.



While I am open to just about any story that fits within the Content guidelines stated above, here are the things that I especially enjoy reading about in stories:

  • Boys aged six to twelve
  • Very thick, high-rising white cloth diapers in multiple layers with lots of pins used in each diaper
  • Infrequent diaper changes where boys wear diapers for extended periods because of their extreme thickness, capacity and the amount of work involved in removing such diapers
  • Heavyweight, high-rising plain white plastic pants
  • Boys who regularly wear only diapers and a shirt around the house all the time, don't wear pajamas or sleepers to bed
  • Boys who poop in their diapers as well as pee in them, never use the toilet
  • Boys who are looked after or are at least observed by girls of similar age, usually sisters

Please note that these are not requirements by any means, just some suggestions that will surely make your story to be a hit with me.

Other suggestions for stories:

  • True stories
  • Stories based on TV shows or movies. I'd really like to see someone write a story about The Wonder Years, Roseanne, or Malcolm in the Middle, to name a few.
  • Fan fiction. These are stories with original plots, but based on previously written stories.
A few writing tips:

I'm no authority on the do's and don'ts of writing, but I will offer some tips that I feel will help make your story more appealing to readers:

  • Describe the diapers in explicit detail. If they are cloth diapers, include the color (usually white), number of diapers used at a time, the number of pins used, the width of the crotch and the height of the diapers' rise, the texture of the fabric of the diapers and the plastic pants, the tightness of the elastic, the appearance of creases and folds in the diapers' fabric to indicate its thickness and tightness, etc. If mentioning disposables, include details on general appearance as described for cloth diapers where applicable, brand name (I don't get paid to promote any one brand anyway, so feel free to include this information), the number of tapes used, how much the diaper covers the body, etc. For cloth and disposable alike, describe how the diapers appears after usage, or if the diapers are too thick to show such visible signs of usage. Above all, let the diapers show! I personally feel that diapers are made to be seen.
  • Describe how the diapers feel when used. Mention how much of the body inside the diaper the wetness/poop covers, and, if talking about poop, its consistency (i.e. runny, solid, etc.) and volume. Mention repeated wettings and/or messings in the same diapers and the time spent in diapers between changes.
  • Focus on the places where diapers are worn, such as the butt, the crotch and the genitals. Keeping younger readers in mind, of course, describe the feelings that the diapered character gets in these areas.
  • Mention the age and describe in appropriate detail the physical appearance of each main character (i.e. hair color)
  • Describe the appearance of each main character's clothing if is worn over diapers. Note the appearance of diaper bulges and diapers showing above pants/shorts, through shorts' leg openings, etc. For characters not in diapers, describe clothing in such a way as to draw attention to the fact that they are not in diapers, especially if the character plays a dominant role (i.e. sister, babysitter.)
  • Describe each character's feelings in detail, such as how the characters in diapers feel about being in diapers and how characters not in diapers perceive the characters who are.
  • Describe the setting and the surroundings in the story. Envision what you see in your mind and describe it with enough detail to convey this imagery. Include things such as the weather, lighting in the room, etc. These elements, however seemingly irrelevant, help to set the overall mood of a story or of a particular scene.
  • Include a sense of the passage of time. Establish whether the events are taking place over a period of days, weeks, months, etc.
  • Include all senses. Visual and tactile (touch) senses are pretty much self-explanatory, but also include sounds (crinkling diapers, clicking of diaper pins, rustling of plastic pants, snapping of elastic waistbands, closing of a crib, etc.) and smells, which, in diaper stories are a significant element. Include pleasant smells, too, such as baby powders, lotions, etc.
  • Limit the number of main characters to a level that most readers will be able to remember who they are what their relationships are to each other. For a longer story there can be more characters who come and go throughout the story, but still keep the main characters to a reasonable amount.
  • Use domestic character names that are easy to identify with. Foreign names (names that are not commonly used in English-speaking countries nor familiar to the people therein) are appropriate when describing such characters, however.
  • Basically speaking, include plenty of details about each element as it pertains to the story, but place the most emphasis on the look and feel of the diapers, of course, since it is a diaper story, after all.

More story ideas can be found here.


Stories may be sent to me in any of the following file formats:

You may also simply put your story in the body of your email.

If you use Lotus Word Pro (.lwp) or any other word processor format not listed above, please convert your files to either plain text, HTML or Word before sending them to me. While I can usually extract the text from a file whose format is incompatible with Word 2000, I may miss something amid the extraneous characters that come up in these files.

Stories that are in plain text or in word processor formats where no specific fonts and/or other text attributes are applied (bold, italic, underline, etc.) are used will be posted as plain text. Stories that are in HTML will be posted as such. Word processor files with specific fonts and/or other text attributes will be converted to HTML and posted as such.

If you are not a typist and prefer to write your story by hand, or if you only have a hard copy of a printed or typewritten story that you would like to submit, please email me and I will provide you with my snail mail address to which you may send your story. Please make clear photocopies of such submissions and send these instead of your original. Neatly typed copies can be scanned via OCR and easily converted to editable text. If you do prefer to send a printed story, please use "standard" fonts such as Arial, Courier, or Times New Roman. My OCR software doesn't work as well with other font styles.


All stories are corrected for spelling, capitalization, punctuation and grammar before they are posted. While I am not an authority on the English language and I'm certainly am not perfect in my own writing skills, I know enough to recognize most mistakes and to correct them accordingly. If you have a word processor, it likely has a spell checker included. Please use it. I have received many stories which are riddled with spelling and typographical errors, which take more time for me to correct. Likewise, please observe proper capitalization and punctuation in your writing. I understand that some writers are younger children who are still learning and have yet to attain mastery of their writing abilities, and I know not everyone has proficient writing skills, but it does makes things easier for me when I don't have to take as much time to make corrections. I also enjoy a story more and am left with a greater impression of it when it doesn't require a great deal of editing.

Also, while some stories may call for it in some situations where it is appropriate to the character and/or the plot, please keep the use of slang to a minimum. Overuse of slang can be disruptive to a story's readability. Also keep in mind that people from all over the world read these stories and may find such excessive slang to be difficult to understand.


Plain text stories are formatted to a standard layout with indented paragraphs. Before saving to a plain text file, I use a 12-point monospaced font (Courier) to ensure a uniform width. HTML files are posted with block paragraphs, using the font styles, sizes and attributes specified by the submitter.


While not all of us aspire to write the Great American Diaper Novel (substitute country name if outside the U.S.), I do prefer that stories be at least 4K in length and that subsequent updates likewise be at least 4K. Writing just a few sentences or a couple paragraphs doesn't make for much of a story.


This site is updated each Sunday, between 12:00 noon and 3:00 PM Mountain time. Exceptions will be noted in advance whenever possible. New stories and story updates that are received by the preceding Saturday night will be included in the update for that week. New stories and story updates which are received Sunday morning may or may not make the deadline, depending on the length of the story and the amount of time it takes for me to prepare it for posting, as well as other factors such as how busy I am that particular day.

Stories may be submitted as complete works or as a work to be posted and updated serially. Serial stories that are not updated within 90 days are considered to be discontinued and are therefore relegated to a listing for such stories. If a discontinued story receives an update after 90 days, it will then be placed back onto the main listing.


As stated above, stories which are in progress and are not updated within 90 days of their previous update are considered to be discontinued. I figure that 90 days is a reasonable amount of time to allow for updates. If you feel that 90 days isn't reasonable and should be longer, please let me know. If a story is about to "expire" I will make an effort to contact its author.

I realize and understand that many of us have busy lives (I know I do) and situations come up that do not permit for timely story-writing. If you expect an extensive delay with updating your story, please let me know and I will keep the story on the main list and indicate that it is "on hold" with your intentions to continue it at a later time.

I also know that many writers may have a fantastic story idea at the outset, but then lose interest, don't have the time to write, become discouraged, or are unable to come up with new ideas for the story. The result of this is a long-- and growing-- list of discontinued stories from authors who likely had good intentions, that will likely never see their completion. Since I obviously have no control over the factors that affect a writer's ability or motivation to maintain a story, about the best thing I can do here is to advise people to develop their ideas in advance and outline their stories before writing. Also, while I know that some situations are inevitable (e.g. work, family, computer breakdowns, etc.) which may interfere with one's ability to maintain updates, please consider ahead of time, if possible, your ability to maintain updates on your story. While you may be eager to get your story up on my page, if you think it would be better to write your story completely before submitting it, please consider doing this instead. I'd rather wait for a story that is complete than to post one that may never be finished.

Some people have also expressed interest in taking over discontinued stories. While none of these stories is formally copyrighted, I understand that issues concerning "intellectual property" arise, which is more of an ethical issue than a legal issue. If you are interested in taking over a story, please first try to contact the original author if his email address is listed and find out what his intentions are for completing the story and if he will mind you taking over his story. If the address is not listed, please contact me and I will make an effort to contact the author. If the email address is longer valid and the message bounces, or if no response is received within a reasonable amount of time (perhaps a week) then I'd say it's okay to continue the story. If such a story is continued and the original author objects to this, I will remove the newly written parts from the original story. I don't expect this to be likely to happen, however. In my experience, most authors who neglect a story for so long have no intentions of ever completing it and would likely not care if someone else took over.


In rare instances, I have had contributors be accused of plagiarism, with these accusations usually coming from the individual who claims the story as his own. While I don't condone plagiarism, it is difficult for me to prove that a story is, indeed, plagiarized, especially as most diaper stories aren't formally copyrighted. There have also been occasions where someone has claimed that a story was merely modified from their story so that it would comply with the guidelines of this page. Again, this is a case that is difficult to prove, especially as there are so many diaper stories out there that it would be impossible for me to keep track of all of them, and that I don't pay attention to any of the stories that don't interest me enough to include on this page.

I give credit to the authors who contribute stories in good faith that their stories are their own writings, so I don't take the time to verify that their stories are original works and will not accept responsibility for having any stories on my page which are believed to be plagiarized. I will, however, remove such a story if it can be proven that it's plagiarized, but as I stated above, such proof is difficult to ascertain.


If you need help writing a story and you need to look up a word or need help with punctuation, grammar, etc, go to It includes a variety of links which address many common writing difficulties.


By now you should have a pretty good idea of what goes and doesn't go on this site, what things I especially look for in stories, and what I hope to see contributing authors produce. With this in mind, I'll say let your imagination run wild and see what sort of adventures or fantasies you can think of. If you put your mind to it you may be surprised by what you come up with.

Additional recommended Guidelines can be found in this article, Things to Avoid When Writing Diaper Stories, written by Zac Goldstein and used with permission on this site.