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Deeker's Diaper Page

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated on April 14, 2002

Where does the name "Deeker" come from?
Why is this site focused only on boys in diapers? Why are there no stories other any other content about girls wearing diapers?
Why are there no pictures of boys in diapers on this site?
Why are there so many discontinued stories?

Where does the name "Deeker" come from?

The name "Deeker" comes from pronouncing my first initial ("Dee") and the first two letters of my last name "Cr". At the time I set out to create this web site I wanted to use a name that would be unique, distinctive and would also have a sort of a "juvenile"-sounding ring to it. I have since learned that this name isn't necessarily unique and that this monicker is used by other people in areas not related to diapers. Some people have even asked that I relinquish my domain name because other people tend to think that I am them. I have no intentions to release this name to anyone, nor do I wish to re-establish a new identity with the DL/AB community.

If I had to do it all over again, however, I would likely choose to go by my secondary alias, Yobrepaid, which is "diaperboy" spelled backwards. So far I have not seen this name used with as much frequency as I have seen Deeker used.

Why is this site focused only on boys in diapers? Why are there no stories other any other content about girls wearing diapers?

While my reasons are very well defined, there really is no short, easy answer that can succinctly explain it. The simplest way to explain it is that it's my preference. To explain why I only like stories and other content involving boys would be like trying to explain why I like rock music. It just sounds good. To explain why I think rock music sounds good to me, and why country music doesn't, would require a more detailed discussion. The same principle applies to my preferences for boys over girls. A more detailed article is prposed for inclusion on this site explaining how my exclusive preference for diapered boys and my aversion to girls filling this role developed from my early childhood. for inclusion on this site at a later time.

Please allow me to state for the record that while I am personally not interested in stories or other content involving girls wearing diapers, I do not wish to imply that I don't feel that girls should be allowed to wear diapers, nor that I don't recognize the fact that some girls do wear them for the same reasons as boys do.

Why are there no pictures on this site?

This question can be interpreted two different ways, so I will address each of them separately:

Why are there no pictures of boys in diapers on this site?

(Well, actually there are a few of them used here and there, but there is no dedicated section on this site for pictures.)

There are two reasons for this. The first is that such pictures have been proven to be highly controversial even within the AB/DL community. Some people feel that such pictures are considered to be child pornography or at the very least are exploitative. I strongly disagree with this opinion, personally and see nothing wrong with these pictures. I will not discuss this matter with anyone who chooses to debate it. Other people are more open- minded and accept such pictures, but they still feel that having them displayed on a web site that is available to anyone may give "outsiders" the wrong impression about those of us who are AB/DLs, and worsening the stigma we are already burdened with in that many outsiders falsely associate diaper fetishism with pedophilia. I am sensitive to these concerns and thus I choose to not display pictures of DB on my site.

My other reason for not including pictures on this site is the amount of space they would occupy on my site. Since I would have to pay for the usage of this space, I prefer to keep my costs down and devote such space to stories and other text-based material instead when it is needed. While I have not actually tested it, I imagine that having a large volume of pictures on the site would significantly increase the load on the server on which this site is hosted and the extra traffic would slow things down considerably.

Why are there no pictures of me on this site?

At one time there were pictures of me posted here but they have since been removed. I had about 30 pictures of me taken of me by a fellow DL friend and I posted them. These pictures gave people an idea of what my diapers look like. In January of 2001 my pictures page was linked from a site outside of the AB/DL community, whose visitors were not as receptive to diaper fetishism. While I could never figure out what the purpose of the site in question really was, it seemed that it was designed to mock and ridicule people with "unusual" fetishes, which I must admit a desire to wear diapers must seem unusual to someone who does not engage in this behavior. I am not going to state the name of the site or post a link to it from here. As a result of this, a sudden influx of rude and nasty guestbook entries and emails came to me and I knew that there had to be a reason for this sudden surge in hateful responses coming to me about my site. While I ignored most of these bad emails and deleted the offending guestbook entries right away, I did have to tell this one persistent bitch to eat shit and go fuck herself and stay away from my site if she doesn't like it. I did some investigating and determined the source of the problem. I removed the page that was linked and I directed the photo page link within this site to a differently named page to explain why the pictures were gone. In the meantime I checked back with the offending site in question the next day and I was pleased to see that the link to the defunct photo page had been removed from the site.

Please do not ask me to send these photos. I will not honor such requests.

Why are there so many discontinued stories?

There is no definitive answer for this, but I can speculate that there are a number of possible reasons:

It's a shame that some really great stories are met with the fate of never being finished. There is very little that I can do to curb this problem, unfortunately. Obviously I have no way of knowing what an author's future plans are for a story once he's already started it. While it could be a possible solution, I don't want to require that all stories sent to me be complete works as several stories on this page including my own are written in serial fashion. Such a requirement would likely deter writers who are determined to produce a completed story.

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