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Question of the Week

Question of the Week Information

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Note- the first few questions are standard questions that are asked each week. The new questions appear just past these standard questions.

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your Age:
What kinds of diapers do you wear?
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers
Single plastic pants- plain
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored
Multiple plastic pants- plain
Multiple plastic pants- patterned/colored
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How often are you pantsless while in diapers at home?
Always (100% of the time)
Usually (75% of the time)
Sometimes (50% of the time)
Rarely (25% of the time)
Never (0% of the time)
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How do you regularly use your diapers?
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How many older sisters do you have?
More than three
How many younger sisters do you have?
More than three
Describe your appearance and your usual or current state of dress, including diaper type, quantity, color, and condition:
Describe your brothers' appearance and his/their usual or current state of dress, including diaper types, quantity, color, and condition (if known):
Describe your sisters' appearance and her/their usual or current state of dress:

The Question of the Week for February 8, 2009:

Question #1: As a young boy (ages 12 and under), how self-conscious were you about people seeing your diapered butt?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All boys who wear diapers and adult males who regularly wore diapers beyond babyhood/toddlerhood.

Very self-conscious
Moderately self-conscious
Somewhat self-conscious
Not self-conscious

This and all of the following questions will pertain to when you were a young boy (age 12 and under).

Question #2: What made you more self-conscious about your diapered butt than other parts of your body where diapers were concerned?
(Check all that apply.)
How conspicuous my diapers were on my butt (without pants)
Whenever I pooped in my diapers
Whenever I farted
The bulge in my pants/shorts
I couldn't tell when people were staring
I suspected that people were staring
People could sneak up and"pants" me
People could take pictures w/o me knowing it
It was difficult to know when my diapers were showing
It was hard to see what my diapers looked like from behind
I was big/fat for my age
I thought about those who did not wear diapers and compared
Question #3: Were you more self-conscious about people seeing your diapered butt than your diapered front side?
(Check only one.)
I was more self-conscious about my diapered butt
I was equally self-conscious of any/all views of my diapers
I was more self-conscious about my diapered front
I did not feel self-conscious about my diapers at all
Question #4: At what age do you first remember being especially self-conscious about your diapered butt?
(Check only one.)
Under 4
Over 12
Question #5: In which places were you more concerned about people seeing you from behind?
(Check all that apply.)
At home (no pants on)
At home (pants on)
In school (general)
Gym class
Gym class (locker room)
In public
At friends' houses (no pants on)
At friends' houses (pants on)
At relatives' houses (no pants on)
At relatives' houses (pants on)
Question #6: Which other kids made you especially self-conscious about your diapered butt?
(Check all that apply.)
Older brothers
Younger brothers
Older sisters
Younger sisters
My friends
Boy cousins
Girl cousins
Boys in school
Girls in school
Other boys
Other girls
Question #7: In which ways did you exhibit self-consciousness towards your diapered butt while not wearing pants?
(Check all that apply.)
I avoided bending over
I avoided having my back to other people
I made sure my shirts came down over my diapers
I avoided letting others see me from behind
I avoided letting others follow me or walk behind me
I avoided pooping in my diapers when others were present
I avoided farting in my diapers when others were present
I avoided letting people follow me or walk behind me
I frequently looked at my diapered butt in the mirror
Question #8: In which ways did you exhibit self-consciousness towards your diapered butt while wearing pants?
(Check all that apply.)
I avoided bending over
I avoided letting my diapers show over my pants
I avoided having my back to other people
I made sure my shirts came down over my diapers
I avoided letting others see me from behind (with pants)
I avoided letting others follow me or walk behind me
I avoided pooping in my diapers when others were present
I avoided farting in my diapers when others were present
I avoided letting people follow me or walk behind me
I frequently looked at my diapered butt in the mirror
I didn't wear pants over diapers enough to be concerned here
Question #9: What made your diapered butt so conspicuous (easily seen and easy to draw attention to from others)?
(Check all that apply.)
Overall diaper thickness (without pants)
Overall diaper thickness (with pants)
Wearing multiple diapers (without pants)
Wearing multiple diapers (with pants)
Having extra layers or padding in the seat (without pants)
Having extra layers or padding in the seat (with pants)
Rise/height of diapers (without pants on)
Rise/height of diapers (with pants on)
Whiteness (without pants on)
Whiteness (with pants on but still showing)
Having no pants on in the first place
The contrast of my diapers against my bare legs
The contrast of my diapers against my bare back
The contrast of my diapers against my shirts
Question #10: What things did your brothers do to make you more self-conscious about your diapered butt?
(Check all that apply.)
Comment on how my diapered butt looked (no pants on)
Comment on how my diapered butt looked (pants on)
Comment on my poop/poop smells/farts
Pat my diapered butt
Slap my diapered butt
Snap waistband of plastic pants
Snap waistbands of multiple underpants
Drop things down into my diapers from behind
Casually look at my diapered butt
Go out of his way to see my diapered butt
"Pants" me to expose my diapers
Yank my diapers down/off to expose my bare butt
Take pictures of me from behind
Compare his butt to mine

Skip if not applicable to you.

What things did your sisters do to make you more self-conscious about your diapered butt?
(Check all that apply.)
Comment on how my diapered butt looked (no pants on)
Comment on how my diapered butt looked (pants on)
Comment on my poop/poop smells/farts
Pat my diapered butt
Slap my diapered butt
Snap waistband of plastic pants
Snap waistbands of multiple underpants
Drop things down into my diapers from behind
Casually look at my diapered butt
Go out of her way to see my diapered butt
"Pants" me to expose my diapers
Yank my diapers down/off to expose my bare butt
Take pictures of me from behind
Compare her butt to mine
Skip if not applicable to you.

Describe what made you more self-conscious about your diapered butt than other parts of your body where diapers were concerned:

Explain how your feelings of self-consciousness regarding your diapered butt compared to your feelings about your diapered front side and why you had different feelings and concerns about each:

At what age did you begin to think about how your diapered butt looked to other people and other impressions they were getting from seeing your diapered butt. What were your concerns?

Describe the places in which you are most apt to feel conspicious about your diapered butt and why you are concerned when you are in these areas. List other factors such as pantsless, the people who were present, how they have treated you in the past, etc.

List and describe the ways In which you exhibited self-consciousness towards your diapered butt while not wearing pants:

List and describe the ways In which you exhibited self-consciousness towards your diapered butt while wearing pants:

List and describe the ways that made your diapered butt so conspicuous (easily seen and easy to draw attention to from others):

List and describe the things did your brothers did to make you more self-conscious about your diapered butt:

List and describe the things did your sisters did to make you more self-conscious about your diapered butt:

How did you feel about what others noticed or pointed out regarding your diapered butt? How did you feel about others (including your sisters and brothers) not having so much attention drawn to their butts or having different kinds of attention drawn to their butts?

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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