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Question of the Week

Question of the Week Information

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Note- the first few questions are standard questions that are asked each week. The new questions appear just past these standard questions.

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your Age:
What kinds of diapers do you wear?
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers
Single plastic pants- plain
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored
Multiple plastic pants- plain
Multiple plastic pants- patterned/colored
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How often are you pantsless while in diapers at home?
Always (100% of the time)
Usually (75% of the time)
Sometimes (50% of the time)
Rarely (25% of the time)
Never (0% of the time)
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How do you regularly use your diapers?
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How many older sisters do you have?
More than three
How many younger sisters do you have?
More than three
Describe your appearance and your usual or current state of dress, including diaper type, quantity, color, and condition:
Describe your brothers' appearance and his/their usual or current state of dress, including diaper types, quantity, color, and condition (if known):
Describe your sisters' appearance and her/their usual or current state of dress:

The Question of the Week for January 25, 2009:

Question #1: As a young boy (between ages 4 and 12), what was the longest time you wore poopy diapers?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All boys who wear diapers and adult males who regularly wore diapers beyond babyhood/toddlerhood.

Less than 5 minutes
5 to 10 minutes
10 to 15 minutes
15 to 20 minutes
20 to 30 minutes
30 to 45 minutes
45 minutes to one hour
1 to 2 hours
2 to 3 hours
3 to 4 hours
4 to 6 hours
6 to 12 hours
12 to 24 hours
1 to 2 days
More than 2 days

This and all of the following questions will pertain to when you were a young boy (age 12 and under).

Question #2: How old were you at the time (choose more than one age if this occured at different times in your boyhood)
(Check all that apply.)
Question #3: Which parts of your diapers were covered in poop by the time you were finally changed? Part B: Which parts of your body were covered in poop?
(Check all that apply.)
Lower seat
Middle seat
Upper seat
Back half of crotch
Front half of crotch
Lower front
Middle front
Upper front
Lower/mid buttocks
Upper buttocks
Crotch behind balls
Crotch in front of balls
Base of penis
Shaft/head of penis
Question #4: Was were the results from wearing poopy diapers for so long?
(Check all that apply.)
Minor rash
Moderate rash
Severe rash
Diapers leaking from pee volume
Diapers leaking from poop volume
Stronger pee odors than usual
Stronger poop odors than usual
Question #5: What were the reasons for wearing poopy diapers for so long?
(Check all that apply.)
Nobody was around to change my diapers
Diaper changer refused to change my diapers
Dare, bet, contest, etc.
To test my endurance
To test diaper's capacity or endurance
Ran out of clean diapers
No opportunity to change diapers (e.g. while traveling)
There was no place for my diapers to be changed
Did not want others to know I had diapers on
Present circumstances were not suited for a diaper change
There was no place to dispose of the poopy diapers
Question #6: Who had witnessed you going unchanged for so long?
(Check all that apply.)
Older sisters
Younger sisters
Older brothers
Younger brothers
Boy cousins
Girl cousins
Adult relatives
Other boys
Other girls
Other adults
Question #7: Who was responsible for changing your diapers at the time of the incident?
(Check all that apply.)
Older sister
Younger sister
Older brother
Younger brother
Girl babysitter
Boy babysitter
Adult babysitter
Other boy
Other girl
Other adult
Question #8: While you were diapered and remained unchanged, for how much of this time were you pantsless?
(Check only one.)
All of the time (less than one hour in poopy diapers)
Most of the time (less than one hour in poopy diapers)
Some of the time (less than one hour in poopy diapers)
None of the time (less than one hour in poopuy diapers)
All of the time (1 to 6 hours in poopy diapers)
Most of the time (1 to 6 hours in poopy diapers)
Some of the time (1 to 6 hours in poopy diapers)
None of the time (1 to 6 hours in poopy diapers)
All of the time (6 to 24 hours in poopy diapers)
Most of the time (6 to 24 hours in poopy diapers)
Some of the time (6 to 24 hours in poopy diapers)
None of the time (6 to 24 hours in poopy diapers)
All of the time (Over 24 hours in poopy diapers)
Most of the time (Over 24 hours in poopy diapers)
Some of the time (Over 24 hours in poopy diapers)
None of the time (Over 24 hours in poopy diapers)

The time interval in parenthesis indicates the amount of time you spent wearing poopy diapers, not necessarily the time you spent pantsless while in poopy diapers

Question #9: For which reasons did you not change your diapers yourself?
(Check all that apply.)
I would have been punished for it
I was restrained
There was no place for me to change
I did not know how to change myself
I would have done a poor job
My diapers were too difficult for me to remove
There were no clean diapers available
I would not have been able to change w/o others knowing
I would not have been able to dispose of the poopy diapers
It was for a dare, bet, contest, etc.
It was for a test of self endurance
It was a test for the diapers' endurance
I was too sick/weak to do it myself
I was feeling depressed or upset
Question #10: How much poop would you estimate there was in your diapers by the time they were changed?
(Check only one.)
1/8 of a quart (4 ounces)
1/4 quart (8 ounces, 1/2 pint)
1/2 quart (16 ounces, 1 pint)
3/4 quart (24 ounces, 1 1/2 pints)
1 quart (32 ounces, 2 pints)
1 1/2 quarts (48 ounces, 3 pints)
2 quarts (64 ounces, 4 pints, 1/2 gallon)
More than 2 quarts

For a basis of comparison, picture an oil can, jug/carton of milk, etc. for an estimate. For those of you who use metric, substitute liters for quarts.

Where were you (include all places you had been in this time) when you went unchanged for so long?
(Check all that apply.)
School bus
Riding in car with family
Riding in car with someone else
Traveling (air, train, etc.)
Other public places
Outdoor recreation
Friend's house
Relative's house

What were the circumstances surrounding the reasons you were in poopy diapers for so long? Include details such as how long you went unchanged, why you went unchanged, how old you were at the time, where it occurred, etc.

What were the physical results of being unchanged for so long? Include details such as rashes, the condition of your diapers, the extent of the smells, etc.

What were the psychological results of being unchanged for so long? Include details such as embarrassment, fear of it happening again, etc.

List the people who witnessed you going unchanged for so long. How did they react? Who was responsible for changing you and why did she or he not change you?

What kinds of diapers and how many diapers were you wearing at the time? Were they plain white diapers? Also indicate if you were pantsless and for how much of the time you did not have any pants on and why:

Describe the extent of the poop volume in your diapers and how much of your diapers the poop had spread to cover. Which parts of your body were covered in poop? How much poop would you estimate there was in your diapers? Also state you age/size as this would be relevant to the poop volume.

Why did the person(s) who were responsible for your diaper changes not change you?

Explain why you did not change your own diapers at the time:

Explain why you did not at least remove your diapers and sit on the toilet even if you could have done so:

Describe other times either during your early boyhood, your teens or your adult years when you wore poopy diapers for an extended period and why. Include all other details you can think of:

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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