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Question of the Week

Question of the Week Information

View Results from Previous Questions of the Week

Note- the first few questions are standard questions that are asked each week. The new questions appear just past these standard questions.

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your Age:
What kinds of diapers do you wear?
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers
Single plastic pants- plain
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored
Multiple plastic pants- plain
Multiple plastic pants- patterned/colored
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How often are you pantsless while in diapers at home?
Always (100% of the time)
Usually (75% of the time)
Sometimes (50% of the time)
Rarely (25% of the time)
Never (0% of the time)
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How do you regularly use your diapers?
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How many older sisters do you have?
More than three
How many younger sisters do you have?
More than three
Describe your appearance and your usual or current state of dress, including diaper type, quantity, color, and condition:
Describe your brothers' appearance and his/their usual or current state of dress, including diaper types, quantity, color, and condition (if known):
Describe your sisters' appearance and her/their usual or current state of dress:

The Question of the Week for November 30, 2008:

Question #1: Do you think being kept in diapers throughout your boyhood affected or influenced your sexual development?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All boys who wear diapers and adult males who regularly wore diapers beyond babyhood/toddlerhood.

Very much
A little
Not at all
Question #2: Do you think being kept in diapers throughout your boyhood led to developing homosexual feelings?
(Check only one.)
Very much
A little
Not necessarily
Not at all (diapers had nothing to do with my homosexuality)
Not at all (I have no homosexual feelings)
Question #3: Did you think your early sexual feelings towards diapers interfered with your"normal" sexual feelings towards girls?
(Check only one.)
Very much
A little
Not at all
Question #4: In what ways do you think your early sexual feelings towards diapers interfered with your sexual feelings towards girls?
(Check all that apply.)
Conflicted (not sure if I liked diapers or girls more)
Delayed (diapers came first, then girls)
Diminished (diapers overshadowed feelings towards girls)
Eliminated(diapers overtook hetero feelings and made me gay)
Altered (how I like girls to interact w/ me and my diapers)
Question #5: Part A: At what age did you first make a reasonably understood and readily recognizable connection between your sexual feelings and your diapers?

Part B: At what age did you realize that this was not normal or that you were"not like other boys"?

Part C: Did you ever wish you could have developed"normal" sexual feelings after realizing you were different?
(Check only one.)

Part A:
Under 8
Over 16
Under 8

Part B:
Over 16

Part C:
In some ways
Not necessarily
Not at all
Question #6: Other than stimuli related to diaper changes, which diaper-related stimuli from your own diapers did you recognize as causing sexual a response at an early age?
(Check all that apply.)
The overall appearance of myself in my diapers
The physical properties of my diapers (e.g. thickness)
The feel of my diapers
Thinking about my diapers
Hearing others talk about my diapers
The feel of peeing in my diapers
The smell of peeing in my diapers
The thought of peeing in my diapers
Hearing others talk about me peeing in my diapers
The feel of pooping in my diapers
The smell of pooping in my diapers
The thought of pooping in my diapers
Hearing others talk about me pooping in my diapers
My bare legs from being in diapers and being pantsless
My bare chest from being in diapers and being shirtless
Question #7: Which diaper-related stimuli from other boys' diapers did you recognize as causing sexual a response at an early age?
(Check all that apply.)
The overall appearance of themselves in their diapers
Seeing the physical properties of their diapers on them
The feel of their diapers (when they are wearing them)
Thinking about them wearing diapers
Hearing others talk about them wearing diapers
The smell of them peeing in their diapers
The thought of them peeing in their diapers
Hearing others talk about them peeing in their diapers
The smell of them pooping in their diapers
The thought of them pooping in their diapers
Hearing others talk about them pooping in their diapers
The thought of pooping in my diapers
Their bare legs from being in diapers and being pantsless
Their bare chests from being in diapers and being shirtless
Having me change their diapers
Watching someone else change their diapers
Question #8: Who else recognized that your diapers affected your sexual development?
(Check all that apply.)
School counselor/psychologist
Other school official
Medical doctor
Other clinicians/professionals
Other boys
Other girls
Other adults
Question #9: Part A: How frequently are diapers the focus on your sexual thoughts and/or masturbation sessions? Part B: Are diapers a necessity for your sexual stimulation?
(Check only one.)

Part A:

Part B:
Not necessarily but they help
Not at all
Question #10: Part A: What would you rather have looked at when you were 12 years old (or now, if you are younger?) if you were given one and only one disctinct choice of viewing material?

Part B: When you were a young boy did you think liking to see boys in diapers necessarily meant you were gay?
(Check only one.)

Part A:
Pictures of diapered boys
Pictures of naked women
Pictures of naked men

Part B:
I never gave it any such thought
Regardless of your sexual orientation, in which non-tactile (i.e. no physical contact) ways did girls (including sisters) arouse you sexually as a young boy as far as interacting with your diapers was concerned?
(Check all that apply.)
Seeing girls in pants when I had only diapers on
Seeing girls in shorts when I had only diapers on
Seeing girls in underwear when I had diapers on
Seeing girls naked or nearly naked when I had diapers on
Listening to girls talk about how I looked in diapers
Listening to girls talk about how my diapers smelled
Listening to girls talk about how they don't wear diapers
Listening to girls talk about their superior hygiene
Listening to girls point out the properties of my diapers
Having girls tease me about my diapers
Watching girls use the toilet when I could not
Watching girls handle my diapers (folding, pinning, etc.)
Having girls not let me wear any pants
Having girls read me diaper stories
Other non-tactile interactions with girls

How you think wearing diapers throughout your boyhood affected your overall sexual development?

How you think your sexuality might have developed had you NOT been in diapers throughout your boyhood?

How you think wearing diapers throughout your boyhood contributed to any homosexual feelings you developed, no matter how slight, subtle or vague such feelings might be? Indicate if such feelings changed, increased or decreased/disappeared over time.

How do you think wearing diapers throughout your boyhood interfered with your development of sexual feelings towards girls (i.e. if diapers took precedence). If you are gay, how do you think your sexuality towards girls might have turned out without the influence of diapers?

Regardless of your sexual orientation, explain how as a young boy (ages 12 and under) you think wearing diapers contributed to or influenced your feelings towards girls, including the roles you liked girls (including sisters) to serve and how you liked to see them dressed when they interacted with you and your diapers:

How old were you when you first recognized that diapers gave you sexual feelings? Which elements did you recognize as being causes for sexual feelings? How old were you when you realized that you were"not like other boys" because of your sexual feelings towards diapers? How did you come to this realization? Did you ever wish you could have had"normal" sexu

List the other people who recognized that your diapers affected your sexuality. How did these people recognize the affects of your diapers on your sexuality? What were their concerns, if any?

How frequently are diapers the focus of your sexual thoughts/imagery, including what you use or think about for masturbation? How well do you function or perform sexually (incl. masturbation) in the absence of diapers? Do you consider diapers to be a necessity for sexual arousal? If you think about"normal" sex, how do you respond?

Explain why you would have rather looked at diapered boys than naked women or men when you were a young boy, or if you would have preferred one of the other choices. How did you feel when you did see pictures of naked women or men? Explain why liking to look at diapered boys may or may not have meant you were gay. Did your family or your peers influence this sort of thinking and if so, how?

As a young boy (age 12 and younger), what did you like about girls (including sisters) and the way they interacted with you and your diapers?

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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