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Question of the Week

Question of the Week Information

View Results from Previous Questions of the Week

Note- the first few questions are standard questions that are asked each week. The new questions appear just past these standard questions.

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your Age:
What kinds of diapers do you wear?
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers
Single plastic pants- plain
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored
Multiple plastic pants- plain
Multiple plastic pants- patterned/colored
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How often are you pantsless while in diapers at home?
Always (100% of the time)
Usually (75% of the time)
Sometimes (50% of the time)
Rarely (25% of the time)
Never (0% of the time)
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How do you regularly use your diapers?
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)

The Question of the Week for February 10, 2008:

Question #1: As a young boy (before age 13), how often (except for school) did you leave the house because of wearing diapers?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All boys who wear diapers and adult males who regularly wore diapers beyond babyhood/toddlerhood.

I only left the house when it was absolutely necessary
I occasionally left the house
I sometimes left the house
I often left the house
Question #2: Other than for going to school, how often did you leave the house with pants on over your diapers?
(Check only one.)
A few times per week
Once a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Once every two months
Once every three months
Less than once every three months
Less than once every six months
Less than once a year
Question #3: For which reasons did you not leave the house?
(Check all that apply.)
I had no pants to wear over my diapers
I was afraid others would see my diapers (no pants on)
I was afraid others would see my diapers (with pants on)
I was afraid my diapers would leak
I was afraid I would smell bad
I was grounded and diapers were used as enforcement
I am wheelchair bound, so leaving is difficult
Question #4: Which activities did you regularly have to miss out on (that others didn't) because you were stuck at home in diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Going to the movies
Going out to sporting events, concerts, etc.
Going out to eat
Going to the store
Visiting friends
Visiting other family members
Going to the park
Going to the fair, carnival, etc.
Going swimming
Going out to play sports
Playing in the back yard
Riding my bike
Going to the beach
Going camping
Other outdoor recreation (boating, fishing, etc.)
Question #5: Who in your family regularly got to go out and do the things you could not do because you were stuck at home in diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Older sisters
Younger sisters
Older brothers
Younger brothers
Question #6: Who stayed home with you while the others went out?
(Check all that apply.)
I was alone
Older sister
Younger sister
Older brother (also stuck in diapers)
Younger brother (also stuck in diapers)
Older brother (not stuck in diapers)
Younger brother (not stuck in diapers)
Teen female babysitter
Preteen female babysitter
Teen male babysitter
Preteen male babysitter
Other adult
Other boy
Other girl
Question #7: How are you"compensated", or how do you make up for not being able or allowed to leave the house because of your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Family brings home movie/game rentals for me
Family brings home movie/game purchases for me
Family brings home my meals to go from restaurants
Friends come to visit me
I only go out to play in the yard when it's dark
I only ride in the car at night
I go to friends houses in just my diapers
I go to other family members' houses in just my diapers
I go to some public places in just my diapers
Question #8: Part A: Which of the following appointments did you less often than you could have or should have gone to because of being stuck at home in diapers all the time?

Part B: How was your diaper-wearing situation handled when you needed to see a doctor, dentist, etc.?

Part C: How was your diaper-wearing situation handled when you needed to get your hair cut?
(Check all that apply.)

Part A:
Doctors (GP)
Eye doctors

Part B:
I usually had pants on anyway, so I left the house as normal
I was given some pants to wear before leaving the house
I went there in just my diapers
They came to my house and I just had my diapers on

Part C:
I usually had pants on anyway, so I left the house as normal
I was given some pants to wear before leaving the house
I went there in just my diapers
They came to my house and I just had my diapers on
My mother cuts my hair at home
My father cuts my hair at home
My hair is left to grow long since I can't go out often
Question #9: Part A: Are/were you home-schooled or privately tutored because you are/were always stuck at home in your diapers?

Part B: How is/was your schooling handled? (multiple answers enabled as more than one situation could apply over time)
(Check only one.)

Part A:
Yes, because of diapers
Yes, but for other reasons, too
Yes, but not because of diapers

Part B:
I'm taught at home by my parents (I wear pants)
I'm taught at home by my parents (I do not wear pants)
I'm taught at home by a private tutor (I wear pants)
I'm taught at home by a private tutor (I do not wear pants)
I go to a private tutor (with pants on)
I go to a private tutor (with no pants on)
I go to a special school (with pants on)
I go to a special school (with no pants on)
I go to a"regular" public school
I go to a"regular" private school
Question #10: Part A: If and when you are given pants to wear over your diapers or are allowed to wear pants, whose pants are they? Part B: What kinds of pants are they?
(Check all that apply.)

Part A:
Pants that used to belong to my brother
Pants that used to belong to my sister
Pants that still belong to my brother
Pants that still belong to my sister
Pants of my own that I ONLY wear when leaving the house
Pants of my own that I wear any time

Part B:
Other long pants
Question #11: What other characteristics are there about the pants you wear for going out with diapers on?
(Check all that apply.)
They are hand-me-downs from my sister
They are hand-me-downs from my brother
They are hand-me-downs from another family member
They were bought used
They are of cheap (inferior) quality
They are out of style
They are not a well-known name brand
They have holes/tears
They are faded
They have patches
They have visible stains
They are too long for my legs
They are too short for my legs
They only fit with my diapers on and would not fit otherwise
They cannot be zipped/buttoned because of my thick diapers
Question #12: Where have you been while in public with just diapers on?
(Check all that apply.)
Riding in the car (daytime)
Riding my bike (daytime)
Riding my bike (nighttime)
Movie theater
Parking lot (daytime)
Parking lot (nighttime)
School (other than locker room)
Doctor (other than during examination)
Public swimming pool (other than locker room)
Other outdoor recreation (boating, fishing, etc.)
Hotel/motel lobby

Explain the limitations you faced with leaving the house because of wearing diapers and having no pants to wear. Under what circumstances did you leave the house while in diapers without pants on? Why did you still not wear any pants over your diapers?

Provide details regarding the reasons you did not leave the house while wearing diapers:

List the activities you have had to miss out on because you were stuck at home in diapers with no pants to wear when others in your family could go out. How did you feel about this? How did you pass your time at home instead?

How do your sisters treat you when they get to go out and you don't because you are stuck at home in your diapers? How do you feel about them going out and the way they treat you for not getting to leave the house? How often did they stay home with you to babysit you for being stuck in diapers? What was it like when they did this?

How do your brothers treat you when they get to go out and you don't because you are stuck at home in your diapers? How do you feel about them going out and the way they treat you for not getting to leave the house? If they stayed home with you, were they under the same cirsumstances as you, or did they also stay home to babysit you?

Provide details on how you are compensated or how you make up for not being able or allowed to leave the house because of being stuck at home in your diapers. How do you feel about these compensations/adjustments? If you do go to public places in just diapers, explain what this is like and how others react:

How were appointments such as seeing doctors and getting haircuts handled? Did you see these people less often because you were usually stuck at home in your diapers? Did any of these people make house calls, or did someone in your family cut your hair at home, etc.? Did they see you in just your diapers?

Describe how your schooling is handled in regards to you wearing diapers. If you are taught at home, how is this arranged? If you are/were taken to a tutor or a special school, explain how this is/was handled and if you were still in just your diapers:

If you are given pants to wear or are allowed to wear pants for leaving the house, whose pants are they or who once wore them? How many pairs of your do you have and are they a nice pair or just something to wear over your diapers for the sake of decency? Are they larger pants to fit over your diapers that would not fit you without diapers on? Where are the pants kept when you are not wearing them?

List the places you have been while in just diapers while in public. Indicate whether it was day or night and if anyone saw you, how they reacted, etc.

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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