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The Question of the Week for May 27, 2007:

At what age did you begin to realize that most other kids around you were out of diapers when you were still in diapers yourself?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All boys and adult males who wore diapers around kids younger than them who were out of diapers themselves

7 or older
Did you first notice more boys or more girls being out of diapers before you were out of diapers (if ever)?
(Check only one.)
About the same
Boys because there were no girls around
Boys because there were no other boys around
Couldn't tell because there were no other kids around
How old was the first kid younger than you who was out of diapers when you were still in diapers?
(Check only one.)
2- girl
3- girl
4- girl
2- boy
3- boy
4- boy
5- boy
6- boy
Who were the younger kids who were out of diapers when you were still in diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Girl cousins
Friends of sister
Sisters of friends
Girls in daycare
Other girls
Boy cousins
Friends of brother
Brothers of friend
Boys in daycare
Other boys

Please note use of hyphen in"girl-friend" and"boy-friend".

How did you know when girls younger than you were out of diapers when you were still in diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
I saw them using the toilet
I saw them going into the bathroom
They talked about being out of diapers/being toilet trained
Their parents (incl. your own) talked about it to others
Their parents (incl. your own) talked to you about it
They showed me their"big girl" underwear (while wearing it)
They showed me their"big girl" underwear (in a drawer,etc.)
I saw them in their underwear (not wearing diapers)
I saw their underwear (in a drawer, etc.)
How did you know when boys younger than you were out of diapers when you were still in diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
I saw them using the toilet
I saw them going into the bathroom
They talked about being out of diapers/being toilet trained
Their parents (incl. your own) talked about it to others
Their parents (incl. your own) talked to you about it
They showed me their"big boy" underwear (while wearing it)
They showed me their"big boy" underwear (in a drawer,etc.)
I saw them in their underwear (not wearing diapers)
I saw their underwear (in a drawer, etc.)
At what age did kids younger than you begin teasing you about still wearing diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
16 or older
Which kids younger than you teased you about your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Girl cousins
Friends of sister
Sisters of friends
Girls in daycare
Girls in school
Other girls
Boy cousins
Friends of brother
Brothers of friend
Boys in daycare
Boys in school
Other boys

Please note use of hyphen in"girl-friend" and"boy-friend".

Which kids younger than you asked you questions or talked to you about your diapers (but didn't necessarily do so in a teasing fashion)?
(Check all that apply.)
Girl cousins
Friends of sister
Sisters of friends
Girls in daycare
Girls in school
Other girls
Boy cousins
Friends of brother
Brothers of friend
Boys in daycare
Boys in school
Other boys

Please note use of hyphen in"girl-friend" and"boy-friend".

Which kids younger than you and out of diapers themselves, got to see you in your diapers (without pants on)?
(Check all that apply.)
Girl cousins
Friends of sister
Sisters of friends
Girls in daycare
Girls in school
Other girls
Boy cousins
Friends of brother
Brothers of friend
Boys in daycare
Boys in school
Other boys

Please note use of hyphen in"girl-friend" and"boy-friend".

Which kinds of diapers did kids younger than you and out of diapers themselves see you wearing (without pants on)?
(Check all that apply.)
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers

Describe the details of what you remember when you first came to realize that there were more kids than younger than you who were no longer wearing diapers. Were these kids boys or girls and who were they? How did you feel upon realizing that you were in diapers and they weren't?

What observations did you make between boys and girls who were out of diapers when you were still in diapers? How did boys versus girls act about it? How did boys versus girls treat you for still wearing diapers yourself?

Describe details (age, gender, relationship to you) of the first kid(s) you knew who were no longer wearing diapers when you were still in diapers yourself.

Describe details (age, gender, relationship to you) of all the other kids you knew who were no longer wearing diapers when you were still in diapers yourself.

Describe the details of what you remember from seeing girls younger than you who were out of diapers, the things they said and did to indicate they were out of diapers (and/or their parents and other adults) and how this made you feel.

Describe the details of what you remember from seeing boys younger than you who were out of diapers, the things they said and did to indicate they were out of diapers (and/or their parents and other adults) and how this made you feel.

Describe the first time a girl or girls teased you or talked to you/asked you questions about wearing diapers. What did they say/ask and how did you react/feel about it? Did they see you in diapers, getting changed, etc. at the time? What did they say about the appearance of your diapers, your pee/poop, smells, etc., if anything?

Describe the first time a boy or boys teased you or talked to you/asked you questions about wearing diapers. What did they say/ask and how did you react/feel about it? Did they see you in diapers, getting changed, etc. at the time? What did they say about the appearance of your diapers, your pee/poop, smells, etc., if anything?

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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