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The Question of the Week for March 18, 2007:

As a young boy (before age 13), how often did you wear pants over your diapers?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All boys and adult males who wear or wore diapers


This question only applies to home and excludes cold weather.

As a young boy (before age 13), how often did you wear a shirt with your diapers (while not wearing pants)?
(Check only one.)

This question only applies to home and excludes cold weather.

As a young boy (before age 13), how often did you wear socks while in just diapers (no pants)?
(Check only one.)

This question only applies to home and not during cold weather

As a young boy (before age 13), what kinds of pants did you wear over your diapers (in and out of the house)?
(Check all that apply.)
Other long pants
Short shorts (the kind boys used to wear)
Semi-shorts (the shorts most boys wear today)
Other shorts
Check if you wore these pants when outside of the house only
As a young boy (before age 13), what kinds of shirts did you wear with your diapers (no pants)?
(Check only one.)
Plain white T-shirts (outerwear)
Colored T-shirts
Long-sleeved shirts
Button-up (dress) shirts
Tank tops
How much of your diapers did your shirts leave exposed (when you were not wearing pants)?
(Check only one.)
All (100% exposure of diapers)
Most (75% exposure of diapers or more)
Some (50% exposure of diapers or more)
Little (25% exposure of diapers or less)
None (0% exposure of diapers)

This assumes while standing upright

As a young boy (before age 13), how often did you wear pajama bottoms over your diapers?
(Check only one.)

This question assumes cold weather nights excluded

As a young boy (before age 13), how often did you wear pajama tops?
(Check only one.)
Always (without pajama bottoms)
Always (with pajama bottoms)
Usually (without pajama bottoms)
Usually (with pajama bottoms)
Sometimes (without pajama bottoms)
Sometimes (with pajama bottoms)
Rarely (without pajama bottoms)
Rarely (with pajama bottoms)
Never (without pajama bottoms)
Never (with pajama bottoms)

This question assumes cold weather nights excluded

As a young boy (before age 13), what kinds of shirts did you wear to bed?
(Check all that apply.)
Pajama tops- short sleeve
Pajama tops- long sleeve
Other T-shirt
Night shirt (dorm shirt)
Other shirt
Check if you often wore these shirts without pajama bottoms
In which ways did your diapers still show in spite of having pants on?
(Check all that apply.)
Bulge in butt
Bulge in crotch
Diapers rose above top of pants in rear
Diapers rose above top of pants in front
Diapers showed through leg opening of shorts
What kinds of diapers did you wear while pantsless (and shirtful or shirtless?)
(Check all that apply.)
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers

Describe why you did or did not wear pants over your diapers when you were at home. Describe any times when there were exceptions to what you usually did:

Describe why you did or did not wear pajams bottoms over your diapers at night. Describe any times when there were exceptions to what you usually did:

Describe why you did or did not wear a shirt with your diapers (no pants) during the daytime. If pants were specially excluded but other clothes were allowed, explain why. Describe any times when there were exceptions to what you usually did:

Describe why you did or did not wear a pajama top or nighttime shirt with your diapers (no pants) during nighttime. If pajama bottoms or other pants were specially excluded but other nightclothes were allowed, explain why:

What kinds of shirts did you wear while in just your diapers during the daytime? What kinds of shirts did you wear while in just your diapers at night?

What kinds of socks did you wear while in just your diapers (day or night?) For which reasons did you wear socks?

What kinds of diapers (type, color/style and quantity of multiples) did you wear while pantsless during the day? At night?

Describe how much your diapers showed above your pants and in which areas they showed the most. Describe the extent of the diaper bulges in the rear and in the crotch. Describe how much your diapers showed through your shorts' leg openings. Include details on whose observations these were based on (including your own):

At what ages were you pantsless and in diapers the most and why? At what ages were you shirtless the most and why? What brought about changes to the amount of time you spent in diapers pantsless and/or shirtless?

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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