Forever in Diapers

Summaries: Parts 51-60

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50
51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100
101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150
151-160 161-170 171-180 181-190 191-200

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Summaries Parts 41-50

Part 51 (Saturday, July 3, 1993)

Chris and Tony have several sleepovers together during the nights following their return from summer camp. Each of them does this since they both feel that they do not want their friendship to be ruined by the fact that Tony was not selected to appear in the Thickies diaper advertising. As Tony is receiving an abundant supply of Thickies disposable diapers as compensation for his not being selected, his sister Kara starts using them three at a time on him, knowing that this helps him to feel better as well. One night while at Tony's house the boys can't sleep, so they decide to go out on an overnight bike ride. They decide to do this since it is dark and nobody will see them in their diapers. For Chris, he welcomes the opportunity and decides to accept the risk of being caught since, due to being in nothing but his diapers for the past few summers, he hasn't had very many opportunities to go bike-riding. He decides that this is the only way he can get out on his bike like he used to do. Since Chris' bike is in the garage at his house, the boys have to ride together on Tony's bike over to his house. As they arrive they discover a car parked close to Chris' house. The windows are steamed up and the car is shaking, so it's obvious to Chris and Tony what is going on in the car. The occupants get out of the car soon afterwards, forcing Chris and Tony to hide. They wait until it is safe to proceed. When the driver of the car leaves, the boys discover that it was Lisa who was in the car with him. They watch Lisa go back into Chris' house. After a couple more minutes pass by, the boys decide to make their way into the garage.

Part 52

Chris tries to sneak into the garage through its back door as quietly as possible. Because the door squeaks, he throws it open quickly. Upon doing this the door hits a metal garbage can, which crashes noisily. The boys flee to the neighbor's yard so that nobody catches them. A few minutes later they go back over. Chris goes into the garage while Tony listens for activity from inside the house. Upon detecting activity he turns off the light and runs out the back door. Chris hides behind the car. His dad comes out into the garage and looks for burglars whom he suspects might have been trying to break in. After Chris' dad returns to the house Chris decides to abort this mission and get his bike at a later time. Just as he is exiting the garage Lisa catches him. They go out to the gazebo in the back yard to talk about what was going on. Lisa threatens to tell on Chris, only for Chris to counter-threaten to tell on Lisa for what he saw her doing with her boyfriend in his car. When the boys head back to Tony's house they have a close call with being confronted by a police officer. They manage to escape detection and make it back to Tony's house. Upon getting there Chris changes Tony's diapers for him. Tony, however, decides that because Chris' diapers are on him so thick and with so many pins stuck into them, to leave his diapers unchanged until morning and Chris agrees with this as they would be up past three in the morning.

Part 53 (Sunday, July 4, 1993)

Kara's friend Christie comes over to spend the day with Kara. Chris takes a moment to reflect back on the times Christie has seen him in his diapers while at Tony's house. On this particular morning, Kara and Christie come into Tony's bedroom to wake the boys as it was past ten in the morning and they were still asleep because of being awake until nearly three in the morning. Christie is very astonished and impressed by the magnitude of Chris' diapers since she has never seen him wearing the Thickies diapers before. Kara mentions that she has a bet, actually a proposition, in that if Christie could change Chris' diapers Kara would buy for Christie a Barbie doll set that she didn't get for her birthday. Christie then begins to remove Chris' diapers. Having no experience in changing diapers, she is hesitant as she approaches Chris and his dirty diapers. She has difficulties with dealing with all the pins and diaper layers. She also finds the smells and the feel of the wet and dirty diapers to be very difficult to handle. It is at this time she announces that she may have to get used to this sort of thing as her mother has recently announced that she has a baby on the way. Christie's unfamiliarity with boys is further evidenced by her curiosity about boys having erections. Christie does all she can to tolerate the smell and the texture of Chris' poop, but she decides that she can't do it. In spite of this, Kara feels that Christie still deserves the Barbie set for having gotten as far as she did. Kara takes into account the fact that Chris was unusually heavily diapered and was excessively messy. While Chris is still naked and with an erection, he lets loose a pee stream and gets Christie's shirt and shorts wet. Christie decides she wants to goes home to change her clothes. Kara tells her to wait since she is nearly finished with Chris' diaper change, after which they could go get the Barbie doll set at the store. Kara then changes Tony's diapers. During this diaper change Tony and Chris confess to the previous night's activities when Kara inquires about their sleeping late and the fact that Tony's diapers had been changed since she had the previous night. She agrees not to tell on the boys as long as they go to the toy store with her wearing just their diapers.

Part 54

As Chris and Tony prepare to leave with Kara and Christie, Chris takes note of the newspaper's headline which reports that four suspects involved in burglaries in their own neighborhood had been arrested. The article reports that the activity where the police had chased the suspects occurred in the same area where Chris and Tony were the previous night. The boys reluctantly venture out to the street and follow the two girls for the five-block walk to Christie's house. As it is the Fourth of July and a Sunday, many families were home and the hot weather brought most of the neighborhood kids out to play. This results in a lot of staring and laughter. Chris then comes to a nearly four- year-old boy who is playing in his yard wearing only Pull-Ups. The boy asks Chris about his diapers and Chris answers all his questions. Chris also makes an effort to encourage this boy to remain in diapers and to resist his parents' efforts to toilet train him. Chris and Tony reach Christie's house. Christie introduces her two sisters, Marcie, age 13, and Courtney, age five. Kara goes with Christie to her bedroom where she changes her clothes. In the meantime Marcie offers the boys a seat and some sodas to drink while they wait for Kara and Christie. Marcie asks the boys a lot of questions about their diapers, especially Chris as his diapers are more prominent. After several minutes pass by, Chris and Tony wonder what is keeping Kara and Christie. Marcie gets up to go check. At this time the mother comes home and unexpectedly only sees Chris and Tony sitting on the couch in diapers. She has never met them before. The boys receive a cold reception from the mother once she find out that one of them is Tony, being familiar with and disapproving of his wearing diapers. The lady then orders Chris and Tony to leave at once as she is disgusted by having them in her house and for just being "indecent." As the boys leave they decide to take the alley to avoid being seen by all the kids on the street. In doing so they go through the back yard. Christie's little sister Courtney and her friend see Chris and Tony in their diapers and laugh at the boys for wearing diapers. Chris and Tony return to Tony's house, where they are bored and tired. Tony then perks up and suggests that they go get Chris' bike as they had originally intended to do the previous night and then go buy some more fireworks.

Part 55

Chris hops on with Tony as they share his one bike while riding over to Chris' house. Chris enjoys the view of Tony's diapered butt as they ride through the neighborhood and attract the attention of the several kids who are still outside playing. They also attract the attention of some adults, including an old lady who admonishes the boys to get some pants on. The boys rode by the same boy they had seen in Pull-Ups, this time wearing a regular diaper. Chris and Tony were curious as to why he was in a diaper now, but didn't have a chance to stop and talk to him. Next they run onto Kara and Christie. The boys ask the girls about not going to the toy store with them because they were sent home first. The girls decide to excuse the boys on account of the circumstances and assure them that they won't get snitched on for the previous night's post-curfew run in diapers. The boys keep riding until they approach the busy main street where they will have to go in order to buy the fireworks they're wanting. Chris is reluctant to venture out into view of so many people driving by, but soon gives in and agrees to do it in spite of being further inhibited by the crowd of people at the fireworks stand. As expected, the people in the crowd stare at Chris and Tony with having only diapers on. Chris spots Megan in the crowd. She approaches Chris and Tony once her attention is drawn to them by their diapers. They walk back together. During this time they talk about how each other's summers are going. Chris and Tony talk about the summer camp as well as the fact that Chris, but not Tony, was chosen to appear in the Thickies diaper advertisements. Megan mentions that the three-year-old boy she babysits is still in diapers. This comes as good news to Chris and Tony. Megan invites Chris and Tony to join her and her family for a barbecue and fireworks. The boys accept the invitation in spite of Megan's recommendation that they get some shorts on. They agree to call Megan after they ask their parents. The boys part ways with Megan and they head for Chris' house. Chris talks to his Dad who is out in the back yard painting the fence. His dad informs the boys of the barbecue that they are having. Chris figures that he'd better stick around with his own family and decides that by doing so he won't have to put any shorts on like he and Tony would have to do if they were to go to Megan's house. Chris then calls Megan to tell her that he can't come to her house, even though he never seeks permission from his parents for it. Megan readily accept this. The boys then cool off in front of the air conditioner. Tony takes off his diaper and allows the cool air to blow on his genitals. While Tony has his diaper off and is naked he takes advantage of the situation and masturbates by handling his bare penis. At the same time Chris is getting aroused. After Tony relieves himself Chris' sisters both come in through the front door and catch the boys in the middle of their sexual activities. Tony then realizes he has to pee, and without a diaper on, he quickly makes a run for Chris' room to use his diaper pail, the closest he ever comes to using a toilet. Cindy then comes into the room and changes both of the boys' diapers. When this is done Chris and Tony look at all the fireworks that were brought home for the big nighttime sky show.

Part 56

As the barbecue is started, the other guests show up. Gina and Bryce show up. Bryce takes his shorts off immediately so that he can be in just his diapers along with Chris and Tony. While waiting for the food to cook the boys play around in the back yard. Other guests include Tony's mom and his sister Kara, as well as Chuck, Lisa's boyfriend, who was due to show up with Lisa and Betty later on. Chris and Tony team up and play against Gina and Bryce in a game of badminton. During the game the birdie gets hit out of the yard several times and eventually goes across the alley and into the back yard on the other side because of Tony hitting it too hard. Chris and Tony discover the difficulties they are having with getting into the yard as its gate is locked and the fence is too high to easily scale. As Tony was responsible for hitting the birdie, he was the one to retrieve it. Chris helps Tony to get over the fence by giving him a boost. Chris pushes up on Tony's butt, which causes poop to squish out of the leg opening and spill onto Chris' shirt. Because of Tony's diaper leaking, Chris volunteers to scale the fence since his diapers are much thicker and stand no chance of leaking. After Chris finds the birdie and tosses it back over to Tony Chris realizes that he is unable to get out of the yard. The gate is padlocked. Chris locates a wheelbarrow and plans to prop it up against the fence so he can stand on it and get over the fence. At this moment two little boys both in diapers come out into the yard. Chris watches them while he hides around the side of the house. A moment later a swimsuit-clad girl close to Chris' age appears. She is holding a diaper and calling for the older boy to come to he so she can change him. The little boy refuses to let his cousin change him so she chases him around the yard. She is startled when she sees Chris standing there. She asks him what he is doing and why he is in diapers. Chris explains his situation to the girl. She leaves to get a key from her aunt or uncle, who live at the house while she was a visitor. During this time Chris talks to Joey, the older boy (around age 4) who is still in diapers. Chris takes this opportunity to thwart this boy's potty training and to encourage him to keep wearing diapers. The girl comes back to tell Chris that her aunt and uncle couldn't find the key. Chris asks the girl to give him a boost the same way Tony helped him to get in. The girl agrees to doing this. After Chris is out of the yard he returns to his back yard. He finds that Lisa and Betty have shown up in the meantime. Chuck is still due to arrive. Once the food is ready Chris, Tony and the others all sit around to enjoy it. During this time Chuck shows up. Chris expresses his disapproval for Chuck's appearance and his lack of manners. He makes open advances on Lisa in the presence of the others, which embarrasses Lisa. Chuck had brought his electric guitar and a small amp with him. He put on a show, which actually impressed Chris, Tony and Bryce, but it was cut short by Chris' Dad. Chuck's presence is causing tensions between Lisa and Betty, so while they go talk Chuck asks the boys about their diapers. Chuck then starts telling Chris, Tony and Bryce about his sexual encounters, which makes the boys uncomfortable. After Chuck realizes that the boys aren't interested, he questions their sexuality and asks them what they like to think about when they masturbate. Chris used this as an opportunity to tell all to Chuck about his diaper fetish in hopes that it would make him want to dump Lisa. During the fireworks show Chris learns that this worked as Chuck had driven off in a rage. After Lisa gets over the embarrassment that Chuck had caused her she enjoys the fireworks show with the rest of the group.

Part 57 (Sunday, July 11, 1993)

Chris' family gets together to celebrate the birthdays of Cindy, turning 14, and their father. They decide to hold the celebration by having a picnic in the park. Aunt Sharon, Uncle Allen and cousin Suzy join Chris' family for the event. Since Suzy always enjoys changing Chris' diapers Chris is left unchanged that morning so that Suzy could have the honors when she arrived. She changed Chris into his Thickies, making it so that he could wear nothing over his diapers when going to the park. Chris decides to go to the park in just his diapers and his parents let him do this, seeing that he goes around his neighborhood in just his diapers. At the park Chris draws plenty of attention from passersby and other people engaging in various activities. After eating the food and having Cindy and their father open their birthday presents, Chris, Cindy and Suzy go to the playground. Chris' diapered presence draws attention from the dozens of kids who are also playing there. A few of the parents are disgusted, but most of them are merely surprised. Chris doesn't let this bother him and he keeps playing. Chris finds that he has to remove his plastic pants to go down the slide. Eventually his wet diapers are soaked enough to the outside that he leaves a streak of pee behind him on the slide, causing the kids behind him to not want to follow. Shortly after this event Lisa gets her driver's license and she gets a job at a pizza parlor to save money for buying a car.

(Monday, July 20, 1993)

A family moves in next door to Chris' family. While they are moving their belongings into the house a seven-year-old boy named Derek goes around to meet his new neighbors. He comes to the door and Chris answers it wearing only his diapers and a shirt. Derek obviously notices Chris' diapers, but he is slow to mention it to Chris. Eventually he says something about Chris' wearing diapers. He asks to come inside so Chris invites him in. The boy opens up and talks about how his four-year-old brother Steven is still in diapers. He talks about why his family had moved and that his parents had gotten a divorce recently. One of the issues in the divorce was over Derek's mother's way of ignoring Steven's potty training stubbornness and leaving him in diapers instead. Chris sees Derek as a potential diaper- wearer and does several things with the little boy in hopes that he will want to try wearing diapers. Chris shows him his drawings and stories as well as the diapers themselves, but he has difficulty getting Derek to make any strong indication that he wants to try wearing diapers. Chris is determined to do it, anyway, especially with having this boy as his neighbor now. Derek shows some potential interest by reading some of Chris' stories, but never comes right out and says that he wants to try wearing diapers. At this time his older sister Jennie comes over to check on him. Jennie sees Chris in his diapers and asks him the usual questions about it. She tells Chris about Steven and his potty training difficulties. She calls Derek back over with her. Just as Chris prepares to call Tony to tell him about Derek the phone rings and turns out to be Tony calling Chris. After Chris tells Tony about Derek Tony informs Chris that he was selected to be in the Thickies diapers advertising after all. Cindy comes home after this and asks Chris about his excitement. She then takes Chris into his bedroom for a diaper change.

Part 58

Derek comes over to visit Chris again later in the day. Again, Chris does everything he can to get Derek into wanting to wear diapers. Chris shows Derek some of the drawings he has been working on. Later on Derek's mother comes over to get him. Chris listens in on his mother talking to Derek's mother. The two mothers talk about having Chris spend time with Derek during the day while his mother is at work. Chris stays out of view as he is unsure of how Derek's mother would react to seeing him in diapers. Chris' mom then mentions to Derek's mom that Chris wears diapers. The two mothers then exchange war stories about toilet training their respective sons. In the end, Chris' mom advises Derek's mom to not put herself and her youngest son Steven through all the headaches of uncooperative toilet training and that perhaps leaving him in diapers is the best way to go. Chris' mom then has Chris go out to meet Derek's mom. She accepts the fact that Chris will be wearing only diapers when he is over there and concedes that Chris' influence on Steven wouldn't be any more of a problem considering Steven's stubbornness towards potty training.

Part 59

Chris has his first day over at Derek's house. Derek shows continued interest in and curiosity towards Chris' diapers as they watch TV together. Jennie, meanwhile, is dealing with Steven and his refusal to allow Jennie to change his diapers by chasing him around the house and out into the back yard. Chris and Derek help her to catch Steven. Steven resists at first to allow Jennie to change his diaper, but eventually concedes. Chris follows Derek into the house where he disposes of Steven's dirty diaper for Jennie. Derek goes into the bathroom to pee while Chris is in there with him. While Chris is in there he notices some laxatives in the medicine cabinet and considers thinking of ways to get Derek to take them so that he will need to wear diapers. Derek has an erection from handling the diaper and seeing Chris in his diapers and ends up peeing all over around the toilet as a result. Derek asks Chris about why he gets erections. Chris attempts to explain it in terms that would be appropriate for a seven-year-old and mentions that boys like himself who enjoy wearing diapers get erections from wearing diapers and thinking about all the things that go along with it. Chris also makes it a point with Derek that he feels diapers are only for boys, which Derek agrees with. Derek still has yet to actually say that he wants to wear diapers, though, but all the signs of him wanting to wear diapers were there, especially as he asks Chris if he can touch his diapers. Derek finally mentions that he wants to wear diapers, but fears that he will get in trouble if his mom caught him or if Jennie tattled on him. He even mentions a time when he got in trouble for sneaking one of Steven's diapers. Chris then suggests that Derek take laxatives and then pretend that he was having accidents. Derek agrees to doing this, much to Chris' delight.

Part 60

Derek is hesitant to take the laxative, fearing that he may get sick. To assure him that he won't get sick and will just get the runs, Chris takes a pill himself with Derek doing the same thing. Chris and Derek then go outside to play some basketball in the driveway. As the laxative sets in Derek fears that he will get in trouble for having accidents in his pants, but soon finds that he has no choice and it is too late. Derek unloads poop into his underwear and his shorts. When Derek decides to go back into the house he discovers that the door is locked. Chris locked it deliberately before they went outside to keep Derek from getting to the toilet in case he decided at the last minute to try making it the bathroom. Derek went around back where Jennie saw his messy butt. Jennie teased Derek about it and told Derek that he pooped his pants to get put into diapers. Derek denies this, even though this was his intention. He cleans himself off in the shower and returns to his bedroom to put on some clean underwear. Chris suggests that he wear several pairs at a time, so Derek agrees to do this. Derek puts on as many pairs as he can get to fit. He still wears pants since he is going back outside. His pants barely fit over the dozen pairs of underwear he has on. Jennie and Steven then leave for the store to get some milk and some more diapers for Steven. While they are gone Derek has another accident in his underwear. Even with twelve pairs on, the poop leaks out into his pants and they become soiled. At this point Derek has no pants or shorts to wear as his only ones that he had got soiled. This leaves Derek with nothing to wear but his underpants. Chris has him put on as many pairs as he can possibly fit. Derek doesn't want his mom to see his soiled clothes, so Chris helps him get them washed. Derek starts to confide in Chris more and considers him to be a cool friend.

Summaries Parts 61-70
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