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The Question of the Week for November 25, 2007:

How can you tell when your brother has had his diapers changed (without seeing it or being told)?

Number of responses received: 13

He has different diapers on1076.9%
He no longer smells1076.9%
He's gone from wearing pants to pantsless430.8%
How can you tell that your brothers diapers are different after a diaper change?

No more wetness in the front1292.3%
No more poop bulge in the rear1076.9%
Type of diapers is different (i.e. disposable to cloth)323.1%
Color/style of diapers is different430.8%
Color/style of plastic pants is different430.8%
Tapes are different color, size, shape, etc.430.8%
Tapes are different in quantity323.1%
Tapes are different in position323.1%
Pins are different color, size, shape, etc.430.8%
Pins are different in quantity430.8%
Pins are different in position538.5%
Diapers are thinner than before969.2%
Diapers are thicker than before538.5%
Height/rise of diapers is different753.8%
Quality of diaper change is different430.8%
Underwear waistbands are different (multiple underpants)17.7%
How often do you notice it when someone has changed your brother's diapers?

How reliably can you determine who has changed your brother's diapers without knowing who did the diaper change?

Very well538.5%
Fairly well215.4%
Not very well215.4%
Not at all17.7%
What indicates that your mother has changed your brother's diapers?

The fit of his diapers538.5%
The tightness of his diapers646.2%
The height/rise of his diapers538.5%
The overall neatness of his diapers861.5%
The type of diapers he has on215.4%
The number of diapers he has on430.8%
The way his diapers are taped on538.5%
The way his diapers are pinned on753.8%
The way his diapers are folded/layered538.5%
The use of other reinforcements on his diapers323.1%
The plastic pants used on him646.2%
That he has pants on after the diaper change17.7%
That he has NO pants on after the diaper change17.7%
Time of day when he is changed646.2%
She is the only one home or available to him at the time753.8%
What indicates that your father has changed your brother's diapers?

The fit of his diapers323.1%
The tightness of his diapers430.8%
The height/rise of his diapers215.4%
The overall neatness of his diapers323.1%
The type of diapers he has on17.7%
The number of diapers he has on215.4%
The way his diapers are taped on215.4%
The way his diapers are pinned on17.7%
The way his diapers are folded/layered17.7%
The use of other reinforcements on his diapers17.7%
The plastic pants used on him17.7%
That he has pants on after the diaper change215.4%
That he has NO pants on after the diaper change215.4%
Time of day when he is changed323.1%
He is the only one home or available to him at the time323.1%
What indicates that another sister has changed your brother's diapers?

The fit of his diapers323.1%
The tightness of his diapers323.1%
The height/rise of his diapers430.8%
The overall neatness of his diapers430.8%
The type of diapers he has on430.8%
The number of diapers he has on323.1%
The way his diapers are taped on430.8%
The way his diapers are pinned on215.4%
The way his diapers are folded/layered323.1%
The use of other reinforcements on his diapers323.1%
The plastic pants used on him323.1%
That he has pants on after the diaper change215.4%
That he has NO pants on after the diaper change17.7%
Time of day when he is changed323.1%
She is the only one home or available to him at the time430.8%
What indicates that another brother has changed your brother's diapers?

The fit of his diapers17.7%
The tightness of his diapers17.7%
The height/rise of his diapers17.7%
The overall neatness of his diapers17.7%
The type of diapers he has on215.4%
The number of diapers he has on215.4%
The way his diapers are taped on215.4%
The way his diapers are pinned on323.1%
The way his diapers are folded/layered17.7%
The use of other reinforcements on his diapers17.7%
The plastic pants used on him215.4%
That he has pants on after the diaper change17.7%
That he has NO pants on after the diaper change215.4%
Time of day when he is changed215.4%
He is the only one home or available to him at the time215.4%
What would indicate to others that you changed your brother's diapers?

The fit of his diapers646.2%
The tightness of his diapers646.2%
The height/rise of his diapers538.5%
The overall neatness of his diapers430.8%
The type of diapers he has on538.5%
The number of diapers he has on430.8%
The way his diapers are taped on538.5%
The way his diapers are pinned on215.4%
The way his diapers are folded/layered323.1%
The use of other reinforcements on his diapers215.4%
The plastic pants used on him323.1%
That he has pants on after the diaper change215.4%
That he has NO pants on after the diaper change430.8%
Time of day when he is changed646.2%
I am the only one home or available to him at the time538.5%
What factors make it difficult to determine who has changed your brother's diapers?

His diapers are the same brand, style, type, etc.969.2%
The thickness/number of diapers used is the same753.8%
The positioning, quantity, style, etc. of tapes is the same538.5%
The positioning, quantity, style, etc. of pins is the same430.8%
He usually has pants on over his diapers430.8%
He's usually pantsless regardless of who changes him430.8%
Several different people change his diapers538.5%
Everyone's diaper changing methods/procedures are similar861.5%
I'm visually impaired17.7%
Provide more details on the ways you know when someone else has changed your brother's diapers:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti & Cheryl  18+Marc, D.J., Kevin, Cousins, Byron, & Timothy (ages 12-17)  14 Each and everyone of the family that are responsible for changing the boys diapers, are very meticulous and all do a very splendid and excellent job.
Bryce  16Andrew  13 Andrew is usually in a better mood when he's had a change, or he'll be shy. He only wears at night and if mom or dad takes him to get his diaper on for bed, i'll totally know when he comes back down stairs
Amy  18+David  14 We all use baby powder, and I can smell the sweet scent of baby powder before he wets; Plus his diapers don't sag when they're just put on him. David is constantly trickling into his diaper, so it's not too long after a diaper change that he starts to get wet. I think he gets changed pretty much at regular times each day.
Christine  17Jacob  17 If he smelled like poop and now he doesn't, but that's too obvious. I can tell he's wet by seeing a bulge on his front or rear. I can sometimes smell when he has peed his pants.
Provide more details on the things you notice that are different about the diapers your brother is wearing after he has been changed:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti & Cheryl  18+Marc, D.J., Kevin, Cousins, Byron, & Timothy (ages 12-17)  14 There are no real differences in their diaper changes as everyone of the family all do their diaper changing all basically the same and do them very well.
Bryce  16Andrew  13 Andrew wears Tena disposbles so its the same diaper, hard to tell how's changed him. After a change the diaper is thin, no yellow, and in good shape.
Amy  18+David  14 he's dry right after a change. It doesn't take long before he wets, so if I check his diaper and it's dry, I know that he must have just been changed.
Christine  17Jacob  17 They are thinner, clean and odor free.
Describe how you can tell that your brother's diaper change was performed by your mother:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti & Cheryl  18+Marc, D.J., Kevin, Cousins, Byron, & Timothy (ages 12-17)  14 Can't always, as stated above, all of the family, all work at putting and placing the boys in diapers, so as to make sure they understand the meaning of their being in and wearing diapers. hard to tell
Amy  18+David  14 I can't really tell any difference regardless whether Mom, or any of my sisters, or I have changed him. The quality of diaper changes is about the same.
Christine  17Jacob  17 My mother's diaper changes end up with the diaper being tight, with a nice fit.
Describe how you can tell that your brother's diaper change was performed by your father:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti & Cheryl  18+Marc, D.J., Kevin, Cousins, Byron, & Timothy (ages 12-17)  14 as above....
Describe how you can tell that your brother's diaper change was performed by your sister(s). Also indicate age of sisters in relation to your age and your brother's age:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti & Cheryl  18+Marc, D.J., Kevin, Cousins, Byron, & Timothy (ages 12-17)  14 as stated above....
Amy  18+David  14 David's the only boy and he's the youngest - 2 strikes against him. Kelly is the oldest, then Renee, then me, and then Autumn. I can't really tell just by looking at David who the last person to change him was.
Describe how you can tell that your brother's diaper change was performed by another brother. Also indicate age of other brothers in relation to your age and your diapered brother's age:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti & Cheryl  18+Marc, D.J., Kevin, Cousins, Byron, & Timothy (ages 12-17)  14 ever done as it is not ever allowed, no boy changes his brother, or other boys diapers...
Amy  18+David  14 no brothers.
Describe how others can tell that your brother's diaper change was peformed by you:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti & Cheryl  18+Marc, D.J., Kevin, Cousins, Byron, & Timothy (ages 12-17)  14 I can't except that I, know when I change my brother, the time etc. other wise as for the stile or perfection, as stated above we all strive to diaper our boys with diaper perfections staying with certain set standards.
Amy  18+David  14 I don't think they can tell. We all have about the same diaper changing skills when it comes to changing David. Plus we're all pretty consistent - typically we use 2 disposables and 1 pair of plastic pants
Provide details on what makes it harder to tell who has changed your brother's diapers:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Patti & Cheryl  18+Marc, D.J., Kevin, Cousins, Byron, & Timothy (ages 12-17)  14 All stated above.
Bryce  16Andrew  13 Andrew wears disposables and there pretty much the same no matter who diapers him. Its always
Amy  18+David  14 There's not much to diaper changing - just making sure his area is clean. Recently he's had diaper rash around his penis - I think that was related more to his persistent masturbating habits rather than improper diaper changes. We all powder him every time; we all are consistent with the number of disposables and plastic pants. And we're all consistent with letting him go around in just a diaper, especially around the house.
Christine  17Jacob  17 He almost always wears pants over his diapers, so I can tell when he has been changed, but not often by whom.
Provide details on how you feel age, gender, experience, attitude, maturity, dexterity, visual acuity and other factors affect the appearance and quality of your brother's diaper changes:

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer
Amy  18+David  14 Diaper changing is a skill that is pretty easily mastered after a few changes. All of David's babysitters have pretty much mastered it. The youngest babysitter is Lindsay who is 14 - she lives across the street and babysits him after she gets home from school (David rides the short school bus - lol - and it arrives a little later. Other babysitters range in age between the teens and 20s. There are no boy babysitters for David so I can't really say anything about that. I just think experience is the biggest factor - but it's a skill that's quickly learned. The trickiest part to changing diapers is making sure he's clean and avoiding him wetting on you - we've all learned that the hard way but now I just know to keep a diaper almost covering his penis while we clean him just in case.

Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer

Age Distribution- Sisters

Age Distribution- Brothers

Diaper Types
Single disposable diapers- plain white7
Single disposable diapers- plain white4
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored5
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white3
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored6
Single cloth diapers- plain white4
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored6
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white3
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored1
Multiple underpants- plain white1
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored1
Other makeshift diapers6
Single plastic pants- plain5
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored3
Multiple plastic pants- plain0
Percentage of brothers 18+ who only wore these diapers as a boy:66.67%

Percentage of brothers 18+ who were reported as pantsless as a boy66.67

Diaper Usage
Percent of brothers 18+ whose diaper usage reported only as a boy100.00


Sister NameAgeBrother NameAgeAnswer

Question of the Week 10/21/2007
Question of the Week 11/18/2007

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