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Question of the Week for Sisters of Diaper Boys

Question of the Week Information

View Results from Previous Questions of the Week for Sisters of Diaper Boys

Note- the first few questions are standard questions that are asked each week. The new questions appear just past these standard questions.

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your age:
Describe your appearance and your usual or current state of dress:
Your Brothers' Name(s):
Your Brother's Age (average age if more than one brother who wears diapers):
Describe your brothers' appearance and his usual or current state of dress and condition of diapers (if known):
What kinds of diapers does your brother wear?
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers
Single plastic pants- plain
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored
Multiple plastic pants- plain
Multiple plastic pants- patterned/colored
Only applies to when your brother was a boy (ages<18)
How often is your brother pantsless while in diapers at home?
Always (100% of the time)
Usually (75% of the time)
Sometimes (50% of the time)
Rarely (25% of the time)
Never (0% of the time)
Only applies to when your brother was a boy (ages<18)
How does your brother regularly use his diapers?
Only applies to when your brother was a boy (ages<18)

The Sister's Question of the Week for November 30, 2008:

As a young girl (ages 12 and under), how often did you point out the differences between your underwear and your brother's diapers?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All girls who have at least one brother who wears diapers

Fairly often

This and all following questions will pertain to when you were a young girl (ages 12 and under)

Question #1: Which differences between your brother's diapers and your underwear did you point out to your brother?
(Check all that apply.)
His thick diapers/my thin panties or thong
His plain white diapers/my colored panties or thong
His high-rising diapers/my low-rising panties or thong
His multiple diaper layers/my single panties or thong
Diaper pins/tapes/no such fasteners on my underwear
Difficulty of removing diapers/ease of removal of panties
Full butt coverage of his diapers/Lack thereof in my thong
He pees/poops in his diapers/I don't do this in my underwear
Comparison of stains in his clean diapers/my clean panties
Wider waistband on his briefs (mult. pairs) than my undies
Stripes only found on waistbands on his briefs (mult. pairs)
Fly fronts on his mult. briefs/no fly front on my underwear
Double/quad seat on mult. briefs/Single seat on my underwear
His diapers too thick for pants/my undies allow for pants
Comparing amount of material used in diapers vs. underwear
Comparing frequency of full exposure (time spent pantsless)
Question #2: In which ways did you present his diapers as an exhibit for such comparisons?
(Check all that apply.)
The diapers he was already wearing
The diapers I was about to put on him
The diapers I had taken off of him
Clean diapers stored away
Dirty diapers waiting to be washed
Pictures of him in his diapers
Laying out a sample of his diapers (side by side comparison)
Drawings or sketches
Verbal explanation
Question #3: In which ways did you present your underwear as an exhibit for such comparisons?
(Check all that apply.)
Underwear I was wearing (I had no pants on)
Underwear I was wearing (I unfastened my pants to show him)
Underwear I was wearing (pulled it up from inside my pants)
Underwear in my drawer or in clean laundry
Underwear in my dirty laundry
Laying out sample of my underwear (side by side comparison)
Pictures of me in my underwear
Drawings or sketches
Verbal explanation
Question #4: How old were you when you first recognized differences between your brother's diapers and your underwear?
(Check only one.)
3 or under
18 or over
Question #5: How old were you when you first pointed out these differences to your brother?
(Check only one.)
3 or under
18 or over
Question #6: To whom within your family have you pointed out the differences between your brother's diapers and your underwear?
(Check only one.)
Diaper wearing brothers older than me
Diaper wearing brothersyounger than me
Sisters older than me
Sisters younger than me
Non-diaper wearing brothers older than me
Non-diaper wearing brothersyounger than me
Diaper-wearing boy cousins
Non-diaper-wearing boy cousins
Girl cousins
Question #7: To whom outside of your family have you pointed out the differences between your brother's diapers and your underwear?
(Check all that apply.)
Diaper-wearing brothers' friends
Non-diaper wearing brothers' friends
Sisters' friends
My friends
Diaper-wearing brothers of my friends
Non-diaper-wearing brothers of my friends
Sisters of my friends
Boys in school
Girls in school
Other boys
Other girls
Pre-teen/teen girl babysitters
Pre-teen/teen boy babysitters
Adult babysitters
Other adults
Question #8: For which reasons did you point out the differences between your brother's diapers and your underwear?
(Check all that apply.)
To tease my brother
To call attention to the high magnitude of his diapers
To call attention to the low magnitude of my underwear
To call attention to the purpose of his diapers
To call attention to his diapers being his underwear
To call attention to his peeing/pooping
To call attention to his being punished in diapers
To call attention to him not wearing any pants
To call attention to me being allowed to wear pants
To call attention to my cleanliness and proper hygiene
To make him jealous of me not wearing diapers
To point out how I feel about boys needing to wear diapers
Because he likes it when I do this
Because I thought it was funny
To amuse my friends and/or other girls

How often did you compare your brother's diapers to your underwear? What prompted you to make such comparisons? How did your brother usually react?

At what age did you first make comparisons between your brother's diapers and your underwear? What were the first differences you remember noticing? At what age did you point out these differences to your brother and to others? Describe how you went about making such comparisons, how your brother reacted and how others who were present reacted:

How did you or would you have compared the magnitude of your brother's diapers versus your underwear? Did you compare thickness, multiplicity, rise/height on the body, volume of materials used and the width of the crotch? How did you feel about such differences?

Which other physical differences did you point out? Did you point out the differences in the usage and the purpose for his diapers versus the usage and purpose for your underwear? the usage and purpose for your underwear? Did you point out other features such as fasteners, waistbands, etc.?

How did you point out the differences between the amount of time your brother spent while pantsless and in his diapers versus the times you were pantsless and in your underwear? How did you point out that you had a choice to wear pants and he did not?

Describe the methods you used to make comparisons (e.g. you and him in underwear and diapers, respectively, side by side, drawings, etc.) Even if he was in just diapers and you were dressed, how did you make these comparisons?

How do or did your parents react to you pointing out the differences between your brother's diapers and your underwear? How did other adults react to this?

How do or did your other brothers and your sisters react to you pointing out the differences between your brother's diapers and your underwear? How did other girls and other boys react to this?

Explain the reasons you made such comparisons between your brother's diapers and your underwear. Do you feel that the purpose was adequatelly fulfilled?

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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