Deeker's Diaper Page
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Deeker's Message of the Week
November 19, 2006
New Diaper Boy Drawings Posted (Set #104)
Drawings Set #104 of the Diaper Boy Drawings has been posted. I invite everyone to check them out, save them, print them and share them with your friends and families, or post them to your own site if you have one (just don't try selling them).
Gallery of Artwork Added
In addition to the Diaper Boy Drawings, I have added an entire Gallery of Artwork, collected from various other sources over the years, some of which were made for and sent especially to me. I am opening up this collection for everyone's enjoyment.
In addition to the existing collection, I am welcoming submissions from those of you with artistic talents and wish to share your works. As with the stories, there are several Guidelines to be observed and followed. Accepted submissions will be posted each Sunday along with all the other usual materials.
New Lyrics Added
A whole bunch of new diaperized (or Deekerized) songs have been added to the
Lyrics page. Be sure to check back again in a few weeks when several more holiday-themed songs will be added.
* * * * *
Have a good week, everyone. Stay happily and thickly diapered!
Other Messages of the Week