Deeker's Diaper Page
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Deeker's Message of the Week
September 11, 2005
Back at last!
At long last I am updating the site! I know it has been several weeks since it was last updated (July 24) and many of you understandably were concerned. I'd like to thank everyone who has been patient and understanding of this matter. A variety of personal and technical problems beyond my control prevented me from being able to update the site.
Since this site had not been updated since July 24 (six weeks), a big backlog of story submissions had stacked up in my absence. Nonetheless, I received everything that had been sent to me in that time period. I spent the weekend reading and reviewing the huge number of stories submitted (over 50!) and have posted the stories that meet the submission guidelines and were written well enough that only minor or moderate editing and corrections were needed. For those of you who submitted a story with a valid email address, if I accepted your story for posting you have likely received notification from me indicating that it would be posted. The authors of some of the stories could not be contacted as the email address furnished was invalid (in other words, my message to you bounced). If your story was not posted, chances are I had a good reason. Among those reasons:
- The story was too short.
- The story contained too many errors to bother correcting and I just didn't have the time or patience to deal with it.
- The story was about a girl wearing diapers.
- The story contained what I deemed to be excessive content or references to girls wearing diapers (beyond "normal" years, around 2-3 years old, and even then I am only grudgingly tolerant of such content).
- The diapers described contain girlish characteristics.
- The boys wearing diapers were dressed as and/or treated like girls.
- The story contained too much sexual content. Anything beyond mentioning sexual activity (i.e. masturbation) is subject to editing or rejection. Detailed descriptions of specific sex acts between two people, regardless of age or gender, are hereafter discouraged.
- Some items that were apparently submitted as "stories" simply made no sense whatsoever. Their purpose for even being written could not be ascertained.
If you expected to see your story posted but do not see it, please feel free to email me and ask me why it was not posted (see list above first). Perhaps with some modifications your story could be posted. 15 of the stories submitted were rejected. The stories that were accepted includes 18 new contributed stories, 9 Contributed story updates and 1 Contributed story revision. 8 new True Accounts were also added. This should give everyone plenty of reading.
As for the other sections of the site, such as the Sightings, Surveys and Diaper Boy Drawings, I am going to spend the coming week bringing these sections up to date as well, so please check back periodically to see if they are updated. Update announcements throughout the week will be added to this MOTW message. The QOTW results will also be tabulated and posted during the coming week. In the meantime a new QOTW has been posted. I decided to give stories top priority since that is what I feel is what draws people to this site the most (it's what got this site started, after all).
It has been a long and difficult few weeks, but I am glad to be back and will work diligently to get everything back on track.
There's a GREAT web site called Misterpoll, where, among other things, are several polls about diapers. I have created a list of selected links to polls on Misterpoll that are either directly or indirectly related to wearing diapers. Not all diaper-related polls found on Misterpoll are listed (mainly those which pertain to topics outside the scope of this web site and diaper-related polls initiated by and/or intended for girls). Please feel invited to participate in my two polls created thus far:
Be sure to leave a message in the Message sections of each poll while you're there!
Update log for week of 9/11/2005
9-11-2001, Never Forget
* * * * *
Have a good week, everyone. Stay happily and thickly diapered!
Other Messages of the Week