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The Question of the Week for December 7, 2007:

What other things do you do while you are getting your diapers changed (or things you did when you were a boy)?

Number of responses received: 40

Talk about my diapers themselves512.5%
Talk about my pee00.0%
Talk about my poop00.0%
Talk about how I smell00.0%
Talk about my body (e.g. puberty)00.0%
Talk about non-diaper topics820.0%
Scratch itchy areas12.5%
Idly play with my genitals12.5%
Play with a toy1127.5%
What other things does/did your mother do while changing your diapers?

Talk about my diapers themselves1947.5%
Talk about my pee1640.0%
Talk about my poop1435.0%
Talk about how I smell1127.5%
Talk about my body (e.g. puberty)1127.5%
Talk about non-diaper topics1845.0%
Make me feel better if upset1127.5%
Make me feel ashamed1127.5%
Help me to laugh/be contented922.5%
Talk on the phone717.5%
Talk to my brothers1230.0%
Talk to my sisters1435.0%
Talk to my father717.5%
Talk to others in the house1127.5%
What other things does/did your father do while changing your diapers?

Talk about my diapers themselves512.5%
Talk about my pee717.5%
Talk about my poop615.0%
Talk about how I smell615.0%
Talk about my body (e.g. puberty)512.5%
Talk about non-diaper topics615.0%
Make me feel better if upset410.0%
Make me feel ashamed512.5%
Help me to laugh/be contented512.5%
Talk on the phone25.0%
Talk to my brothers37.5%
Talk to my sisters37.5%
Talk to my mother410.0%
Talk to others in the house37.5%
What other things do/did your sisters do while changing your diapers?

Talk about my diapers themselves1537.5%
Talk about my pee1127.5%
Talk about my poop1025.0%
Talk about how I smell1435.0%
Talk about my body (genitals, erections, puberty, etc.)1435.0%
Talk about non-diaper topics717.5%
Make me feel better if upset37.5%
Make me feel ashamed1230.0%
Help me to laugh/be contented37.5%
Talk on the phone1127.5%
Talk to my other brothers615.0%
Talk to my other sisters37.5%
Talk to my parents1025.0%
Talk to others in the house922.5%
Take pictures922.5%
Idly play with my genitals820.0%
Masturbate me (no ejaculation)410.0%
Masturbate me to ejaculation615.0%
Other sexual activities410.0%
What other things do your brothers do while changing your diapers?

Talk about my diapers themselves717.5%
Talk about my pee410.0%
Talk about my poop37.5%
Talk about how I smell717.5%
Talk about my body (genitals, erections, puberty, etc.)820.0%
Talk about non-diaper topics717.5%
Make me feel better if upset37.5%
Make me feel ashamed615.0%
Help me to laugh/be contented25.0%
Talk on the phone37.5%
Talk to my other brothers25.0%
Talk to my other sisters37.5%
Talk to my parents25.0%
Talk to others in the house37.5%
Take pictures37.5%
Idly play with my genitals820.0%
Masturbate me (no ejaculation)37.5%
Masturbate me to ejaculation512.5%
Other sexual activities512.5%
When your mother talks to you or to others during a diaper change how often does the topic pertain to your diapers and/or your body?

When your father talks to you or to others during a diaper change how often does the topic pertain to your diapers and/or your body?

When your sisters talk to you or to others during a diaper change how often does the topic pertain to your diapers and/or your body?

When your brothers talk to you or to others during a diaper change how often does the topic pertain to your diapers and/or your body?

Part A: Do you find silence in the room during a diaper change to be awkward or uncomfortable? Part B: Would you rather have talking, background noises, or complete silence?

Part A:

Yes, very much512.5%
Yes, somewhat1230.0%
Not really1332.5%
Not at all615.0%
I'd rather have complete silence410.0%
Not applicable (I'm deaf or hard of hearing)12.5%
Part B:

Background noises only615.0%
Complete silence25.0%
Doesn't matter2050.0%
Not applicable (I'm deaf or hard of hearing)12.5%
How is the silence in the room broken (whether intentional or not)?

Diaper changer talks to me3587.5%
Diaper changer talks to others (in room or on phone)2460.0%
I talk to the diaper changer2255.0%
Fan running717.5%
Music playing in room1537.5%
TV sound in room1947.5%
Computer hum/system sounds1127.5%
Music or TV from outside of room1640.0%
Sounds from outside (window open)1537.5%
Other household noise1537.5%
When I fart1025.0%
When the diaper changer farts512.5%
My other bodily noises (cough, sneeze, burp)1435.0%
Describe the things you talk about with others during a diaper change. Specify if the topics are something you only talk about with particular individuals and not with others.

Broc  16Just diapers, and how I should be in them forever and reminding me about the good of my diapers.
Rob Staiger  16not much just a change and thats it
jesse  9how big i have gotten
Sean Foresh  16i dotn talk much
kerriebear  13momtalks to me and ask why i plAY with myself and make myself cum
  18How much the nappy smells, when its going to be done, how much i urinated in my nappy, how much poo is in my nappy
chris  16we talk about life, what was on tv, or how badly it smells around my diaper
 19what I plan to do that day or next day if it's a bedtime change.
DAVY  13i dont really, i just lie there and play my x-box while my mum changes me
danny  9when my mommy changes my diapers we like to talk about what ever has gone on that day sometimes if i really messed or wet my diapers she will comment on that alittle when my daddy changes me he doesnt always talk about diaper related things cause sometimes he does find it odd but he does not mind
peter14  14With my parents i talk about everything, especially with my brother (16) i only talk about sexual things, about my penis, masturbation and so.
Adam  13i dont like diaper changes i try not to talk i usualy just count to my self
Forever3  --Most conversations pertained to daily activities and what was scedguled to happen when. Sometimes, Mum would talk about other people, gossip mainly or about her job.
Bobby  10how I hate wearing them.
Broc  --Just diapers, and how I should be in them forever and reminding me about the good of my diapers.
Robby  --I some times protest that I do not need diapers. I promise that I will use the bathroom.
DIAPER BOY  --we don't talk that much when i her my diaper change if we do we try to stay away from talking of diapers
Matthew  11Daily day stuff sometimes about how cute I look or how good or bad i've been.
krindo  16We usually talk about my diapers and usually talk about sex.
Tom  23I talked to my brothers about my genitals
Bobby  13Just about anything--my day, the Yankees, etc.
alexander  10anything and everything
Tugs  18sports school whatever they want to talk about
Describe the diaper- or body-related things your mother talks to you about during a diaper change. What non-diaper-related things does she talk about with you? What diaper- or body-related things does she talk about with others and with whom? Who does she talk to on the phone about your diapers and/or your body? How does she make you feel when she talks to you or about you?

Broc  16If she is talking to me its about my diapers, the only time she dosent talk about my diapers is if she has to talk to my sister to get something....DIAPERS ARE FOR BOYS!
Rob Staiger  16sometimes mentions how old i am and that s kinda it
jesse  9how cute i look
Sean Foresh  16you made a big mess
kerriebear  13shes giggle when i get a boner
chris  16just about every thing above
danny  9if i made a big mess she may say "wow you really messed your diapers this is gonna be a big change" non- diaper related subjects we talk about are things like what is going on when others are around she will talk to them about what shes doing if my daddy is near and the phone rings or somethin she asks him to take over changing me if she is not done if my big brother nickie who wears diapers also like me is near she will ask him if he needs to be changed next she never talks on the phone while changing me because she thinks that is rude
Adam  13i wear diapers for bedwetting so its pretty much just at night and in the morning that i get changed. my mom always says thinks like "are we going to see wet spots in the morning or is tonight the night" "boy do these diapers work for you" "this is a great fit"
Forever3  --Usually, She would talk about what would happen when puberty hit, and some changes. Sometimes she would try and coax me to "use the potty as much as possible"
Bobby  10That she doesn't care if I don't like them, that I have to.
Broc  --If she is talking to me its about my diapers, the only time she dosent talk about my diapers is if she has to talk to my sister to get something....DIAPERS ARE FOR BOYS!
Robby  --Mom usually comments on how wet or dirty I am. She reminds me that I am too old to still be in diapers and wishes I would learn to use the toiiet.
DIAPER BOY  --mom or dad tries to tickle me on the tumie like they did when i was a real baby and a toddler. we may talk about what i did in school
Matthew  11She sometimes idly talks with others about me or anything in general. Or talks to me about how I should keep clean, she makes me feel fine or ok. She talks on the phone to others like she isn't doing anything else.
Tom  23Plans for the day, etc.
Tugs  18My full diaper, why I dint tell her sooner
Describe the diaper- or body-related things your father talks to you about during a diaper change. What non-diaper-related things does he talk about with you? What diaper- or body-related things does he talk about with others and with whom? Who does he talk to on the phone about your diapers and/or your body? How does he make you feel when he talks to you or about you?

Rob Staiger  16none
jesse  9tesses me about my diaper
Sean Foresh  16my boy left me a mess
kerriebear  13dad say his boner bigger and he do not wear diapera
  18He talks about how much i pooed and urinated in my nappy, and how much it smells. He also talks to his brother about the smell.
chris  16same as before
danny  9my daddy does not talk about diaper related things too much because he is afraid he may upset me we usually plan out daddy-son fun days with me and my big brother we do those alot
peter14  14we talk about everything. he also often says something about my body, like "oh you already have a real big thing" or we talk about masturbation or sexual things.
DIAPER BOY  --he doesn't talk to my that much when changing my diaper
Tom  23Plans for the weekend, etc.
Tugs  18he doesnt
Describe the diaper- or body-related things your sisters talk to you about during a diaper change. What non-diaper-related things do they talk about with you? What diaper- or body-related things do they talk about with others and with whom? Who do they talk to on the phone about your diapers and/or your body? How do they make you feel when they talk to you or about you?

Broc  16Same as mom. [If she is talking to me its about my diapers, the only time she dosent talk about my diapers is if she has to talk to my sister to get something....DIAPERS ARE FOR BOYS!]
jesse  9tesses me
Sean Foresh  16yuor so cute
chris  16she talks about her life and her boyfriend
danny  9i do not have sisters
Broc  --Same as mom. [If she is talking to me its about my diapers, the only time she dosent talk about my diapers is if she has to talk to my sister to get something....DIAPERS ARE FOR BOYS!]
DIAPER BOY  --no sisters
Matthew  11She sometimes idly talks with others about me or anything in general. Or talks to me about how I should keep clean, she makes me feel fine or ok, but not as much as my mom. She talks on the phone to others like she isn't doing anything else.
Tom  23No sisters
Tugs  18have none
Describe the diaper- or body-related things your brothers talk to you about during a diaper change. What non-diaper-related things do they talk about with you? What diaper- or body-related things do they talk about with others and with whom? Who do they talk to on the phone about your diapers and/or your body? How do they make you feel when they talk to you or about you?

danny  9my brothers do not change me
DIAPER BOY  --no brothers
Matthew  11He sometimes talks to other people. Mostly he talks to me about my diapers or something about me or something recently., such as a friend or about my body. He usually makes me laugh or feel good.
krindo  16Sex in diapers, how i look in diapers, do i like the feeling of diapers and what me and my brother will do next.
Tom  23How my cock and balls looked, etc.
Bobby  13They tease me and stuff, but it's mostly in good fun
Tugs  18tease me
Describe the other things you do during a diaper change, aside from talking. Specify if the activities are something you only do with particular individuals and not with others.

Rob Staiger  16i am usually sucking on a binky or playing around
jesse  9me mom blowes on my belly
chris  16i tap the changing table while my sister changes me because it takes thirty minutes for her to even get out a new diaper because she talks about her self so much and gets distracted
danny  9sometimes if the tv is on nearby ill watch it while getting changed or watch my big brother get changed if someone else is changing him nearby or sometimes they give me a bottle to suck on and i enjoy it
Adam  13i try to focus on anything but the diapers being put on me. my mom always draws attention to me when i get an erection and its so embarassing so i just try and focus on something else, play with something in my hands. sometimes i play with a rubix cube and try to finish it before the my mom has finished putting the diaper on
Forever3  --Sometimes I'd have a fav. toy with me and I'd play with it while the changing occured.
Bobby  10cry
Cameron  14Usually I have to suck on a bottle, play with a rattle or other baby toys, beg for her to do each part of the change (wipe, powder, etc.) then thank her.
Robby  --Most of the time I am not engaged in the process. I am playing with a toy. Sometimes if I feel cold or exposed, I grab the diaper from the changing table and pull it up between my legs and cover myself until my mother pins it.
Greg  31I live alone and change my own diapers. The most common thing I do during a diaper change is watch TV. One time recently, in a public restroom, I accidentaly started to pee on the floor during a diaper change.
DIAPER BOY  --lay there and wait until my diaper is change
Matthew  11I just talk to my sister, and mom. Sometimes my sister stops changing me and starts playing with my foreskin, bouncing around my pee-pee, or plays with my nuts. My brother used to make me have dry orgasms
Tom  23Nothing
Tugs  18play with toy
Describe the other things (NON-SEXUAL ONLY) that your mother and/or father do during a diaper change, aside from talking to you. If they talk on the phone, whom do they talk to and about what? Who do they talk to while in the room and about what?

Broc  16If my mom is talking on the phone she usually taking about changing me or my other brothers diapers, or is just talking to the other person who is asking her something.
Rob Staiger  16don't pay to much attention
jesse  9talk to each outher
chris  16they just talk with me
danny  9they will sometimes kiss eachother alittle and they talk i usually dont pay attention to what they talk about though because it doesnt concern me much
Forever3  --Mostly gossip. Some business.
Broc  --If my mom is talking on the phone she usually taking about changing me or my other brothers diapers, or is just talking to the other person who is asking her something.
DIAPER BOY  --lay there and wait until my diaper is change
Matthew  11There isn't much else to do except listen to the TV in the room. Anyone who calls during the change she talks to, but doesn't talk about me. If anyone else in the room is present she usually talks to them about stuff other then me.
Tom  23Nothing
Tugs  18talk to someone else
Describe the other things your sisters do during a diaper change, including sexual activities (details are left to your discretion but may be edited for posting). If others are in the room who do they talk to about your diapers and/or your body? Who do they talk to on the phone about your diapers and/or your body while changing your diapers?

jesse  9how i am a baby
chris  16once she gets done she usually gives me some clothes usually hers because my dresser is locked all the time
danny  9i do not have sisters
peter14  14my sister (18) changes me till i am a little boy. she always uses much baby oil and i alsways get hard when she does it. i had always get an erection when i had diaper change till i was a small boy. often she masturbates me till i get an ejaculation.
Matthew  11When others are in the room and most of the time there is not much else to do with my sister, she's like my mother. If we are alone, randomly she'll play with my pee-pee. I think she is just bored or something not sexually arosed. She pulls the skin back, or runs her finger around inside of it. Genlty hits it back and forth, or massages my nuts.
Tom  23No sisters
Tugs  18none
Describe the other things your brothers do during a diaper change, including sexual activities (details are left to your discretion but may be edited for posting). If others are in the room who do they talk to about your diapers and/or your body? Who do they talk to on the phone about your diapers and/or your body while changing your diapers?

danny  9my brothers do not change me
peter14  14my bro is 16 and he likes to change me. he always plays with me till i get really hard. often he only wears his boxer when he changes me. i then also plays with his dick till he is hard. then he masturbates me or blows my dick till i come. afterwards i make him come also (masturbation or blow job). then i get really much baby oil on me and a fresh diaper. he is also a bedwetter and wears diapers only at night and sometimes i help him also putting on his diaper.
Matthew  11My brother is like the rest of my family and talks about anything there is to talk about during a change. The same when he gets changed by our sister or my mother. Up to a month ago, if we are alone, he often made me have dry orgasms by playing with my pee-pee or nuts. I didn't know how to do it myself. When he's was his diaper, he often asked me to rub the front of his diaper very hard so he have his wet orgasm in it. But once our mom found out she spanked us both for masturbating and now we aren't allowed to at all.
krindo  16My brother helps me to masterbate when i am naked before putting my diaper back on. We then kiss and rub all over before i change my brother since he wears diapers to.
Tom  23My brothers usually rub lots of baby oil in my genitals and get me to an erection
Tugs  18none
How do you feel about silence in the room during a diaper change? What makes it so awkward to you? Would you rather there be talking, background noises, music, etc.? What kinds of background noises are usually present and do they help? What happens when you or the diaper changer audibly farts during a period of silence?

Rob Staiger  16i hate silence and i need noise
jesse  9talking
chris  16very awkward because i hate boring so something has to be knocking against something else or i shall daze into space
danny  9i dont mind silence really but i prefer to talk because i like talking to people and i do not mind background noises
Forever3  --There was usualy the sounds of a working household going on, or a window open during the summer. Farts were (and still are) funny. others. That could be awkward, but I don't care if someone else knows that I'm changing my diaper.
DIAPER BOY  --sometimes it is good to have silence and sometimes it is toooooo quite
Matthew  11I don't like the silence because it feels like I have to say something, but usually some noise it going on.
krindo  16Me and brother do not mind silence, besides, theres always the sounds of our diapers crinkling.
Tom  23Never really silence

Average Age of respondents to this question:17.7
Range of ages of respondents:9 -  50

Age Distribution
Under 102

Youth Age Distribution

Diaper Types
Single disposable diapers- plain white27
Single disposable diapers- plain white16
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored10
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white9
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored9
Single cloth diapers- plain white6
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored14
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white8
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored2
Multiple underpants- plain white1
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored2
Other makeshift diapers11
Single plastic pants- plain10
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored1
Multiple plastic pants- plain1
Percentage of those 18+ who only wore these diapers as a boy:36.36%

Percentage of those 18+ who reported being pantsless as a boy27.27%

Diaper Usage
Percent of brothers 18+ whose diaper usage reported only as a boy45.45%


jesse  9i sometines fall aslep

Question of the Week 11/25/2007
Question of the Week 12/09/2007

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