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Question of the Week for Sisters of Diaper Boys

Question of the Week Information

View Results from Previous Questions of the Week for Sisters of Diaper Boys

Note- the first few questions are standard questions that are asked each week. The new questions appear just past these standard questions.

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your age:
Your Brothers' Name(s):
Your Brother's Age (average age if more than one brother who wears diapers):
What kinds of diapers does your brother wear?
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers
Single plastic pants- plain
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored
Multiple plastic pants- plain
Multiple plastic pants- patterned/colored
Only applies to when your brother was a boy (ages<18)
How often is your brother pantsless while in diapers at home?
Always (100% of the time)
Usually (75% of the time)
Sometimes (50% of the time)
Rarely (25% of the time)
Never (0% of the time)
Only applies to when your brother was a boy (ages<18)
How does your brother regularly use his diapers?
Only applies to when your brother was a boy (ages<18)

The Sister's Question of the Week for July 6, 2008:

I _____ see my brothers naked; My brothers _____ see me naked.
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All girls who have at least one brother who wears diapers

frequently; frequently
frequently; sometimes
frequently; rarely
frequently; never
sometimes; frequently
sometimes; sometimes
sometimes; rarely
sometimes; never
rarely; frequently
rarely; sometimes
rarely; rarely
rarely; never
never; frequently
never; sometimes
never; rarely
never; never
Question #1: I _____ see my brothers in their diapers/underwear; My brothers _____ see me in my underwear.
(Check only one.)
frequently; frequently
frequently; sometimes
frequently; rarely
frequently; never
sometimes; frequently
sometimes; sometimes
sometimes; rarely
sometimes; never
rarely; frequently
rarely; sometimes
rarely; rarely
rarely; never
never; frequently
never; sometimes
never; rarely
never; never
Question #2: Why do you let your brothers see you naked?
(Check all that apply.)
To show him how girls are different than boys (anatomically)
To show him how girls are different than boys (hygenically)
To show him that I wipe my butt and keep it clean
To sexually arouse him
To embarrass him
To perform sexual activities with him
We share a room and I dress/undress in his presence
We share a room and I sleep naked
We take baths/showers together
So my brother can watch me use the toilet
It's only fair that he see me naked since I see him naked
Because it embarrasses him
It opens up trust with one another
My family is at ease with nudity so we allow it
Question #3: Why DON'T you let your brother see you naked?
(Check all that apply.)
I don't want him to see my vagina
I don't want him to see my breasts/chest
I don't want him to see my butt
Because he's a boy (only other girls may see me naked)
I don't feel confident about my body's appearance
It would be too weird, creepy, etc.
I don't trust him
I value my privacy
It would undermine my dignity
It would put me at his level
My parents would object
Question #4: Why does your brother have to let you see him naked/in diapers in spite of his will or wishes?
(Check all that apply.)
So I can change his diapers
So I can help him in the bath/shower
He has no pants to wear
He isn't allowed to wear any pants over his diapers
So I can sexually pleasure him
Question #5: What will you let your brother see as far as your nudity and immodesty are concerned?
(Check all that apply.)
Swimsuit (one-piece)
Naked breasts/chest
Naked vagina
Naked butt
Question #6: What is your brother willing to let you see of him as far as his nudity and immodesty are concerned?
(Check all that apply.)
Bare chest
Naked penis/testicles
Naked butt
Question #7: What is your brother NOT willing to let you see of him as far as his nudity and immodesty is concerned (but you get to see anyway)?
(Check all that apply.)
Bare chest
Naked penis/testicles
Naked butt
Question #8: My body is _____. I am _____ about the appearance of my body.
(Check only one.)
thin; very confident
thin; somewhat confident
thin; not very confident
thin; not confident at all
average; very confident
average; somewhat confident
average; not very confident
average; not confident at all
heavyset; very confident
heavyset; somewhat confident
heavyset; not very confident
heavyset; not confident at all
obese; very confident
obese; somewhat confident
obese; not very confident
obese; not confident at all
Question #9: I _____ see my sisters naked; My sisters _____ see me naked.
(Check only one.)
frequently; frequently
frequently; sometimes
frequently; rarely
frequently; never
sometimes; frequently
sometimes; sometimes
sometimes; rarely
sometimes; never
rarely; frequently
rarely; sometimes
rarely; rarely
rarely; never
never; frequently
never; sometimes
never; rarely
never; never
Question #10: Why do you let your sisters see you naked?
(Check all that apply.)
Because our anatomy is the same
We share a room and we dress/undress in front of each other
We share a room and I/we sleep naked
We take baths/showers together
Because it embarrasses them
It opens up trust with one another
My family is at ease with nudity so we allow it

Explain why you do or do not allow your brothers to see you naked and/or in your underwear. Explain the circumstances under which you will allow your brothers to see you naked and/or in your underwear.

Explain why your brothers have to let you see them naked and/or in their diapers, whether willfully or not. Explain the circumstances under which your brothers must allow you to see them naked.

Do your brothers have any issues in regards to unfairness between them and you because of them being naked or in diapers all the time while you are decently dressed? How do your brothers express their concerns? How do you and your parents deal with such issues?

What are the issues you have or would have with your brothers seeing you naked or in your underwear? In which ways do you fear you would not trust your brother with seeing you naked or in underwear?

What is the extent to which you will allow your brothers to see you dressed/undressed? Does this vary depending on the situation or circumstances? If so, how?

What is the extent to which your brothers are comfortable with you seeing them in diapers/underwear, shirtless or naked? Does this vary depending on the situation or circumstances? If so, how?

What cleanliness/hygiene concerns do you have when your brother is naked and not while getting his diapers changed? Are you concerned about him peeing or pooping on the floor by not being diapered? Does he take advantage of farting without diapers or underwear or other clothes on?

Describe any issues you have with the appearance of your body, where your brothers' perceptions are concerned and the perceptions of clothing/underwear? other people.What are your biggest fears or concerns? How have you overcome these issues? Does this affect your choice of clothes to wear?

How does being naked around your other sisters and/or other girls differ from being naked around your brothers? Likewise, how does seeing your brothers naked or in diapers/underwear differ from seeing your sisters and/or other girls naked or in their underwear?

What have you observed with regards to nudity and modesty in other people's homes? Describe other families (including within your own, such as cousins) who are either more liberal or more reserved with regards to nudity and immodesty:

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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