When it came time for the diapers, where did they come from?
(Check all that apply.)
Describe the most memorable pee accidents your brother has had:
Describe the most memorable poop accidents your brother has had:
Before your brother was put into diapers, what did you expect or anticipate if/when he wound up in diapers? Were your expectations met? What happened that you didn't expect or vice versa?
How did your brother react when he was threatened with diapers or told that he was going to be wearing them?
How have your brother's accidents affected you, your space, your feelings around other people, etc.
List the places where you have witnessed your brother having accidents. Describe the circumstances that led to the accident. Which other places has he had accidents that you didn't witness yourself?
What kinds of clothing has your brother had on when he had had accidents in them? what was done with these articles of clothing (washed, thrown out, made to wear them soiled, etc.)
Provide details to describe the reasons/circumstances that cause your brother to have accidents:
Describe the diapers your brother was put into (number of diapers, style of diapers, whiteness of diapers, etc). Where did the diapers come from?
Provide details on why your brother was left pantsless after his accidents:
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.