The Sister's Question of the Week for May 13, 2007:
Does your brother behave better when he is in diapers?
(Check only one.)
Intended participants for this question: All girls with at least one brother past the age of four who wears diapers around the house.
Does your brother behave better when he is in diapers AND pantless?
(Check only one.)
Why do you suppose your brother's behavior is different when he is diapered and pantsless?
(Check all that apply.)
Are diapers regularly used on your brother for behavior modification?
(Check only one.)
In which ways does your brother act when he's diapered and pantless?
(Check all that apply.)
In which ways does your brother exhibit regression when he is in diapers and pantsless?
(Check all that apply.)
Give an overall description of how your brother behaves when he is in diapers (but not necessarilyu pantsless):
Give an overall description of how your brother behaves when he is in diapers AND pantless:
Provide more details on how your brother's behavior changes for the better when he is in diapers and pantsless:
Provide more details on how your brother's behavior changes for the worst when he is in diapers and pantsless:
Describe how and when diapers were first used on your brother to control/modify his behavior. How and where did your parents (or someone else) learn of this? How did your brother
initially respond to wearing diapers as a form of behavioral control/modification?
Would you use diapers as a form of behavioral modifcation/control on any of your sons? Why or why not? How about on a boyfriend?
What was your brother like before he was diapered for behavioral modification? What changes has he gone through (besides diaper changes) since then?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.
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