Which adults has your diapered brother pulled diaper-related practical jokes or pranks on?
(Check all that apply.)
Describe the best diaper-related prank or practical joke that has ever been pulled on your brother. What happened and were you the perpetrator or was it someone else? How did you react and how did your brother react? What was the outcom
How does your brother react to practical jokes where his diapers are concerned? How does he react to practical jokes in general?
Describe any times when yours or someone else's attempts to pull practical jokes on your brother have failed. How did he outsmart or catch the culprit(s) responsible? What precautions do you take to ensure success?
Describe any other practical jokes that have been played on your brother where his diapers were concerned. Include all details such as the culprit(s), his and your reaction and the outcome:
Describe the times when your brother initiated a diaper-related practical joke on you and/or someone else and what the outcome was (if he was caught or confessed, got tattled on), how he was punished, etc.
What was his motive for these jokes?
Describe the times when you have carried out diaper-related revenge or retaliation to a practical joke (diaper-related or not) played on you and what the outcome was:
How do your parents feel about diaper-related practical jokes in your family? How do they feel about practial jokes in general?
Provide details from times when your brother has received diaper punishment as a result of his pulling practical jokes or pranks (what was the prank and the outcome from both sides?)
Describe your brother's worst diaper-related practical joke failure (the intended outcome vs. actual outcome, how it backfired, etc.)
Provide details from times when you have known of other boys who received diaper punishment as a result of pulling practical jokes or pranks (what was the prank and the outcome from both sides?)
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.