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Question of the Week for Sisters of Diaper Boys

Question of the Week Information

View Results from Previous Questions of the Week for Sisters of Diaper Boys

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your age:
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18+
Your Brothers' Name(s):
Your brother's age (average age if more than one brother who wears diapers):
4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18+

The Sister's Question of the Week for February 25, 2007:

How often does your brother stink because of his diapers?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All girls with at least one brother past the age of four who wears diapers around the house.

All the time
Much of the time
Some of the time
Not very often
How strong would you say his pee odors are at their worst?
(Check only one.)
Very strong
Not detectable
How strong would you say his poop odors are at their worst?
(Check only one.)
Very strong
Not detectable
When you can smell your brother's dirty diapers do you acknowledge it?
(Check only one.)
Has your brother's diaper odors ever caused you to do any of the following?
(Check all that apply.)
Dry heaves/gag
Leave the room
Make him leave the room
Refuse to do a diaper change
How tolerant are you of your brother's diaper odors?
(Check only one.)
Very tolerant
Moderately tolerant
Not very tolerant
Not tolerant at all
How do you mask your brother's diaper odors when you change his diapers?
(Check only one.)
Hold my breath
Use a clothespin on my nose
Put my shirt over my nose
Turn away when I need to breathe
Use a mask
How do you reduce your brother's diaper odors during a diaper change?
(Check only one.)
Keep the room ventilated
Use a fan
Use air freshener
In which places has your brother's diaper odors caused you discomfort or embarrassment?
(Check all that apply.)
Home (friends visiting)
Home (relatives visiting)
While in the car (windows up)
While in the car (windows down)
While in a store
While in a movie theater
While in some other public place
While on public transportation (bus, taxi)
While in flight
While in school
On the school bus
At the bus stop
While at someone else's house
In which ways do you or others reduce your brother's diaper odors around the house?
(Check all that apply.)
Make his diaper changes more frequent
Make his diapers thicker (though he can still wear pants)
Make his diapers thicker (forces him to be pantsless)
Check his diapers more often
Keep his dirty/used diapers in certain areas
Limit his diaper changes to certain rooms
Use a Diaper Genie
Wash diapers as soon as possible
Have him wear pants over his diapers
Keep him pantsless so his diapers can be checked more easily
Which odors are more dominant from your brother's diapers?
(Check only one.)
All pee
Mostly pee, some poop
Equal mix of pee and poop
Mostly poop, some pee
All poop

How does your brother usually smell? When he stinks, does he smell more of poop or pee?

Describe the time when your brother's pee odors were at their worst. Where were you and him at the time and what caused the extra foul odor? What kinds of diapers was he wearing and was he pantsless?

Describe the time when your brother's poop odors were at their worst. Where were you and him at the time and what caused the extra foul odor? What kinds of diapers was he wearing and was he pantsless?

Describe the times when your brother's diaper odors made you sick or made you want to leave the room, or made him leave the room:

In which ways do you acknolwedge your brother's diaper odors? What do you say to him and how does he react? What do you say to others and how do they react?

Describe the methods you use to reduce your brother's diaper odors when you change his diapers and how you protect yourself from ingesting his diaper odors. Which methods work the best and which methods don't work very well?

Describe the times when your brother's diaper odors caused you embarrassment. What were the circumstances and what led to you being embarrassed? How do you prevent embarrassment (i.e. leave your brother pantsless so others will see that he, not you, is the source of the odors)?

Have you built up a tolerance to your brother's diaper odors over the years? What was it like at first and what is it like now?

Where are your brother's dirty/used diapers stored/disposed of? What other methods are used to reduce your brother's diaper odors around the house?

Describe how your brother's diaper odors amuse you and others? In what ways do you and others find the odors to be disgusting? What is more amusing, odors or seeing your brother in diapers and pantsless?

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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