Did you ever have to demonstrate the use of the toilet to your brother in spite of being a girl?
(Check only one.)
Describe what you remember from your brothers' toilet training (include all brothers, especially those whose toilet training was the most difficult):
How did you feel when you learned that your brother was declared toilet trained and would no longer be wearing diapers?
How did you feel when you learned that your brother was going to wear diapers again after being toilet trained? Alternately, how did you feel when you learned that your brother would always be in diapers and never be toilet trained?
How did you feel about helping your brother with his toilet training?
Describe how you interfered with your brother's toilet training:
Describe how your other sisters interfered with your brother's toilet training:
Describe how your other brothers interfered with your brother's toilet training:
How did your parents feel about your role in toilet training your brother (or interfering with his toilet training)?
What things change around your house/within your family when your brothers who are otherwise toilet trained are in diapers?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.