Deeker's Diaper Page
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The Question of the Week for August 31, 2008:
How much of this past summer (2008) did your brother spend at home in just his diapers?
Number of responses received: 16
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| All of it | 8 | 50.0% |
| Most of it | 7 | 43.8% |
| Some of it | 1 | 6.3% |
| Little of it | 0 | 0.0% |
| None of it | 0 | 0.0% |
| Total: | 16 | |
How often did he leave the house wearing pants?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Frequently | 7 | 43.8% |
| Sometimes | 4 | 25.0% |
| Rarely | 4 | 25.0% |
| Never | 1 | 6.3% |
| Total: | 16 | |
How often did he have pants on over his diapers while at home?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Never | 7 | 43.8% |
| Rarely | 5 | 31.3% |
| Sometimes | 1 | 6.3% |
| Usually | 3 | 18.8% |
| Always | 0 | 0.0% |
| Total: | 16 | |
How often did he have a shirt on while in just his diapers at home?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Always | 0 | 0.0% |
| Usually | 4 | 25.0% |
| Sometimes | 7 | 43.8% |
| Rarely | 2 | 12.5% |
| Never | 3 | 18.8% |
| Total: | 16 | |
Where did he go beyond the house without his pants on over his diapers?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| In the car | 14 | 87.5% |
| The neighbor's house | 7 | 43.8% |
| While riding his bike | 3 | 18.8% |
| While walking around the neighborhood | 2 | 12.5% |
| To his friends' house | 5 | 31.3% |
| The front yard | 6 | 37.5% |
| The back yard | 13 | 81.3% |
| My friend's house | 7 | 43.8% |
| The babysitter's house | 6 | 37.5% |
| Grandparents' house | 4 | 25.0% |
| Aunt's and uncle's house | 4 | 25.0% |
| Another person's house | 4 | 25.0% |
| Motel/hotel | 10 | 62.5% |
| Camping | 11 | 68.8% |
For which reasons was your brother at home and in his diapers during the past summer?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| He was being punished | 4 | 25.0% |
| He didn't want to leave the house | 5 | 31.3% |
| He didn't want to wear any pants | 8 | 50.0% |
| He had no pants to wear | 2 | 12.5% |
| To make his diaper changes easier | 10 | 62.5% |
| To make checking his diapers easier | 9 | 56.3% |
Who kept your brother from wearing pants over the past summer?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Mother | 8 | 50.0% |
| Father | 5 | 31.3% |
| Myself | 8 | 50.0% |
| A sister older than him | 2 | 12.5% |
| A sister younger than him | 2 | 12.5% |
| A brother older than him | 1 | 6.3% |
| A sister younger than him | 1 | 6.3% |
| Girl babysitter | 4 | 25.0% |
| Boy babysitter | 1 | 6.3% |
| Adult male babysitter | 0 | 0.0% |
| Adult female babysitter | 4 | 25.0% |
| Grandmother | 3 | 18.8% |
| Grandfather | 1 | 6.3% |
| Aunt | 3 | 18.8% |
| Uncle | 1 | 6.3% |
| He chose not to wear pants | 8 | 50.0% |
Compared to last summer (2007), how much time did your brother spend at home in just his diapers this summer?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Much more time | 0 | 0.0% |
| More time | 1 | 6.7% |
| About the same | 8 | 53.3% |
| Less time | 3 | 20.0% |
| Much less time | 0 | 0.0% |
| The same because he was in just diapers all last summer, too | 3 | 20.0% |
| Total: | 15 | |
Over the summer how often did you wear the following in the presence of your brother?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Long pants |
| Frequently | 1 | 1.6% |
| Sometimes | 4 | 6.3% |
| Rarely | 8 | 12.5% |
| Never | 3 | 4.7% |
| Shorts |
| Frequently | 9 | 14.1% |
| Sometimes | 5 | 7.8% |
| Rarely | 2 | 3.1% |
| Never | 0 | 0.0% |
| Swimwear |
| Frequently | 8 | 12.5% |
| Sometimes | 1 | 1.6% |
| Rarely | 5 | 7.8% |
| Never | 2 | 3.1% |
| Panties |
| Frequently | 5 | 7.8% |
| Sometimes | 2 | 3.1% |
| Rarely | 2 | 3.1% |
| Never | 7 | 10.9% |
| Thongs |
| Frequently | 3 | 4.7% |
| Sometimes | 4 | 6.3% |
| Rarely | 0 | 0.0% |
| Never | 9 | 14.1% |
| Nothing |
| Frequently | 3 | 4.7% |
| Sometimes | 3 | 4.7% |
| Rarely | 1 | 1.6% |
| Never | 9 | 14.1% |
| Total: | 64 | |
Describe your self appearance:
Your Name | Your Age | Brother's Name | Brother's Age | Answer
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | twins with brother. wearing a thong and no shirt or bra
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | blonde slim blue eyes ,jeans t-shirt- cord style fitted jacket (brown),brown boots
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | I am 5'7" and 118#, 32b, with light brown hair.
| Jenny | 16 | Jon | 15 | Current - blue thong and bra
Describe your brother's appearance:
Your Name | Your Age | Brother's Name | Brother's Age | Answer
| wendy | 10 | rick | 9 | small
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | He is wearing a depends diaper with nothing else on. His diaper is slightly damp
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | all wearing plain white t-shirts and diapers are all i wet and messy condition
| Bri | 18+ | Broc W | 18+ | Always wet or messey.
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | Ian is about 100#, 5'5", reddish brown hair. He is wearing cloth diapers and they are messy.
| genie | 18+ | dean | 18+ | diapered
| Jenny | 16 | Jon | 15 | Current - wet disposable diaper and t shirt.
| Angie | 9 | Bobby | 11 | Glasses, rubber pants, diapers
Explain why your brother spent the time that he spent at home in just his diapers over this past summer (2008):
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | This is the first summer that he is back into diapers. He had asked our parents if he could
wear diapers again and they allowed him but told him that if he was going to wear them that he would use them
and he would not be allowed to change himself. So at first i think it was a fasination with them that he didnt
wear pants but later it was the fact that it was simply easier for changes
| Sarah | 17 | Dan | 14 | he likes it and have bladderand bowl problems
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | they all need to wear them and they feel embarrased if they go out in public with
diapers on and they like running round the house in just diapers and its really cute
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | He was never potty trained as a baby. Mom and I want to keep him wearing diapers and besides he
likes wearing them. My aunt also never potty trained my boy cousin either, He's 10 and also wears diapers too.
Ian and Kevin like to play together wearing just their diapers.
| sarah | 17 | matthew pare | 18+ | my motjher has kept him in diapers for so many years
| genie | 18+ | dean | 18+ | he works at home
| Angie | 9 | Bobby | 11 | It was too hot to wear stuff over his diapers and rubber pants. He is affraid to go out in his
diapers to.
List and describe the places your brother went over the past summer (2008) without pants on over his diapers:
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | He would play in the back yard (fenced in) and when we went camping for 2 weeks i dont think he
wore pants at all
| Sarah | 17 | Dan | 14 | on the beach at the camping and our back yard where nobody but the family sees him
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | we went to a hotel for a few days and he had just his diapers on then and he went
in just his diapers when he went to the babywitters one weekend and also he mainly wore just diapers when we
were camping for 2 weeks
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | Mostly just to the park/playground just in his diapers. Also we went camping in the mountains and
then once to the beach. He just wore his diaper and a short tee shirt. I had to change him too. I have changed
him at the beach with other people looking at him getting his diaper changed.
| Angie | 9 | Bobby | 11 | No place
How often and when did he wear a shirt and not wear a shirt when he was in just his diapers?
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | Mainly the first couple of hours after he woke up he would go with out a shirt and if it was
really hot he would not wear a shirt. other than that he would wear short shirts.
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | he usually wore a shirt during the day but also alot of the time he didnt wear a shirt
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | He usually doesn't wear any shirts at home with his diapers. I have taken him to the playground
just in his diaper without him wearing a tee shirt. But usually if we go out he wears a tee shirt with his
List and describe the clothes you wore (or didn't wear) in the presence of your brother over the summer. How did your brother react to seeing you wearing (not wearing) these things when he was in just his diapers?
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | when i wake up i usually have on just a thong no bra or top and go around the house like this
till after breakfast and my shower. after that for most of the summer i would wear shorts and a shirt but if it
was really hot outside i would wear a bakini. a couple of times this summer i walked in on him when he was
masterbating and it really got me turned on so he got to see me naked but i try not to let him see me naked all
that often. 2 or 3 times this summer i actually put on one of his diapers and wore that for a couple of hours
each time out of curiosity.
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | i was always wearin pants or shorts and tops and panties around them and they
didnt seem to care
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | I usually just wear shorts, tee top, panties and bra, during the summer when I am outside with him.
Inside I will just wear panties and top (no bra) around him. I will undress and dress in front of him to show
him that I can choose my clothes and wear anything. I also let him see me naked cuz that arouses him and he gets
erect in his diaper. I encourage him to masturbate for me too. He likes to masturbate looking at my vagina and
Who kept your brother from wearing pants over the past summer? How did you and/or the others go about doing this?
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | For the most part it was his choice not to wear pants. a couple of times he got in trouble and
our parents forced him to go outside the house in nothing but his diaper. If he tried to disobey he would be
forced to act even more like a baby in public. ie. was given a paci or shirt taken away and a feeding bib put
in its place.
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | me and the babysitter kept him from wearing pants and all we did was let him run
off after we cganged him without putting pants on and he was quite happy to do this
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | Mom and I keep his pants locked in the closet in the attic. I am the only one who has the key to
the attic and I get his pants down for him if we let him wear them. Ian sometimes wants to go outside without
his pants like when he goes over to some if his friends' houses to play with them or ride his bike around the
neighbourhood. I think he likes to be an exhibitionist sometimes.
| Angie | 9 | Bobby | 11 | Mom would not let him cuz it was so hot.
Compared to last summer (2007), how much time did your brother spend at home in just his diapers and if so, what were the reasons?
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | as far as i know my brother had only tried diapers on a couple of times in secrete last year.
At the begaining of summer is when he asked our parents to start wearing again.
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | he spant a little more time but they have all been in diapers for years so it
didnt make much difference this year
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | It was about the same length of time.
| Angie | 9 | Bobby | 11 | He was grounded last summer so mom made him wear rubber pants all the time and he was never
allowed out of the house.
What determines what you wear during the summer? What determines what your brothers wear (or don't wear) during the summer?
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | the tempature mostly. our parents are usually really free with us on what we wear.
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | i just wear normal clothes because i dont want to or need to wear diapers and my
brothers need to wear diapers because they want to and they have to many accidents if they don�t
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | Mom and I chose what he wears. Usually it's diapers, no pants. He has no choice in the matter at all.
As far as your brother's diapers were concerned, how were things different when you were at home with your brothers while your parents
were present, and when your parents were not present?
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| Sarah | 13 | michael | 13 | when my parents where home they would change my brothers diapers but when they where not home i
was responsible for changing his diapers
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | my brothers live separatly with me because my parents hated them wearing diapers
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | Really there is little difference when they are home or not at home. Sometimes when they are not at
home I will tease my brother sexually, like walk around in front of him in just panties or naked, to make his
penis hard. The then diaper changes are longer too cuz I will masturbate him during a change or just watch him do it.
As far as your state of dress is concerned (and that of your sisters), how were things different when you were at home with your
brothers while your parents were present, and when your parents were not present?
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | i do not live with my parents and it doesnt make a difference because i dress normally
| Sienna | 15 | Ian | 13 | For the same reasons as in question about. Mom doesn't care if I walk around the house in panties
or naked in front of him. Being modest around the house isn't a big deal. Some of my friends like to come over
too and they walk around in their panties or naked too in from of my brother just to make his penis get hard.
They like to change and masturbate him too. Wearing diapers makes my brother the luckiest boy in the
neighbourhood. :-)
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
Age Distribution- Sisters
| 6 | 0 |
| 7 | 0 |
| 8 | 0 |
| 9 | 1 |
| 10 | 1 |
| 11 | 0 |
| 12 | 0 |
| 13 | 1 |
| 14 | 1 |
| 15 | 2 |
| 16 | 1 |
| 17 | 3 |
| 18+ | 6 |
Age Distribution- Brothers
| 4 | 0 |
| 5 | 0 |
| 6 | 0 |
| 7 | 1 |
| 8 | 0 |
| 9 | 1 |
| 10 | 0 |
| 11 | 1 |
| 12 | 0 |
| 13 | 3 |
| 14 | 2 |
| 15 | 1 |
| 16 | 3 |
| 17 | 0 |
| 18+ | 4 |
Diaper Types
| Single disposable diapers- plain white | 11 |
| Single disposable diapers- plain white | 5 |
| Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored | 2 |
| Multiple disposable diapers- plain white | 1 |
| Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored | 5 |
| Single cloth diapers- plain white | 3 |
| Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored | 6 |
| Multiple cloth diapers- plain white | 3 |
| Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored | 2 |
| Multiple underpants- plain white | 1 |
| Multiple underpants- patterned/colored | 0 |
| Other makeshift diapers | 7 |
| Single plastic pants- plain | 5 |
| Single plastic pants- patterned/colored | 2 |
| Multiple plastic pants- plain | 0 |
| Percentage of brothers 18+ who only wore these diapers as a boy: | 0.00% |
| Always | 5 |
| Usually | 5 |
| Sometimes | 3 |
| Rarely | 3 |
| Never | 0 |
| Percentage of brothers 18+ who were reported as pantsless as a boy | 0.00% |
Diaper Usage
| Pee | 16 |
| Poop | 10 |
| Percent of brothers 18+ whose diaper usage reported only as a boy | 0.00% |
Sister Name | Age | Brother Name | Age | Answer
| mommygirl | 18+ | dan,jamie,keiran | 7 | my brothers love being babied 1 is 5 yrs old 1 is 7 yrs old and 1 is 9 yrs old and
they all love it and are glad that they live with me and my best m8 we are room mates and she loves babying them
to also the boys are home -schooled by a special teher and i am home alot of the time
Question of the Week 08/03/2008
Question of the Week 10/05/2008
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