For which reasons did you want to still wear diapers after you stopped bedwetting?
(Check all that apply.)
Describe the diapers or other undergarments that you wore for bedwetting. Include details such as color, brand, amount of your body that they covered, thickness, etc.
Explain why you did or did not wear pajamas over your diapers. How did you feel about not having any pajamas to wear over them (if applicable)? If you wished you could wear pajamas, explain why.
How did you handle pooping when you were diapered for bedwetting? Explain why you used your diapers and/or used the toilet:
How did your sisters make you feel about being a bedwetter?
How did your brothers make you feel about being a bedwetter?
List and describe the other items that were used for bedwetting. Explain how well these other items worked and what you and others thought about their use:
How old were you when you stopped wetting the bed? At what point were you declared no longer a bedwetter (e.g. how many dry nights
in a row, etc.)? Who made this declaration? How did you feel about no longer needing diapers for bedwetting at first?
How long after stopping bedwetting did you return to wearing diapers? What brought you back to wearing diapers?
What other measures did you take to prevent wetting the bed? How effective were these measures?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.