How far did you get with wearing and using your diapers before you were confronted by someone about your desire to wear diapers?
(Check only one.)
What do you think started your desires to wear diapers as a young boy? How old were you at the time? How did you come to realize this desire? What kinds of things made you think about diapers?
Explain how much time passed between having the desire to wear diapers and getting diapers. How did you get your first diapers?
Explain how much time passed between having the desire to wear diapers and getting caught with diapers and/or being confronted by someone about your desires to wear diapers:
Describe the obstacles and disadvantages that you face or have faced in getting diapers:
Explain how you overcame or attempted to overcome the obstacles and disadvantages that prevented you from getting diapers. What risks did you face and what risks, if any, were realized?
Explain your concerns towards family members finding out and confronting you about your desire to wear diapers and possible attempts to obtain diapers. What were you afraid of possibly happening?
Provide details regarding the first time you obtained diapers on your own or had at least attempted to do so. How old were you at the time? How did you feel at the time of doing this?
Who was the first person to find out about you wanting to wear diapers? How did this person find out?
How did the others in your family find out that you wanted to wear diapers? How did each of these people react? How did friends, kids in school and others outside of the family react?
If you had to do it all over again, what would you have done to get diapers? Likewise, what would you advise to someone faced with a situation similar to yours?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.