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Question of the Week

Question of the Week Information

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Note- the first few questions are standard questions that are asked each week. The new questions appear just past these standard questions.

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your Age:
What kinds of diapers do you wear?
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers
Single plastic pants- plain
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored
Multiple plastic pants- plain
Multiple plastic pants- patterned/colored
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How often are you pantsless while in diapers at home?
Always (100% of the time)
Usually (75% of the time)
Sometimes (50% of the time)
Rarely (25% of the time)
Never (0% of the time)
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How do you regularly use your diapers?
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How many older sisters do you have?
More than three
I have no older sisters
How many younger sisters do you have?
More than three
I have no younger sisters
I have no sisters at all
Describe your appearance and your usual or current state of dress, including diaper type, quantity, color, and condition:
Describe your brothers' appearance and his/their usual or current state of dress, including diaper types, quantity, color, and condition (if known):
Describe your sisters' appearance and her/their usual or current state of dress:

The Question of the Week for June 28, 2009:

Question #1: What do you like about pooping in your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)

Intended participants for this question: All boys who wear diapers and adult males who regularly wore diapers beyond babyhood/toddlerhood.

The feel of poop in my diapers
The smell
The spread of the poop
Pooping my diapers in front of others
Not having to get to a toilet
Not having to wipe my butt
Getting my butt wiped by someone else
Question #2: Do you prefer to poop in your diapers without pants on or while wearing pants?
(Check only one.)
Without pants on
With pants on
Makes no difference
Question #3: For which reasons do you poop in your diapers while pantsless?
(Check all that apply.)
My diapers are too thick for pants
My diapers come up too high for pants
I feel more like I am in diapers when I do not have pants on
I am more aware of my diapers without pants on
Others are aware of me pooping when I do not have pants on
I can bend over or squat more easily without pants on
It feels natural to poop with my legs bare (as if on toilet)
My diapers are easier to check without pants on
Others can tell more easily when I have pooped without pants
The smell of my poop is stronger without pants on
Question #4: How much have you pooped in your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Enough to cover both buttocks entirely
Enough to come to the top of my diapers in back
Enough to leak out the top of my diapers in back
Enough to coat my balls in poop
Enough to reach my penis
Enough to cover the entire frontal area of my diapers
Enough to leak out the sides of the crotch
Question #5: How are poop leaks prevented?
(Check all that apply.)
I wear multiple diapers
My diapers come up extra high in the reat
The crotch of my diapers is extra wide
I wear plastic pants to catch leaks
Question #6: For which reasons have you had high volumes of poop in your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Person in charge of changing me would not do it
To test the diapers' capacity
Endurance test
Ate a lot of food and digested it
Did not have any clean diapers
Noi opportunities to change my diapers at the time
Question #7: Who else knows that you enjoy poopy diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Older sister
Younger sister
Older brother
Younger brother
Girl cousins
Boy cousins
Other girls
Other boys
Other adults
Question #8: Have you ever UNintentionally pooped in your diapers under any of these circumstances?
(Check all that apply.)
While someone else was in the same bed as me
During close-contact activity (playing Twister, wrestling)
During close-contact activity in gym class
With someone close behind me while going up stairs
With someone close behind me while going up a ladder
With someone close behind me while climbing playground equip
With someone sitting next to me in the car
With someone sitting next to me on the school bus
With someone sitting next to me on a plane, train, etc.
While in an elevator with others present
While someone was checking my diapers for poop
While someone was patting my diapered butt
Any time someone's face was within a foot of my butt

By unintentional, this means that you did not purposely poop in your diapers because the opportunity to gross someone out had presented itself.

Question #9: Have you ever intentionally (i.e. purposefully) pooped in your diapers under any of these circumstances?
(Check all that apply.)
While someone else was in the same bed as me
During close-contact activity (playing Twister, wrestling)
During close-contact activity in gym class
With someone close behind me while going up stairs
With someone close behind me while going up a ladder
With someone close behind me while climbing playground equip
With someone sitting next to me in the car
With someone sitting next to me on the school bus
With someone sitting next to me on a plane, train, etc.
While in an elevator with others present
While someone was checking my diapers for poop
While someone was patting my diapered butt
Any time someone's face was within a foot of my butt

By intentional, this means that you did purposely poop in your diapers because the opportunity to gross someone out had presented itself.

Question #10: Which of these people have had their faces close to your diapered butt (within a foot) when you have pooped in your diapers (intentional or unintentional)?
(Check all that apply.)
Older sister
Younger sister
Older brother
Younger brother
Boy cousin
Girl cousin
Other girl
Other boy
Other adult

What do you like about poopy diapers? What did you like about poopy diapers as a young boy (ages 12 and under)? How old were you when you knew you liked these things?

Explain why you poop in your diapers without pants on and what you like about pooping in diapers without pants on. How did you feel about pooping in your diapers pantsless as a young boy (ages 12 and under)? What do you find is different when you do have pants on and have to poop in your diapers?

Describe the ways you wear your diapers to minimize or prevent leaks. Include descriptions for now and also from when you were a young boy (ages 12 and under). Indicate if these methods force you to wear diapers pantsless.

Describe the times when you have had lots of poop in your diapers. What was the extent of the spread and the volume of poop? Were you pantsless at the time? What was the reason you had so much poop in your diapers? How old were you at the times these events happened? Where were you and who all was present? What were their reactions?

List the people who know you enjoy poopy diapers. How old were you when these people became aware of this and how did they find out? How do each of these people feel about this particular indulgence of yours?

Describe the times when you unintentionally pooped in your diapers when someone's face was in close proximity to your diapered butt. Indicate if you were pantsless at the time. How, where and when did it happen? How did you react? Who was the other person(s) and how did she/he/they react?

Describe the times when you intentionally pooped in your diapers when someone's face was in close proximity to your diapered butt. Indicate if you were pantsless at the time. How, where and when did it happen? How did you react? Who was the other person(s) and how did she/he/they react?

When you were a young boy (ages 12 and under), how do/did other people feel about being close behind you when you had diapers on (especially without pants)? How did they feel about getting their face close to your butt? Who were the people who expressed their concerns about possibly being stunk out by your poopy diapers?

Because of the ways people felt about being in close proximity to your butt (or at least how you suspected they felt), how did this affect your feelings towards being in close proximity to other people's butts? Do/did you feel different about boys versus girls? Did your feelings change with regards to the other person's butt being naked, nearly naked (e.g. sister wearing a thong) or if the other boy was diapered? Were sexual situations any different?

When someone's butt (male or female) is presented in a purely sexual context (e.g. porn, some movies and advertising), or in a neutral context (e.g. advertisements for jeans worn by models) do you still tend to think of poop, farts and offensive odors, or are you able to dismiss these thoughts? Does only seeing diapered butts or the butts of younger boys make you think of bodily eliminations more?

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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