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Question of the Week

Question of the Week Information

View Results from Previous Questions of the Week

Note- the first few questions are standard questions that are asked each week. The new questions appear just past these standard questions.

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your Age:
What kinds of diapers do you wear?
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers
Single plastic pants- plain
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored
Multiple plastic pants- plain
Multiple plastic pants- patterned/colored
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How often are you pantsless while in diapers at home?
Always (100% of the time)
Usually (75% of the time)
Sometimes (50% of the time)
Rarely (25% of the time)
Never (0% of the time)
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How do you regularly use your diapers?
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How many older sisters do you have?
More than three
How many younger sisters do you have?
More than three
Describe your appearance and your usual or current state of dress, including diaper type, quantity, color, and condition:
Describe your brothers' appearance and his/their usual or current state of dress, including diaper types, quantity, color, and condition (if known):
Describe your sisters' appearance and her/their usual or current state of dress:

The Question of the Week for February 1, 2009:

Question #1: As a young boy (ages 12 and under), how often was your mind on your diapers (at least partly), whether or not you chose to think about them?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All boys who wear diapers and adult males who regularly wore diapers beyond babyhood/toddlerhood.


This and all of the following questions will pertain to when you were a young boy (age 12 and under).

Question #2: As a young boy (ages 12 and under), how intense was your level of preoccupation with thoughts of your diapers?
(Check only one.)
Completely immersed in such thoughts
Mostly focused on such thoughts
Moderately focused on such thoughts
Fleeting or passing thoughts only
I gave little to no thought about my diapers

In other words, how often did you choose to think about your diapers versus being reminded of them by other means beyond your control

Question #3: How often did you willfully choose to think about your diapers when you were a young boy (ages 12 and under) versus being reminded about them beyond your control?
(Check only one.)
Question #4: Did you try to avoid thinking about your diapers or being reminded of them?
(Check only one.)
Yes, I was successful most of the time
Yes, I succeeded some of the time
Yes, but I was rarely successful
I sometimes avoided such thoughts depending on the situation
I never avoided such thoughts since I enjoyed my diapers
Question #5: How did your own diapers remind you of wearing them even when you did not intend to think about them?
(Check all that apply.)
When I had to pee in them
When I had to poop in them
When I was waiting to be changed
When I was getting a diaper change
The sounds of my diapers
The smell of my pee
The smell of my poop
Seeing pictures of myself in diapers
Looking downward and seeing my diapers
Seeing myself in diapers from looking in a mirror
Feeling a draft or feeling cold from being pantsless
Seeing my supply of diapers
Handling my own diapers
Watching others handle my diapers
Sexual arousal from my diapers when I did not intend it
Question #6: How did external sources remind you of wearing diapers even when you did not intend to think about them?
(Check all that apply.)
Seeing others in pants or shorts when not wearing any myself
Seeing others enter the bathroom/use the toilet
When others talked to me about my diapers
When others talked about me wearing diapers (but not to me)
Seeing other boys in diapers (in person)
Seeing pictures of other boys in diapers
Diaper commercials on TV
Diaper scenes on TV or in movies
Seeing diapers at the store or anywhere
Seeing pictures of diapers in general
Hearing people talk about diapers in general
Reading information about diapers in general (incl. books)
Seeing other items related to babies (e.g. cribs, pacifiers)
Reading information about other baby items
Seeing babies/toddlers even if diapers are not visible
Hearing/reading about babies even when diapers not mentioned
Question #7: How often were you able to avoid being reminded of your diapers when you did not want to think about them?
(Check all that apply.)
Question #8: How often did your mother do things that remind you of your diapers even if you did not wish to think about them?
(Check only one.)

Skip if not applicable to you.

Question #9: How often did your father do things that remind you of your diapers even if you did not wish to think about them?
(Check only one.)

Skip if not applicable to you.

Question #10: How often did your brothers do things that remind you of your diapers even if you did not wish to think about them?
(Check only one.)

Skip if not applicable to you.

How often did your sisters do things that remind you of your diapers even if you did not wish to think about them?
(Check only one.)
Skip if not applicable to you.

As a young boy (ages 12 and under), how often were you at least thinking enough about your diapers to not be able to ignore such thoughts? Where and when did such thoughts most often occur?

Explain how intense or involved these thoughts became when you had diapers on your mind:

Explain how and when you chose to think about your diapers and how often this happened compared to when you were reminded of your diapers by some other means. Did you choose to continue with such thoughts or did you try to cast them out of your mind, and if so, why did you make these choices?

How often were you successful in casting out unwanted thoughts about your diapers? What methods did you use? What were your reasons to avoid such thoughts?

List and explain the ways your own diapers remind you of the fact that you are wearing them. How do you feel about such thoughts?

List and explain the ways external sources remind you of the fact that you are wearing diapers. How do you feel about such thoughts?

How does your mother remind you about the fact that you are wearing diapers? How do you feel about her doing this? Does she do it intentionally or unintentionally, and if intentionally, why?

How does your father remind you about the fact that you are wearing diapers? How do you feel about him doing this? Does he do it intentionally or unintentionally, and if intentionally, why?

How do your sisters remind you about the fact that you are wearing diapers? How do you feel about them doing this? Does they do it intentionally or unintentionally, and if intentionally, why?

How do your brothers remind you about the fact that you are wearing diapers? How do you feel about them doing this? Does they do it intentionally or unintentionally, and if intentionally, why?

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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