As a young boy (ages 12 and under), how comfortable were you about having your brothers talk about your private body parts? See your private parts? Touch your private parts for diaper-changes? Touch your private parts for sexual arousal
(Check only one.)
How do you feel about your genitals? In what ways do you exhibit sensitivity or self consciousness towards your genitals?
How do you feel about your butt? In what ways do you exhibit sensitivity or self consciousness towards your butt?
How do you feel about your legs and or chest (especially when they are bare and others can see them) Is it any different when you are in diapers versus in shorts?
How do your friends feel about their private parts? How do their feelings compare to yours?
How do your brothers feel about their private parts? How do their feelings compare to yours?
How do your sisters feel about their private parts? How do their feelings compare to yours?
What does your mother talk about that makes you self-conscious or uncomfortable as far as your body and your diapers are concerned?
What does your father talk about that makes you self-conscious or uncomfortable as far as your body and your diapers are concerned?
What do your sisters talk about that makes you self-conscious or uncomfortable as far as your body and your diapers are concerned?
What do your brothers talk about that makes you self-conscious or uncomfortable as far as your body and your diapers are concerned?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.