Question #9: Who used extra diaper pins on your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Explain how tape was used on your disposable diapers (number of tapes, width of tape used, how much tape was used)
Explain how pins were used on your cloth diapers (number of pins, size of pins, where pins were placed in the diapers)
Explain why reinforcements were used on your diapers
How did your mother and/or father apply reinforcements to your diapers?
How did your sisters apply reinforcements to your diapers?
How did your brothers apply reinforcements to your diapers?
If your diapers used Velcro, describe how well this worked
If you wore pull-on diapers or multiple underpants for diapers, how well did the waistbands work?
Explain how, how many, why and by whom diaper pins were used to fasten your diapers to your shirt:
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.