The Question of the Week for October 5, 2008:
Question #1: As a young boy, how often did strangers comment on your diapers?
(Check only one.)
Intended participants for this question: All boys who wear diapers and adult males who regularly wore diapers beyond babyhood/toddlerhood.
Question #2: As a young boy, how often did strangers stare at you because of your diapers?
(Check only one.)
Question #3: Which people were most apt to comment on your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Question #4: Which people were most apt to stare at you because of your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Question #5: Other than in school, where did people most often make comments to you about your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Question #6: How have you reacted towards people who make comments and/or stare at you for wearing diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
What did most young children say to you about your diapers? How did boys versus girls behave when they said things to you about your diapers?
What did most teenagers say to you about your diapers? How did boys versus girls behave when they said things to you about your diapers?
What did most younger adults say to you about your diapers? How did men versus women behave when they said things to you about your diapers?
What did most older adults say to you about your diapers? How did men versus women behave when they said things to you about your diapers?
How did you react to people who stared at you and/or made comments about your diapers?
How did your mother and/or father react to people who stared at you and/or made comments about your diapers?
How did your brothers react to people who stared at you and/or made comments about your diapers?
How did your sisters react to people who stared at you and/or made comments about your diapers?
What was your most memorable experience involving a stranger's comment and/or staring? How did you react? How did others react? How do you wish the situation had been handled?
What are your best comebacks or responses towards rude, nosy people? Have you or others around you used these responses towards others? How did they react?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.
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