The Question of the Week for September 28, 2008:
Question #1: How many times a day do you have to poop?
(Check only one.)
Intended participants for this question: All boys who wear diapers and adult males who regularly wore diapers beyond babyhood/toddlerhood.
Question #2: How many times a day do you poop in your diapers?
(Check only one.)
Question #3: At what times of the day are you most likely to poop?
(Check all that apply.)
Question #4: When you have to poop do you care who is around?
(Check only one.)
Question #5: Who would you rather not have around when you have to poop in your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Question #6: Who tends to be present when you have to poop in your diapers (whether or not you want them there)?
(Check all that apply.)
Question #7: How capable are you of holding back a poop until you are ready to release it?
(Check all that apply.)
Describe the frequency of your bowel movements
Describe the times when you poop in diapers versus when you don't (the factors that determine whether or not you poop in your diapers):
Who changes your poopy diapers during the day and when?
Describe when you most often have to poop and why you think this is why you poop the most at this time of day?
Explain why you don't want the people you indicated to be around you when you have to poop in your diapers:
Describe your poop-holding abilities or lack thereof and when/how you lost these abilities:
How do you feel about your brothers and/or other boys being around when you have to poop in your diapers? How do they react?
How do you feel about your sisters and/or other girls being around when you have to poop in your diapers? How do they react?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.
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