Question #10: For which reasons were you forced to wear diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Describe the first time you were forced to wear diapers. Include the following details: How old you were, the circumstances behind forced diapering, who was involved in the effort, who witnessed/observed it,
what kinds of diapers, how you used them:
How and by whom were you restrained when you were forced to wear diapers? How much of a fight did you put up and at what point did you concede?
Describe how your brothers and/or other boys were involved in forcing you to wear diapers. Describe the times when they observed you getting forced into diapers. How did they react to seeing this?
Describe how your sisters and/or other girls were involved in forcing you to wear diapers. Describe the times when they observed you getting forced into diapers. How did they react to seeing this?
Have you ever witnessed your brothers getting forced into diapers? Describe the circumstances and include other notable details.
Have you ever witnessed other boys getting forced into diapers? Describe the circumstances and include other notable details.
When you were forced into diapers what were your fears and concerns towards wearing diapers before you were diapered?
What were your concerns after you were diapered/ Which concerns were realized (what you were afraid would happen did happen)?
How did the circumstances change over time regarding your reaction to getting put into diapers? Did you become less resistant or defiant or get to where you enjoyed it?
What was the worst part of getting forced into diapers? What made this so bad?
How did you feel about being left pantsless? How did you react to this? How did others ensure that you did not wear pants
or try to hide yourself from the view of others when in your diapers? How did others react to your being pantsless?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.