Question #9: As a young boy did you get to see your sisters naked?
(Check only one.)
As a young boy, how did you feel at the time about the level of appropriateness of having your sisters see you in your diapers and/or underwear?
As a young boy, how did you feel at the time about the level of appropriateness of having your sisters see you naked?
As a young boy, how did your sisters feel about getting to see you in diapers and/or underwear?
As a young boy, how did your sisters feel about getting to see you naked?
As a young boy, how did you feel about getting or not getting to see your sisters in their underwear?
As a young boy, how did you feel about getting or not getting to see your sisters naked?
How did your parents feel about your sisters seeing you in diapers/underwear and/or naked? How did they feel about you seeing your sisters in underwear and/or naked?
As your current age, in retrospect, how do you feel about the level of appropriateness of having your sisters see you in your diapers/underwear and/or naked when you were a young boy?
As your current age, in retrospect, how do you feel about the level of appropriateness of having you see your sisters in their underwear and/or naked when you were a young boy?
As a child, what were your feelings towards nudity and/or indecency in the presence of the opposite sex? At your current age how do you feel about boys and girls seeing each other in comprised states of dress or naked?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.