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Question of the Week

Question of the Week Information

View Results from Previous Questions of the Week

Note- the first few questions are standard questions that are asked each week. The new questions appear just past these standard questions.

Your Name (Nickname):
Your Email address:
Your Age:
What kinds of diapers do you wear?
Single disposable diapers- plain white
Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple disposable diapers- plain white
Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored
Single cloth diapers- plain white
Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple cloth diapers- plain white
Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored
Multiple underpants- plain white
Multiple underpants- patterned/colored
Other makeshift diapers
Single plastic pants- plain
Single plastic pants- patterned/colored
Multiple plastic pants- plain
Multiple plastic pants- patterned/colored
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How often are you pantsless while in diapers at home?
Always (100% of the time)
Usually (75% of the time)
Sometimes (50% of the time)
Rarely (25% of the time)
Never (0% of the time)
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)
How do you regularly use your diapers?
Only applies to when you were a boy (ages<18)

The Question of the Week for February 3, 2008:

Question #1: Overall, how often do you think about your diapers when you are wearing them (not just diapers in general)?
(Check only one.)

Intended participants for this question: All boys who wear diapers and adult males who regularly wore diapers beyond babyhood/toddlerhood.

Part A:

Part B:
Question #2: When you are wearing diapers do you try not to think about your diapers unless you have to?
(Check only one.)
I try hard not to but I cant avoid thinking about my diapers
I try not to but if I think about my diapers that's cool
I don't try to avoid such thoughts
I welcome such thoughts
Question #3: How old were you when you first realized how preoccupied you were with your diapers when you were wearing them?
(Check only one.)
Under 4
Over 17
Question #4: How difficult is it to ignore these thoughts about your diapers when you are wearing them?
(Select one choice for each topic)
The thickness of my diapers
The number of diapers I am wearing
My wet diapers
My poopy diapers
My diaper odors
The possibility of diaper leakage
Exposure/visibility of my diapers
Diaper changes when not being changed
Having no pants on
Who sees my diapers
The sounds my diapers make
When I have to pee in my diapers
When I have to poop in my diapers
Who is going to change my diapers
What others will say about my diapers
The fit/comfort of my diapers
How securely my diapers are fastened onto me
How high my diapers go on my body
How wide the crotch of my diapers is
Sexual arousal from my diapers
Sexual arousal from others' diapers
Sexual arousal from diapers in general
Question #5: When you are wearing diapers, by how much are you preoccupied with thoughts of your diapers while performing the following activities (skip if not applicable)?
(Select one choice for each topic)
Eating meals at the table
Eating elsewhere in house
Playing videogames
Watching TV
Listening to music
Reading (recreational)
Using the computer/Internet
Playing other indoor games
Playing with toys
Doing household chores
Talking on the telephone
Doing homework
Playing outside
Working outside
Riding a bike
Sports/recreational activities
Exercising (incl. gym class)
Riding in/driving a car
Riding the bus to/from school
Sitting in the classroom
Walking through school
Playing during recess/lunch
Being in a store
Being in a restaurant
Being at the movies
Being in an airport, bus depot, etc.
Being on a plane, bus, etc.
Being in other public place
Doing my job at work
Question #6: When you are wearing diapers, by how much are you preoccupied with thoughts of your diapers in the presence of the following people? (skip if not applicable)
(Select one choice for each topic)
Older sisters
Younger sisters
Older brothers
Younger brothers
Girl cousins
Boy cousins
Girl babysitters
Boy babysitters
Girl classmates
Boy classmates
Male friends
Female friends
Girlfriend (boyfriend if gay)
Wife/signficant other (including gay)
Girl classmates
Boy classmates
Other girls
Other boys
Other female adults
Other male adults
Question #7: How effective are the following activities with helping to shut out thoughts of your diapers when you are wearing them (skip if not applicable)?
(Select one choice for each topic)
Watching TV/movies
Listening to music
Playing video games
Playing other games
Playing with toys
Immersion in hobbies
Reading books, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Using the internet
Other computer use
Household chores
Working outdoors
Being out with friends
Being out with family
Question #8: In which ways do your sisters and/or other girls in your presence make it more difficult for you to not think about your diapers when you are wearing them?
(Check all that apply.)
They see me wearing diapers (no pants on)
They don't see but know I am wearing diapers (pants on)
They smell my diaper odors
They point out they can see me in my diapers (no pants on)
They point out my diapers are showing when I have pants on
They point out they know I am in diapers (with pants on)
They ask me about the condition of my diapers
They change my diapers
They take pictures of me in my diapers
They talk to others about me wearing diapers
The fact that they aren't wearing diapers
The fact that they have pants on
The fact that they can wear underwear
The fact that they can and do go around in underwear
The fact that they can and do go around naked
Question #9: In which ways do your brothers and/or other boys in your presence make it more difficult for you to not think about your diapers when you are wearing them?
(Check all that apply.)
They see me wearing diapers (no pants on)
They don't see but know I am wearing diapers (pants on)
They smell my diaper odors
They point out they can see me in my diapers (no pants on)
They point out my diapers are showing when I have pants on
They point out they know I am in diapers (with pants on)
They ask me about the condition of my diapers
They change my diapers
They take pictures of me in my diapers
They talk to others about me wearing diapers
They have diapers on, too
The fact that they aren't wearing diapers
The fact that they have pants on
The fact that they can wear underwear
The fact that they can and do go around in underwear
The fact that they can and do go around naked
Question #10: While wearing diapers, which factors affect your level of preoccupancy with your diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
Presence of my sisters
Presence of my brothers
Presence of my parents
Presence of girl cousins
Presence of boy cousins
Presence of other adult familly members
The condition of my diapers
The exposure of my diapers
How occuppied I am by activity
Level of interest/boredom in activity
Whether or not I have pants on
Whether or not I have pants on
Between girls and boys, whose presence causes you to feel more preoccupied with your diapers when you are wearing them?
(Check only one.)
Girls by an absolute margin
Girls by a significant margin
Girls by a moderate margin
Girls by a small margin
About the same for boys and girls
Boys by a small margin
Boys by a moderate margin
Boys by a significant margin
Boys by an absolute margin

Provide a general, but thorough description of how your diapers preoccupy your mind when you are involved in other activities not directly related to your diapers (i.e. diaper changes, using diapers, masturbating). How often do diaper thoughts"win out"? Do you let such thoughts win out or do you try to fight them?

How do you try to fight or resist thinking about your diapers? Why do you try to resist such thoughts? How often are you successful or unsuccessful? If you allow and welcome such thoughts, what are your reasons?

List and describe the thoughts you consider to be the most difficult to ignore when you are wearing diapers and why these thoughts are difficult to ignore:

List and describe the activities you consider to be the most difficult to avoid preoccupation with your diapers when you are wearing diapers and why these thoughts are difficult to ignore during such activities:

List and describe the persons in whose presence you consider it to be the most difficult to avoid preoccupation with your diapers when you are wearing diapers and why these thoughts are difficult to ignore while in the presence of these people:

How do your sisters and/or other girls cause you to become more precoccupied with thoughts about your diapers? Do they know they are causing you to think about your diapers more and how do they feel about doing this to you?

How do your brothers and/or other boys cause you to become more precoccupied with thoughts about your diapers? Do they know they are causing you to think about your diapers more and how do they feel about doing this to you?

Describe the factors the affect your level of preoccupancy with your diapers, such as the presence of other people, your level of involvement or interest in activities, boredom, being tired, how you are dressed, how others are dressed, etc.

List the activities you most often engage yourself in to avoid preoccupation with thoughts about your diapers and how well these activities work. Indicate circumstances that override your ability to avoid preoccupation with your diapers during such activities:

Explain why the presence girls or boys or both cause you to become more preoccupied with thoughts of your diapers when you are wearing them:

Please share any comments or additional details regarding your answer choice(s): (500 chars. max):

Please provide a question you would like to see asked for a Question of the Week (500 chars. max):

Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.


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