How much did you envy your sisters for using the toilet when you didn't? How much did you envy your brothers for using the toilet when you didn't?
(Check only one.)
Provide details on how often you used the toilet as a boy (before age 13). If your toilet/diaper usage ratio changed over the years explain how this changed:
Provide details on how, when and why you did not use the toilet and use your diapers instead:
Provide more details on what you would have liked about using the toilet over using your diapers:
Provide details on what you like about using your diapers over using the toilet:
What have you seen your sisters do on the toilet? What circumstances led to you watching her use the toilet? What were her privacy concerns or lack thereof? How did you feel about seeing her use the toilet?
What have you seen your brothers do on the toilet? What circumstances led to you watching him use the toilet? What were his privacy concerns or lack thereof? How did you feel about seeing him use the toilet?
Describe your feelings of envy (or lack thereof) towards your sisters for using the toilet when you have worn diapers. How did your sisters treat you for wearing diapers and how did they point out using the toilet to you?
Describe your feelings of envy (or lack thereof) towards your brothers for using the toilet when you have worn diapers. How did your brothers treat you for wearing diapers and how did they point out using the toilet to you?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.