In which kinds of diapers did you have messy bowel movements as a young boy (before age 13)?
(Check all that apply.)
What do you consider to be a"messy" bowel movement? What criteria makes it messy vs. non-messy?
Describe your messiest bowel movement ever, especially if it occurred before age 13. How old were you at the time, where were you when it happened, what kinds of diapers
were you wearing, were you pantless, what caused it to be so messy, what was the extent of the mess (both inside and outside of diapers) and who cleaned you up? How ong did the clean-up take (including diapering time)?
What are your more memorable moments dealing with messy bowel movements in school? In which grades did they occur and where?
Did boys and/or girls witness/observe it? How did they react? How did teachers react? How was it dealt with and how did you feel about it?
What have your parents said about your messy bowel movements? How do/did they handle your messy diaper changes?
What have your brothers and/or other boys said about your messy bowel movements? How do/did they handle your messy diaper changes?
What have your sisters and/or other girls said about your messy bowel movements? How do/did they handle your messy diaper changes?
What do you like/dislike about messy bowel movements?
As a young boy (before age 13), was it better for you to go pantsless when you had messy bowel movements? Explain why or why not,or if it mattered.
Did you ever warn the diaper changer that he or she was going to be dealing with a big mess? If he or she already knew about it, how did they know
and indicate to you that they knew? Did they ever indicate that you were messier than you expected it to be? If so, how did they indicate this?
Provide more details regarding how you (or your diaper changer) prevent poop leakage from messy diapers.
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.