How many other boys did you know who came to school wearing diapers because of punishment for their school-related performance/behavior?
(Check all that apply.)
Describe the most notable times from past school years (or from your boyhood) when you were diaper disciplined because of school-related problems. Include
the grades/ages and any other details you can think of, such as the reasons for getting diapered for discipline. How do you think this affected your performance in school? Use as much space as you need.
Describe the most notable times from the past school year when you were diaper disciplined because of school-related problems.
Include the grade/age and any other details you can think of. How do you think this affected your performance in school?Use as much space as you need.
Describe what it was like to wear diapers to school because of being diaper disciplined. Include details such
as where, when and by whom your diapers were changed.
How was gym class affected by coming to school in diapers for disciplinary reasons? How did other classmates (including boys and girls if coed) treat you for wearing diapers?
What was your routine concerning your diapers after coming home from school? Were you ever allowed to go visit friends, etc.?
In which subjects/classes did you receive poor grades that resulted in getting diaper discipline? What were your grades in these classes and why did you do poorly in them?
What do you plan to differently next school year to avoid getting in trouble for bad grades or behavioral problems?
What did your teachers think of you coming to school in diapers?
What did your boy classmates think of you coming to school in diapers?
What did your girl classmates think of you coming to school in diapers?
Who were the boys you knew who came to school in diapers because of school-related problems? Explain what they were like, how you and others treated them, etc.
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.