In which ways did you attempt to avoid diaper punishment after you were diapered?
(Check all that apply.)
Before age 6, provide details on how much time you spent in diapers, the kinds of diapers you wore, if you were pantsless, the things you did to get put into diapers, etc.
From ages 6 to 12, provide details on how much time you spent in diapers, the kinds of diapers you wore, if you were pantsless, the things you did to get put into diapers, etc.
From ages 13 to 17, provide details on how much time you spent in diapers, the kinds of diapers you wore, if you were pantsless, the things you did to get put into diapers, etc.
What thoughts went through your mind when you were told you would get diaper punishment?
What was the standard or usual procedure for when diaper punishment was initiated (e.g. removal of pants and by whom, spanking, corner time, presentation of diapers, who diapered you, what happened once you were diapered, etc.)
Also include the time involved from initiation of punishment to completion of getting diapered.
Why do you think you still misbehaved even if you knew that you would get put into diapers?
Describe the times when you tried to beg, plead, fight, resist or protest diaper punishment beforehand. What was the result (i.e. escalation of punishment)?
Also include any times when you were successfully able to negotiate a compromise or a rescinding of diaper punishment:
Describe the times when you tried to beg, plead, fight, resist or protest diaper punishment after getting diapered? What was the result (i.e. escalation of punishment)?
Also include any times when you were successfully able to negotiate a compromise or a rescinding of diaper punishment:
What was worse, the anticipation of getting diapers or the actual diaper punishment itself? Explain why:
What things did you expect to happen during diaper punishment? Were these expectations met or exceeded? What things did you not expect or count on that happened?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.