What kinds of diapers do you poop in?
(Check all that apply.)
Describe how you are open or discreet with pooping in your diapers. Provide details on the methods you use:
List the people whom you are the most comfortable with having around when you poop in your diapers and why:
List the people whom you are the least comfortable with having around when you poop in your diapers and why:
How do your brothers and/or other boys usually react when you have pooped in your diapers?
How do your sisters and/or other girls usually react when you have pooped in your diapers?
Provide details on the things that embarrass you the most about pooping in your diapers:
How do boys and girls (including brothers and sisters, respectively) differ in their reactions and responses to you pooping in your diapers?
Would you rather be diapered extra thickly to avoid people seeing and smelling poop, but at the expense of wearing pants, or be diapered thinly enough to wear pants but risk having people see (i.e. leaks) and/or smell poop? Explain why:
In which ways does it feel different to poop in diapers with pants on versus pooping in diapers without pants on? Do you feel the latter draws more attention to your pooping?
How do you prepare yourself for pooping in your diapers? How much time do you have to anticipate the load? What do you do before pooping, during pooping, and after pooping?
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.