How old were you when you first bought your own diapers?
(Check all that apply.)
List the stores you go to for diapers and why:
List the stores you will never go to or will ever go back to again and why:
If another person buys your diapers, who is he/she and which stores does he/she go to? Why does he or she go to these stores? Which ones does he or she avoid and why?
How do you mask your diaper purchase? Do you buy other things with them? Do you keep the diapers hidden in the cart prior to purchase? Do you make up reasons for buying them in case you are asked?
How open are other people who ask your mother or other family members about the diapers being bought for you? How do you feel about this?
Who is usually present when diapers are being bought for you (whether you are the buyer or someone else is)?
How do your brothers and/or sisters act when they are in the store with you and diapers are being bought for you?
Describe a time when cashiers, clerks or other store personnel have embarrassed you or otherwise made you uncomfortable about getting diapers:
Describe any times when people you know have caught you buying diapers or getting diapers purchased for you:
Decribe your strategies for avoiding being seen by someone you know when you buy diapers:
Thank you for participating in the Question of the Week. Results will be posted each Sunday.