Deeker's Diaper Page
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Deeker's Message of the Week
March 15, 2009
New Diaper Boy Drawings Posted (Set #133)
Drawings Set #133 of the Diaper Boy Drawings has been posted.
As always, I invite everyone to check them out, save them, print them and share them with your friends and families, or post them to your own site if you have one (just don't try selling them). If you do wish to post them to your own site please go ahead but just give proper attribution to their source, and please let me know where you have posted or will post them as I would like to know how widely distributed the drawings are.
If you have an idea for captions or speech balloon dialogs, I would love to see your suggestions and ideas. Please submit them here.
Diaper Boy Drawings Mini Survey
Now there is a permanent Diaper Boy Drawings Mini Survey online. Please take a moment to fill it out.
* * * * *
Have a good week, everyone! Stay happily and thickly diapered!
Other Messages of the Week