October 19, 2003
In the coming weeks there will be similar changes and improvements made to the Brother survey, the Diaper Discipline survey, and a separate, but similar survey for adults (18 and older) will be created, based mostly on the structure of the preteen/teen survey. Also, this time I hope to create a system for showing the overall responses to each question asked.
Since I posted the new sister survey form in mid-week I have already received several responses for it (thank you to all of you whose sisters have particpated so far). These responses will be posted next week, as I still need to build the Excel file that is used for formatting the HTML for the responses.
I don't expect perfection. Really, I don't. I know my own stories aren't perfect. Rest assured, I won't become overly pedantic with every little detail, and if your story does contain a few mistakes, I'll gladly take a moment to correct them. I won't write back to you and say your writing sucks, nor will I give an itemized list of all the mistakes I found. My primary concern is that your story meets the criteria as stated in the Guidelines. If I like it I will send you a short thank-you note and let you know that I enjoyed it. I may ask a few questions or make suggestions for forthcoming parts, but I won't ever tell you that your writing quality wasn't good.
A few days ago I received an email from someone who mentioned that he was dyslexic, and because of this he was afraid that he may not be able to write a good story without making too many mistakes and having me reject his story. I am considerate of such matters and am aware that some people do have these handicaps or other limitations and can do nothing about it, save for having someone help them. If you are dyslexic, or if English isn't your first language, please make a short note of this (no need to apologize for it, just let me know this is the case.) Doing this will make me aware of your situation and I will proceed with this understanding.