August 11, 2002
Rank | Term | Frequency |
1 | pants | 3380 |
2 | diaper | 3124 |
3 | diapers | 2620 |
4 | in | 2439 |
5 | spanking | 2246 |
6 | poop | 2112 |
7 | baby | 1795 |
8 | wet | 1645 |
9 | cum | 1372 |
10 | my | 1350 |
11 | sister | 1311 |
12 | breast | 1279 |
13 | pee | 1267 |
14 | his | 1235 |
15 | the | 1226 |
16 | a | 1179 |
17 | penis | 1140 |
18 | forced | 1043 |
19 | spank | 1036 |
20 | punishment | 1008 |
For words like in, my, his, the and a, I have since set the search engine reporting so that it will ignore these words. If the numbers change significantly next time I update the index (which I should do each week) I will post an update, hopefully with all of the terms being more significant and relevant to this web site.
Top 20 Queries
Rank | Term | Frequency |
1 | spanking | 1083 |
2 | poop | 578 |
3 | enema | 530 |
4 | cum | 529 |
5 | spank | 430 |
6 | pampers | 413 |
7 | plastic pants | 392 |
8 | breast | 369 |
9 | forced | 368 |
10 | punishment | 352 |
11 | breast feeding | 314 |
12 | sex | 299 |
13 | penis | 296 |
14 | babysitter | 289 |
15 | gay | 281 |
16 | rubber sheet | 262 |
17 | breast milk | 241 |
18 | erection | 234 |
19 | humiliation | 234 |
20 | wet wetting pee peeing peed piss pissing pissed spread spreading drip dripping dripped mess messing messed messy fill filling filled poop pooping pooped shit shitting bulge bulging bulged pants spot crotch thigh leg down back soil soiled soiling full | 233 |
I don't know why it reported an entire list of words for #20, but this was what came up in the report.
Top 20 Queries That Found No Result
Note: Some terms listed were purposely munged, that is, an underscore was inserted in the term to prevent false hits on searches for these terms.
Rank | Term | Frequency | Notes
1 | di_ldo | 41 | No surprise that this one produced no results.
| 2 | blo_wjob | 34 | Ditto.
| 3 | "can i be a baby" | 16 | Why so many hits, I don't know, maybe the same person repeating the query hoping that what he was looking for would eventually turn up if he ran a search on it enough times
| 4 | "a_nal sex" | 14 | While a common element in other diaper stories, the stories on this page usually don't have this, at least it's not explicitly mentioned
| 5 | bounc_er | 13 | Got me on this one. Maybe someone was looking for a specific story that takes place in a bar.
| 6 | strai_ghtjacket | 11 | Part of a different fetish altogether
| 7 | "do you wont to be my baby" | 11 | Probably the same person looking for something specific, and his misspelling of "want" likely makes this one unique
| 8 | h_ypno | 10 | Maybe someone seeking information on subliminal message tapes, perhaps.
| 9 | pra_m | 10 | I'll admit I had to look this one up on It's a British term for baby carriage.
| 10 | "mommys baby" | 9 | Put the apostrophe in "mommys" and I'll bet this one returns some hits.
| 11 | pett_icoat | 8 | Not on this site will you find this!
| 12 | hu_milation | 8 | A common typo, I do it all the time myself
| 13 | "do you wont to wear diapers" | 8 | Probably the same guy who contributed to #7 in this list.
| 14 | masterba_te | 7 | It's spelled masturbate!
| 15 | brea_stmilk | 7 | Divide this into two words and you'll have it.
| 16 | snowsu_its | 7 | Not really what this site is about.
| 17 | "diape_red girl" | 6 | Well, this is a site about boys in diapers.
| 18 | "can i be your baby" | 6 | I have a feeling this is related to the queries listed in #7 and # 13.
| 19 | do you wont to wear a diaper | 6 | See #18.
| 20 | brid_le | 6 | Probably a bondage thing.
| |
Rank | Title | Section | Hits |
1 | Time for Another Diaper | Contributed Stories | 1652 |
2 | My Teenbaby Life | Contributed Stories | 804 |
3 | Justin | True Accounts | 803 |
4 | My First Rubber Pants | True Accounts | 784 |
5 | Sam in Diapers | Archived Stories | 334 |
6 | The Kellys Come to America, parts 41-50 | Contributed Stories | 261 |
7 | Steve's Diaper Discipline | True Accounts | 171 |
8 | Mr. Lenny's Delight | Contributed Stories | 165 |
9 | Good Old Days | Contributed Stories | 156 |
10 | Aaron | True Accounts | 154 |