Forever in Diapers

Summaries: Parts 41-50

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50
51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100
101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150
151-160 161-170 171-180 181-190 191-200

Download "Forever in Diapers", Parts 41-50 (182K)

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Summaries Parts 31-40

Part 41 (Tuesday, 6/15/93)

The following morning Chris, Tony, Bryce, and Nathan go on a hike along with the other boys in their group. During the morning before breakfast Chris and the other boys are accompanied an overly-religious kid named Billy who tries to get everyone involved in prayer. His reason for being at the camp was because the Bible camp he was going to attend originally did not accommodate bedwetters, so he was sent to the diaper camp to evangelize everyone. This causes most of the other boys to feel annoyed. Later on, when the hike is to begin, the boys are told that they will be hiking in only their diapers. Billy refuses to participate due to modesty issues. The remaining boys go in the hike with Kevin and Troy, who serve as guides and counselors. All along the way Chris enjoys the sight of several boys' diapered butts as they hike up the steep mountain trail. All of the boys eventually pee and poop in their diapers by the time they reach the halfway point. Many of them are leaking at this point, but they keep going. At one point a kid named Richard loses his diaper from the weight of its contents. Chris, Tony, Nathan, Bryce and a few others stop to help him. Chris offers him one of his Thickies diapers, which Richard appreciates, especially after seeing how thick they are compared to his own diaper.

Part 42

Chris and the other boys fall behind the other hikers when they stop to help Richard change his diaper. After this they try to catch up to the others. Bryce then loses his diaper when its capacity is reached. He opts to go naked for the remainder of the hike to the designated stopping point as do a couple of other boys as their diapers give out on them. Only Chris, Tony and Nathan manage to make it to the stopping point with only a little bit of diaper leakage as their higher capacity Thickies diapers prove to be able to endure the high volume of wastes. At the stopping point is a hot springs where the boys can clean themselves off. There was another hot springs with a pool beneath it where the boys could go for a swim before they diapered up again.

Part 43

Chris and the other boys wash off in the springs and then go skinny dipping in the nearby natural hot springs pool. While in the pool, Chris has a bowel movement, which causes the other boys to get out of the water. After everyone diapers up again they have lunch and then hike back to the camp. Back at camp, the boys have dinner, which includes beans, plus they gather around a campfire and roast hot dogs and marshmallows, sing songs and do the usual camp activities. Later that night Chris and the other boys are in their cabin where they read Chris' diaper stories he brought along and talk about diapers, exchange dirty jokes, etc., all to the disapproval of Billy. Billy asks that they stop,, but this only serves to encourage the other boys to offend Billy even more. In the middle of the night, Chris is awakened by Jonny, who manages to remove Billy's sweat pants in his sleep. Chris is on to what Jonny is doing, so Chris offers his flashlight and joins Jonny in his scheme. Chris manages to liberate the two pairs of shorts that Billy had with him. As the beans Chris ate caused him to fart loudly, this awakened Tony and a couple others. Once awake, they were clued in on what was happening before Chris and Johnny sneaked out of the cabin. Jonny led Chris to the flagpole, where Chris assisted Jonny by shining his flashlight on the pole while Jonny raised Billy's sweatpants up into the sky. As the flagpole had a key to it and that the key was still stuck in the base, this allowed Jonny to take the stunt a step further. Using Billy's shorts, he stuck the key into one of the pockets of one pair. The walked over to another cabin and Jonny quickly opened the door and tossed the two pairs of shorts in there. Jonny explained to Chris that there were a couple of kids in this cabin that Jonny didn't like, thus making them look culpable.

Part 44

When Billy discovers that his sweat pants are missing as well as his shorts he accuses the other boys in the cabin for being responsible. However, each of them denies having any responsibility. When the boys are called to breakfast they all go to the mess hall, leaving Billy behind as he refuses to appear before the other boys in just his diapers. During the breakfast it is brought to everyone's attention that Billy's sweatpants were found up the flagpole. Billy is later seen being escorted into the building and to the lost-and-found, where he retrieves his shorts. When he picks them up the key drops out of them. It is then determined hat the shorts were found in cabin number five. None of the boys from that cabin confess to taking Billy's shorts, so all of the boys are punished by being made to go on a hike without their diapers. In place of their diapers they are given underwear from the lost-and-found. The boys from the other cabins are welcome to join them in the hike. Chris, Tony and several of their cabin-mates agree to go along.

Part 45

Chris enjoys watching the boys from cabin five having to take the hike wearing only a pair of underpants. Most of the boys end up peeing and pooping in their underwear early on. As much as Chris enjoys watching this scene unfold, he begins to feel guilty about having a part in causing it. Chris maintains his silence, however. During the hike the non-diapered boys are allowed to wash themselves off and to rinse out their underwear in a nearby creek. During this stop, two troublemaking boys-Sean and Trevor, get into an argument with Matthew, who is the other "holy roller" in the camp. Eventually this leads to a fight with Sean and Trevor beating up on Matthew. Chris, Tony and Jonny decide to come to Matthew's rescue. Tony and Jonny try to break up the fight while Chris lets one of the counselors know about the situation. The counselor breaks up the fight and orders Sean and Trevor to be tied up and spanked by the other boys. Meanwhile, Matthew is given some first aid for the injuries he received. At this point the counselor asks Jonny to escort Matthew back to the camp. Chris and Tony decide to go along with them.

Part 46

Chris, Tony and Jonny sit down for several minutes and talk with Matthew before they take the long hike back to the camp. During this talk Mathew earns the trust of the other boys and he opens up, describing his past which involved being raised by abusive, alcoholic parents who kept him in diapers and never toilet trained him. He was then adopted by a religious couple who enrolled him in a private Christian school. Going to school in this environment gave Matthew no chances to talk about his feelings about diapers and masturbating. The other boys helped Matthew to open up and talk about these things. The other boys also helped Matthew to overcome his religious hang-ups about masturbation.

Part 47

As the boys head back to camp they come to a fork in the trail. One of the trails is a known route which leads back to the camp. The other is an unknown route which Tony is convinced is a shortcut. He talks the other boys into going along with him. The trail turns out to lead away from the camp. The boys get lost and they are without food, water or extra diapers. They eventually happen upon a family who is out camping. The family consists of a girl, age 15, a boy, age 12, and another girl, age 4. The youngest girl is amused at the sight of the four boys in diapers. The older girl teases her brother who turns out to be a bedwetter and wears Goodnites. The older girl inquires about the super thick diapers that the boys are wearing, knowing that her brother could use these. The mother finds out where to get the Thickies diapers and says she will get some for her son. The boys are given some food and drink. The family's father then runs the boys back to the camp and inquires about enrolling his son in the camp next year. Chris, Tony, Jonny and Matthew make it back to the camp safely, but are given a stern lecture about going off of the main trail and getting lost.

Part 48

While Chris and the other boys were gone hiking, Billy had contacted his parents to come get him at the camp. While sitting in the cabin wearing only their diapers, the boys watch Billy's father and Kevin, one of the counselors, engage in a heated exchange over the purpose of the camp and how the boys were being too crude for Billy. Eventually Billy leaves with his father, much to the delight of the other boys. With Billy's bed being vacated, Matthew decided to move from cabin five into Chris' cabin. The remainder of the days spent at camp go without much incident. On the last day some of the boys opt for the unofficial "Take-Your-Diapers-Off" naked swim in the lake, but Chris and some of the other boys decide to stay in the cabin where they read diaper stories and jack off to them. On the day the boys return home Chris gets the mailing addresses from all the boys he became friends with at the camp.

Part 49 (Sunday, 6/27/93)

The camp buses return to town and drop the boys off at the school where they are picked up. Most of the boys opt to wear just their diapers on the ride home, leaving their shorts in their bags. As a result, they are all conspicuously walking around the parking lot looking for their families. As Lisa is taking driver's training, she is at the wheel as she drives everyone home. After Chris is diapered up in super thick diapers after having to wear disposables the whole time he was at camp, much to his delight. He feverishly masturbates into his wonderfully thick diapers before taking a nap back in his own soft, comfortable crib.

Part 50

After Chris wakes up from his nap he joins the family at the dinner table. Chris is treated to spaghetti, one of his favorite foods, after having to settle for the mediocre food that was served at summer camp. After dinner Chris learns that he was selected to appear in the forthcoming advertisements for Thickies diapers. Chris is very elated by this news, but this exuberance is dampened when he learns that Tony was not selected. They agree to have a sleepover the following night, as Chris feels it's the least he can do for his best friend. Chris spends the evening writing out a detailed account of his experiences at the camp on the computer. Before he goes to bed Cindy diapers him up very thickly and puts the "diaper alarm" device on him since his diapers are too thick to see what is in them after they are used.. Chris, of course, then masturbates in these huge diapers before falling asleep.

Summaries Parts 51-60
Main "Forever in Diapers" Page

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