True Accounts (Shorts)- 2009

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Date submittedNameAge
03/17/09Nick V.14
02/19/09Christopher James13

2008 True Account Shorts

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:30

Summary: Another true story that I just got the details from my mom about the time I was 7 and was put into the hospital with mono and being diapered while there and at home.

It was 1985 and I was around the age of 7, I was not a bedwetter or had any problems with things of that nature, that year I came down with a bad case of mono and had to be put into the hospital for about a week, remember that my mom has given me most of the details of what happened.

I remember going to the hospital and being in the hospital, I was told that the first evening I was so out of it and on some medication that I wet myself in the bed, must of not been a big deal that time because they cleaned me up and changed the sheets, etc.

Later that night I had done it again and the nurse told mom that they were going to have to put a diaper on me because they did not want the hassle of this. Mom said that I was upset at this but I had no choice. A few minutes later the nurse came back with a diaper, plus, it was time for meds and vitals to be checked, which I remember them taking my temp rectally. So the nurse flipped up the gown I was wearing and hoisted up my legs and put the thermometer in my butt and let it register then she put a diaper on me.

This went on for a week being diapered and having a rectal thermometer shoved in my butt. After I was discharged from the hospital I was sent home in a diaper according to my mom, and she kept me in them for about 2 weeks longer (it took a month to get over it) along with the rectal temps (the doctor�s office and mom took it that way until I was 11-12 years old anyway).

I remember one day about 2 years later finding an opened box of pampers down in the basement when I was playing down there but did not know what or whose they were and I didn�t ask.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:14

I was your average 12-year-old, curious, crafty and clever. I started to wet the bed (no medical or mind problems) Then my parents got made and put in diapers for a month or 2 then I stopped wetting and I had no diaper then a year later my mom went on a honeymoon with my dad for a week my little 2 year old sister went with them and my diaper loving fetish kicked in after that the baby sitter came and needed to go out (for whatever she did was beyond me) and I was thirsty and focused straight on the milk (no clue why) Then my baby spirit kicked in I filled a baby bottle with warm milk and wondered towards my sisters� nursery and saw the diapers and thought ahhhh, who will know. so I'm in a diaper with a baby bottle and I decide to get in the crib and have a little nap I got in the crib and closed it sucked on the bottle for a while and slept I woke up 1 hour later and the baby sitter still wasn�t back yet I tried to get out of my crib but I couldn�t it was locked, I SHIT! myself while I was trapped in a diaper and the babysitter was going to tell and then when she came back she was clueless she didn�t tell at all but next week I did the same thing except my parents saw and I was treated as the little brother and along with my little sister they called us wittle babies.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:14

So, I�m a freshman in high school and this new kid moved into a house down the street. He was in one of my class, I later found out he was a junior, but anyways he rood my bus home and when he was walking by me I could smell poop. So when I got home I wanted to talk with him so I walked to his house and knocked on the door and he came to the door he was just wearing a diaper and a t-shirt, I wasn�t shocked but asked if he wanted to talk and he agreed and let me in. When I walked in we sat down on his couch, and I asked where he was from and why he was wearing a diaper, he said that his parents though he shouldn�t be potty trained and wear diapers, but he said he didn�t mind because he said they felt great. Then I asked if I could wear one, and he was like "sure" so we got up and I followed him to a nursery and he told me to lay down on the changing table, I did, first he pulled my shorts, then my t-shirt, then my boxers, and by that time I had a huge boner. Tyler took some oil and oiled me, then sprinkled powder on top and then taped a diaper on. Then I stood up and looked at Tyler and we went back to talking when I had to pee, I looked around for a bathroom but he said its all right to wet the diaper, so I wet the diaper, and then we both sat down and watched TV. After awhile I had to poop, I didn�t bother to look for a diaper, I just pooped in it. Then Tyler could smell it and said ok, you smell pretty bad so ill change you. And he changed me out of the poopie and wet diaper and into a new one. Then he asked if I wanted to go outside, but I told him that I was worried that someone would see us, but he told me that no one would see us behind his house, so we went out and I sat in the baby swing and he pushed me, then we switched, and I pushed him, then we played in the sandbox, and then he said he needed me to change his diaper, so we went in and he sat down on the changing table and I untaped his diaper and oiled and powered him. Then it was getting late so I said I was going home, so I put my clothes back on, and as I was walking out the door Tyler gave me a couple more diaper so wear, I thanked him and started walking home.

Name:Nick V.
Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:14

I guess I better start from how I became a DL.

I first started when I was 13, and sleeping over at a friends house, who I will not name, we had a bet on a footy match and I lost.

So he got to choose what I had to do, and because he was a bed wetter at that time he decided I should also have to wear one of his diapers to bed.

I found that I really liked wearing it and wondered what it would be like to use it, so after I was sure he was asleep that night I wet it on purpose. One of the rules of the dare was that I had to use the diaper until morning so I just told him I needed to go during the night and he accepted it.

About a month later I remembered that night and decided that I would go and get some for myself. it was the weekend at the time so I was alone at my house due to the fact of my siblings being at soccer and there is a chemist across the road from where I live so it wasn�t hard to get them. anyway I continued doing this for two years.

During that time I gradually became a teen baby....

But just last week my parents found out and they are mad.

They made me throw out everything except my teddy bear.

Name:Christopher James
Email:not given
Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13

Diaper Madness


Hey people! sorry this story is so short...but i just wanted to let you guys know about my diaper experiences. Enjoy!

Ok, so here's the story...

I was sitting in the living room playing to Wii for a while when I started to think about wearing diapers again. I ran upstairs, opened my laptop, and looked up Goodnites in local stores. I didn't want to get baby diapers because I didn't know how to diaper myself, and plus, I'm not really skinny. Anyway, I couldn't find Goodnites in stores that were close by, so I settled for the next best thing. I found that they sold Attends, so I just decided to get those. I asked my mom to drive me to the store and drop me off, and she replied, "For what?". Now I really had to think fast...I wasn't going to tell her I was going to buy some diapers! Duh! I simply said, "Um...oh nothing...just some stuff." Not a very good answer, I know. She believed me and drove me over there. I ran inside and went straight to the back wall where I found the incontinence section. I stopped and thought for a would I get diapers past my mom? I grabbed the package when no one was looking and took it around the corner where nobody was. I quickly pulled about 2 Attends and put them into my jacket. 2 was all I could take for now. I ran into the bathroom in the back of the store, opened the stall, and started putting on a Attend. It felt really good, but not as good as regular diapers. They weren't very thick. They were thin enough to conceal under my pants so I slipped my jeans on stuffed the other Attend in my pocket. I told my mom to come pick me up, and she was here in about 10 minutes. When we got home, I ran upstairs and took off the Attend, and took the one out of my pocket, and stuffed them in my drawer. That night, I took the Attend out and put it on when my parents went to sleep. I stayed up for a while playing on my laptop, then I had the sudden urge to pee really bad. I got up but then realized, hey I'm wearing a diaper so why not use it? I let the pee flood out of me. It felt so good. I slept in a wet diaper all night. When I woke up, I disposed of the evidence so my parents wouldn't find out. I still have that other Attend, though. If my parents ever do find out about my hidden diapers, I think I have a couple of ideas. Number 1: I would make up a good sob story and tell them that I have been having bed wetting problems and hope they take pity on me and buy me some real diapers. Number 2: Tell them that I have a diaper fetish and hope they don't get mad, not a very good idea. Wish me luck guys! Help me by writing articles on what to do if your parents find out about our diapers. I'll try to write more stories.