True Accounts (Shorts)- 2008

Submit a True Account

2009 True Account Shorts

Date submittedNameAge
10/09/08Taylor F.53
07/28/08Nancy (submitter's name)54
07/11/08K. Bliss13
06/09/08Poopy Diaper16
05/04/08Baby Nick13
03/18/08Mickie C.55
02/03/08Huskey B.13
01/19/08Not given14

2007 True Account Shorts

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13



I have always loved the feeling of a warm, soft,squishy diaper. This story is about my first experience pooping in a pampers underjams diaper. email me your comments to please comment and tell me what you thought of the story.

My first experience in a diaper was when I was 12. I ordered a free sample in the mail. When i got the diaper I put it on and ever since I have fell in love with diapers. The next day I went to the local supermarket and got a pack of pampers underjams. I left the store and when I got home, I threw off my clothes and changed myself into my first diaper. Then about an hour later, I had the urge to poop. 2 mins later, I let go of the gigantic, hot, smelly load that ended up in the seat of my diaper.

Next, I started to feel my diaper and the load had grown even bigger. So I sat down in my chair and the poop was so warm and soft to the touch. I started to squish it around and thats the moment when I started to fall in love with the diaper. 3 mins later I started to soak the diaper with hot pee. I sat in my filled and soaked diaper for about 3 hours then i thought it was time to change. so I tore the sides open and started to wipe my butt. I grabbed the baby powder and got a fresh diaper out of the package. I pulled the diaper under my butt and I put the fresh one on. Then I was to dispose of the soaked and poopy diaper. So I did and that is my conclusion of my first experience pooping in a pampers underjam.

Name:Taylor F.
Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:53

Growing Up

I was born in Racine, WI on October 6th 1955 the oldest in a family of eight. I had four brothers and one sister [who got away with everything] while us boys, me in particular, got the whippings for anything and everything. Our parents didn�t think children should behave like children. The other boys, as well as myself wet the bed almost every night and were disciplined for doing with a leather strap; which didn�t make the situation any better as we continued wetting the bed through grade school into junior high. I had a cousin about the same age as me who was forced not only to wear Pampers at night but also to school. The more he was picked on or made fun of the better my aunt and uncle liked it `They believed, in their mind, he deserved it. He was constantly reminded that he wore diapers by being told, �You act like a baby, you get treated like one.� I still wear diapers at night because during my "formative years" I was forced to take Ritalin & Thorazine 3 times a day. At the time it was well known that Ritalin and Thorazine caused frontal-lobe brain damage as well as damage to other vital organs (liver, kidneys) and possible loss of bladder and bowel control. All my parents were interested. Teachers were told that I was sedated and medicated and much easier to deal with that way. My family continues to stick their noses in my business and insult my superior intelligence every chance they get, particularly at "family gatherings". I keep a low profile at those times. \

I don�t want to see the same thing happen to anyone else that happened to me as it was a prime example of improper parenting and how not to raise children.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13

Diapered in the Mall

I was at the mall with my mom and wet myself and my mom changed me in public and girls saw me.

I wear diapers all the time. My mom usually diapers me and some times I get changed in public. This is a humiliating story of me being changed at the mall.

I was shopping at the mall with my mom and I wet my diaper. So my mom took me into the womens bathroom. So my mom undressed me down to my diaper and then she took that off so I was completely naked except my shoes and socks. Then she took a baby wipe and cleaned me up down there. Luckily no one else was in to see me naked. Then she put my diaper on me. The diaper had hearts and teddy bears on it. As my mom was putting some baby powder down the front of my diaper, 3 girls about my age came in and saw me in nothing but a diaper. They were laughing out loud and I felt so embarrassed.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:14

How it all started

I was 8 or so and my mom had taking me to my baby sitter's. This was normal. I had been going there for years. One day a kid of 4 or so pooped his diaper and he ran around the house and the mom said he would get a diaper rash. It never crossed my mind until I was 10, I had thought of that and wanted diapers. I still went to that baby sitter's but she moved and than I went To a new daycare. I had seen diapers and stole some diapers. I LOVED the diapers! This went on for years. But one day I got in a bad fire (playing with gas) and I was in the hospital for 8 months wan I came to I was in a diaper and catheter. I was in pain but this was the best day of my life. I got out and I had to go to a therapy and I was there for 6 months. I had seen diapers and did not think of them but when I got out I got a computer. I had to go to daycare to the age of 12. I had been home alone one day I got on the computer and... omg, I fond a web site I chatted on this web site for a year than I ordered diapers online but they did not come... bummer. I had made a post and read stories. I love reading diaper stories. I am now 14 am in a homemade diaper. I just pooped in it, but thanks for reading.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:18

I used to babysit a family with 4 boys all of whom wet the bed (ages 5, 9, 13, 15). Before bed they used to walk around only in their underwear (tighty whities) and before bed they would strip and run around naked saying that they didn't want to put on their diapers(younger ones Pull ups older ones Goodnites)the two older ones used to masturbate on the side I used to pretend I never saw it but sometimes I watched them as they would rub each other up and down and sometimes they used to suck each other then put on their diapers and pee and poop in it after they finished it. It was so sexy. I especially loved watching them in their tighty whities.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:16

My parents left for a weekend and hired a babysitter for my 2-year-old brother. Once she told me that I was the oldest person she'd babysat but I'd be treated just like a baby despite being 16. I was then told to strip as she pulled out some unexpected items, powder baby oil and a diaper. I got on the table and began to whine and kick as she put oil on my bum and pee pee. She then shoved a paci in my mouth and flipped me over for a hard spanking. Then she sprinkled powder on my bum and diapered me. I cried sucking the paci as she picked up boxers telling me that baby boys are diapered. Looking over and seeing my 2-year-old brother in the same thing made me feel even worse as Barney came on. I just sat in my diaper sucking the paci as Barney started, and then my diaper began to turn yellow and sag.

Name:Nancy (submitter's name)
Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:54

Hello, my name is Nancy. I have a wonderful life and enjoy most days in the garden. I was sitting in my garden when I was reading. It was a nice, quiet day. My husband was calling, so I went to see what was wrong. He wanted me to pop around the local shop. So I fetched my purse and started walking around to the shop, stopping halfway to talk to friends has I was passing by. Once in the shop I was browsing and then I had seen the young chap look about late teens, early thirties. He looked at me a then looked away. I was near him by the magazines. I noticed he had a bulky bottom. I was carrying on looking has I was thinking, "No, it isn't is it?"

Then I noticed the chap lean over to pick something up and as he did this his top lifted a bit above his jeans. Then I had seen it , he was wearing a nappy I had as I had seen from the bulky bottom. I walked over to him and said, "Excuse me." The lad look around saying, "Yes?"

"Do you know I can see your nappy showing?"

The chap went all red with embarrassment. I told him to not to be. I have I have a love place where I would look after him. "You can be my baby forever."

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:19

One night my cousin Eddie was over my house. I don't remember much of what we were discussing, but all I remember is him asking me if I ever masturbated. I looked at him with puzzling eyes. Before this, I had never masturbated or known what it was. I asked him what it was, and he jumped on my back and started undoing my diaper (I have been a bedwetter all my life.) I tried to resist, but he was older than me and stronger. Once he removed my diaper he removed his pants. He began to rub my penis back and fourth, as he did his. I screamed and screamed, but then I suddenly felt a feeling of extreme pleasure, and passed out. When I awoke, I asked him what had happened and he replied "you had an orgasm." I quickly said "Do it again!" He explained that I had to wait for "recovery time". He also explained that I had a "dry orgasm." He then finished jerking off to show me a regular orgasm. Even though I was not gay, I wanted him to jack me again! We waited and did it again. After this I never really talked to Cousin Eddie. I was too embarrassed. That's my story, I hope you liked it!

Name:K. Bliss
Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13

I always liked diapers. It all started from a vivid memory of my dad putting a diaper on me because I pooped my pants when I was 4. When I 5 and 6, my brothers were still in diapers, being 3. I took them and put them on, but, I was caught. Then they were potty trained. Two years later, my cousin was born and I started using his diapers. I was caught again. From 11 two 13, another cousin was born and I used his diapers. He is potty trained now. The urge to have diapers was getting strong. Without them I didn't feel right. Then one night, I got out my bike and a duffel bag, 100 bucks and went to CVS. I bought 3 extra large boxes, with 80 in each, size 7. It took me an hour to get there and back. Being pretty smart, I threw the bag onto my porch on my roof. When I went inside, my aunt was standing there and was flipping out like no tomorrow. She came outside and asked what am I doing. I said I went for a bike ride on our street at 2 In THE MORNING. She got pissed off. 3 months later, I am out of diapers. I liked sleeping in my poop and pee. I also became partially incontinent but then retrained myself.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:23

It all started when I was 18. I always wondered what it would be like to wear diapers again. So I started looking at pictures, videos, and stories. Unfortunately I was dumb and got caught because I didn't delete the history. Now I am 23 so one day I went out to get some diapers from Wal mar the depends kind but I accidentally grabbed a package that were too small for me so I threw them away. So I went back and got the Assurance brand X-Large. I started to wear and enjoy them and hid them in a box in my room. I wore one to a parade and I soaked it I thought it had actually leaked into my pants. But it didn't, so I went into the Wendy's bathroom and took it off. Then a couple days later my mom came into my room and said something smelled rotten. I threw my diapers away in my garbage can and lied and said it was some bad food.Then months later I kept feeling that yearning to wear them again so I went to Walgreen's and bought the Briefs but those were a pain in the ass o now I just buy the underwear. In fact I am wearing one right now that I have soaked pretty bad. It is starting to sag in the front.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:45

Hi, my name terry. I love being in diapers! It all stared about the age of 10. I was in diaper at night for bedwetting. My mother stared to see that I liked being in diapers, so that put stop to that, but it didn't stop the want to have one on. I didn't understand at that time why I would like to wear diapers. I had 3 bothers and 5 sisters that would love to pick on me for my bedwetting. I think my mother would tell them to. She thought it would make me stop. That didn�t happen. I�ve been wetting all my life. At the age of 10 and 18 steal or buy or make diapers. At 16 I had a job at a nursing home for 2 years and I stole diapers and wear them at night. At that age I would be thinking about diapers. My friends would be talking about girls. That hurt me a good deal. I would not understand.

I think life sucks, and being in love with diapers is not easy. I am married now and we do not have sex. She can�t understand me and I don�t blame her. I think it is about time to say goodbye so she could have a life. I want to die so I will not hurt no more. To everyone going through the same thing, good luck and good bye.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:15

When I was about 10 years old, I came home from school with a really bad report card. When I gave it to my mom, she said that if I was going to act like a baby that she was going to treat me as such. She told me to go to my room and wait for her. By the way, I was really small for my age. When she came in she took everything off of me except my shirt and began to put a Size 6 Luvs on. I was struggling but she held me down.

When she finished she said I was to go to bed. However, this was when I realized she knew about my report card before I got home. She took me to our old nursery and put me in the crib with nothing but a bottle. She then added some sort of top to the crib which locked so I couldn't get out. I was crying so hard, I didn�t even notice when she gave me 2 pills to eat. Around 12 o' clock, I woke up with a soaked diaper. I couldn't believe it! I hadn't wet the bed since I was 4!!! Then I felt the urge to poop. I tried to get out, but the top had a key lock on it. I tried to hold it for as long as I could, but finally my diaper was filled with squishy smelly poop. I then sat there for the rest of the night with a smelly diaper until the morning when my mom changed me.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:11

My name is Tyler Thayer and I LOVE TO WEAR DIAPERS!!! I first started wearing diapers at the age of ten. By just simply putting on my four year old brother's (his current age) pull ups. I got caught by my mother and I had to tell her I was just curious. So, this went on for a couple of days, until I finally decided to poop and pee in the diapers. Let me tell you all a little bit about my brother. He's 4 years old, his name is Andrew (or Drew) we wets the bed and has to wear GoodNights tm. Told ya it would be a little bit LOL!!! So anyways, I still wear diapers today but they don't usually fit because I dig them out of the trash can from my neighbors, my brother's, or like public trash cans or like family restrooms. I like to wear wet ones then I poop in them. I've been caught several times but WHO GIVES A S**T!!! I still like wearing them and that's not going to change. By the way, just a couple of days ago, I was at a grocery store and I went down the diaper aisle and tried to open a box of Huggies but my mom caught me and I UNBELIEVABLY got away with it and my mom helped me come up with an excuse!!! And about excuses, I left a paper bag full of dirty diapers I stole from my neighbors under the garage stairs. So, my dad finds them and I have to come up with an excuse and right out of the blue, my dad GIVES ME AN EXCUSE!!! How funny is that!!! So anyways, thanks for listening to my story!!!


Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:14

It all started when my little cousin Jake was born. When I was at my grandma�s house Jake always came over. One day my grandma me and Jake all went to the store. She got Jake some food and more diapers. When we got home I helped unload the car. then my grandma got a call from a friend and asked if I wanted to go and I said no so she took Jake but left his diaper bag at the house. After they left I found Jake�s bag with the diapers and a bottle. So I was thinking about how it would feel to were them again. I took the diaper and went into Jake�s room with the changing table in it. Then I lay down and put the Pampers size 6 under me and taped up the diaper and then I went and got his bottle and put his milk into it then I went back to his room and got in the crib and lay down and I feel asleep. As I was getting up I heard the door open so I darted into the bathroom. As I was in there I took off the diaper and hid the bottle. But as I was coming out my grandma said, �Where is your new bottle I got?� Then she asked me and I said, �I don�t know, is it in the car?� She said no and I left the room. She said to watch my cousin she did something and I said okay. She went into his room and found that his crib had something in it and found that his diapers were moved in this diapers bag and that his milk in the fridge was in the front and not the back. She went into the bathroom and looked around and she found the bottle and the diaper that I hid from her. Later after Jake left with his mom grandma told me to get a shower so I did. When I came back into my room she was their with a Pampers size 6 in her hand and she said, �lay down.� I said why and she told me what she had found in the bathroom. That night she let me sleep in the crib and let me eat my cousin�s baby food in his highchair. From there on when my cousin came over he got to sleep in the crib for his nap and eat from the highchair. That is how I am a teen baby.

Name:Poopy Diaper
Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:16

One time me and my sister and her friend were playing house and they asked me to be the baby and I was like, �okay.� My sister told me to lie down and then she got a diaper bag. I was scared what she was going to do to me. She took my pants off and my undies off and she put this diaper on me. She told me that I had to act like a baby. So I did. I talked gibberish and then I had to pee. I didn�t want to leave because then my sister would be mad, so I did what a baby would do. I peed in the diaper. I didn�t tell them that I pee peed in my diaper so I just waited for them to notice.. There was so much pee in my diaper. Every time I sat down pee went on me. I then farted and pooped. So I was a baby for a day.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13


I grabbed a plastic bag off the end of the self-checkout lane, and ran back to the magazine section, luckily right next to the diapers. I grabbed goodnights and stuffed it in the bag, along with the cookies I was carrying (the whole reason my mom let me go to the A&P on top to block of the only exposed part of the package. I went back to the self checkout lane, bought the cookies and Goodnights, double-bagged them, and left. Outside, I stuffed the goodnights into a part of my near- empty backpack, and walked home. My mom pulled into the driveway just as my keys went into the door. I ran inside, and was in my 3rd floor room before my mom was even in the house. I took out my 6-diget lock breifcase, opened it, tore open the package, and placed the diapers in before closing it, hiding it, ad leaving.

6/6/08-11:00 P.M.

With my parents out, I got on one of my goodights, walked into the bathroom, then the shower. I got ready and was soon releasing about 8 hours worth of pee. I was afraid it was going to overflow! It felt great though. Only being able to wear them until then, and now just letting the pee and good feelings flow. The bottom swelled to the point where it almost fell off! After wearing and feeling it a little longer, I took it off, put it in a bag, and it was soon in the trash.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13

I have a friend who wets the bed, and he has to wear goodnights to bed. Since I was about ten, I have been good friends with him, and we would often joke around by putting them on and occasionally peeing in them. This has gone on until today. This morning, my mom asked me to walk home, so I saw this as a great chance to get some diapers. I grabbed about 20 bucks, and after school, I stopped by the A&P by my house. After about a half a hour, a made sure no one I knew was in the store, I grabbed a bag of goodnights, went to a self checkout lane, and soon left. I left, and when I couldn't see anyone, I took the diapers out of the overly-thick shopping bag, and shoved them in my backpack. I walked home, and NO ONE at all was home. I was glad, it would make hiding them so much easier! Just then my mom pulled in the driveway. I quickly (though very calmly) unlocked, and opened the door. I wet right upstairs, ripped open the package, got out my briefcase (thank god it has a changeable lock!) carefully put them in, closed it, and went downstairs. Later, I went back up, put one on, and did my homework. This is where I am now, writing this right now. Sorry it isn't very interesting, but it's my story so far, I'll let you know when anything new happens.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:34

This happened to me yesterday. I rent a house from my aunt and uncle. I woke up late, made coffee and changed my wet diaper. By the time I changed, coffee was ready so I sat down, checked email and read the paper.

Where my desk is, I cannot see if anyone is coming and going. After about an hour and several cups of coffee, I had wet my diaper again. When I got up to refill my cup, I passed the door way (which is all glass) and there stood my cousin just about to knock and there stood me in just a wet diaper. She was just as embarrassed as I. I invited her in and went to put some shorts on. She asked why I was wearing a diaper. I explained, I wet the bed and have some daytime problems. She asked me if my diaper is wet now, I said probably. She is a very nurturing person so she asked me to see them. I pulled my shorts down and she felt the crotch and said, �This is very wet and you can't be comfortable.� I replied, �No, it sucks and I hate changing my diaper.� She asked me if I wanted her to change my diaper. I replied, �Do you want to?� She said yes and we went to the bedroom. She told me to lay down and untaped my diaper. At this point I had a huge erection. She smiled, took the wet diaper off and began to clean me up. She powdered me up pretty good and paid extra attention to my erection. She got a new diaper, slid it under my butt and taped it on. I stood up so she could admire her work. I told her I wish she could change my diaper all of the time. She said she can't wait. She hasn't showed up today yet.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
                    X X X X  
Current Age:28

Just before I turned fifteen I started to wet the bed, my parents didn't find out until I was sixteen. I would go to the store when my parents were gone and get Pull-ups to help with the problem but once my parents found my pull-ups they started buying me diapers and insisted on putting them on also. They even got me a changing table I went from sixteen to two in a matter of a day. I was forced to wear diapers all day long. When my best friend found out that I wore them he thought it was weird but he also couldn't wait to change me. He was quite gentle and spent awhile on my penis and butt. Before padding my back up he started to suck on my penis until I shot my load. When I turned eighteen he and I moved in together much to the displeasure of my parents and we have been together ever since.

Name:Baby Nick
Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13

I was in California with my family visiting my aunt. So we went to some rock tourist attraction and there was a cave thing there so I went in. My aunt was right outside. So while I was in there I had to go poop so I just stood there and went poop. It just rolled out as a small ball of poop. My aunt wanted to see so she walked in and saw the piece of poop. She checked my pants and found poop, so she took me to the bathrooms and picked me up and put me on a change table and put a diaper on me and I finished pooping.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
    X           X            
Current Age:13

When I was seven I was sleeping over at my cousin�s house for the weekend. He was 5 at the time and he still had nighttime accidents so he wore pull-ups. I was curious of what they felt like so I asked him if I could borrow one. I liked it so I slept in diapers every night that weekend and Monday night when I was home was watching TV in my room and when my mom came to tuck me into bed she noticed I had wet my pants and I didn't even know I peed, so my mom cleaned me up and got me redressed. The next morning I woke up and saw that I had wet the bed. My mom saw it, too, and she changed me, then my bed sheets. I went to school and when I came home my mom called me in to her room and she had a pack of large Huggies and she told that I shouldn't be ashamed to wet the bed, and ever since then I have been in diapers at night. I can�t stop wetting now that I wear Goodnites large size and have to change myself I liked when I wore diapers for fun, but now that I have to I hate it, even to this day. Every time I wake up wet I get spanked on my bare butt with a thick leather belt. I've tried to run away but my mommy caught me and spanked me so bad I had to go to the hospital. They took an x-ray of my body and it should I had a broken tail bone and arm.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
                X X          
Current Age:43

I was 13 when it started. I love baby diaper ads so I started makeshift diapers with a paper towel and a shopping bag. I would wear then and then pee in them. As I got older I would use Pampers Overnight with super-size rubber pants I found at Woodward�s. I would put them on when no one was home. I peed in them and then I jacked off on to them. After still today I wear big diapers and pee in them and rub myself until I cum in them. I still wait for a mommy to baby me. I love diapers and I hope to be buried in them when I get very old.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
X             X X X          
Current Age:14

When I was 12 years old a friend and I were in the woods behind my house with our bikes jumping ramps and stuff. When I went to jump the ramp I lost my balance in midair and fell I hit my head on a big rock and the bike came down on top of me. I must have gone unconscious or something because the next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital bed. The doctors said that I broke two ribs and my leg, which considering the circumstances, that was nothing. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. When I finally went home the doctor told my mom that due to internal damage I may wet the bed at night and my mom said okay and thanked the doctor, who literally saved my life.

When we got home I went straight up to my room to play my PlayStation. Later that night my mom called me downstairs for dinner. She saw my pants were wet and asked me if I had an accident. I had to look down because I didn't think I did, because I didn�t feel that I had to pee or that I had even gone, so I ran back up to my room and got cleaned up after dinner. I did it again and my mom called me into her room and when I got there. She had a package of diapers, wipes, a pacifier and a bottle, and she said until I stop peeing my pants I was gonna be treated like a baby. I tried to stop but I lost 100% of my bladder control. I cant even feel when I have to go so I am still in diapers and being babied. For some reason I haven't gone through puberty yet and I'm 14 I don�t know why my body seems to be growing down. I just want to be 14 again. My mom even says I cant go to school. Instead, while she's at work, I go to my neighbors house and I am babysat by my neighbors 12-year-old daughter. She is used to babysitting because she babysits her brother who is 6 and still in diapers. Me and him get along really good and his sister is really good at changing my diapers

Name:Mickie C.
Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:55

Diapers were allways in our home,Mom loved to diaper people.All you had to do was ask.Mom had a diaper and specialty sewing buisness and made diapers and many other clothes for people.I knew every child in the neighbourhood that wet the bed or still wore diapers.Mom even had adults who would come over for diapers and baby clothes in adult sizes.It was all too normal to us,to see some person standing in Mom's fitting room wearing diapers.No one was ever made fun of or teased about thier wishes to be diapered.Saturday night was movie night for our little family.Mom would try her latest diapers on us.We would watch a movie and eat popcorn and treats while sitting in diapers and plastic pants.I had a few of my friends from time to time join us,and after a little talk with Mom they would appear in the livingroom in diapers like the rest of us.Not all would use thier diapers for what they were designed for but all would take them home.Even my Dad GOD REST HIS SOUL would partake in the fun.When ever Mom would diaper him they would disappear for an hour or two to the bedroom.Mom said,a lot of people could use a good diapering and some love and this would be a better world.Mom is eighty seven in October and still makes diapers for people.As a small wedding presant for my wife Mom gave her sixty of my favorite diapers and a dozen pairs of plastic pants.My wife knew of the diapers in our family and had no problems with it.We spend a lot of time together in diapers,and a lot of time in the bedroom like Mom and Dad used to.I now Know what they were doing in there.Please do not convict or judge people for thier wishes to be diapered.They just want to be loved like they were as babies.

Name:Huskey B.
Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13

My mom got tired of me wetting the bed. I got home last Monday she told me to go to my room and stay there until she comes up there. When she came up there she told me to strip. I did not. She stripped me down, she then made me lie down on the bed. Then she told me she is tired of me wetting the bed and having daytime accidents. She then told me that things are going to change. �From when you get from school you will wear these diapers until the morning.� Then she put me in a diaper. She said if I touch it I will get put back in one. I found out she was for real. When I took it off to go to the bathroom. It�s been two weeks now and I have to wear them this weekend as punishment. She says, �Someone who wets their diaper after school and at night will wear them all weekend like a baby he is.�

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13

My name is Zack. I've been wetting the bed very heavily since I was born. I live with my mom and my twin sister Sara. I don't just wet once or twice every week. I wet almost every night and it's really embarrassing. I wet too heavily for goodnights so I have to wear a Huggies size 6. I can't change it on my own. I find it too difficult so my mom changes me, at least until I was 9 and my mom let my sister change me. It was so embarrassing I could hardly fathom it. To make it all worse she was teasing me the whole way through about getting an erection, and she still does. I wish she was the one who wet the bed so I could tell her every night that I don't. We come from a very religious family of Catholics, so needless to say my mom doesn't allow masturbation. The one time I tried it out during the night she came downstairs to get a drink, saw me and told mom and I had to sit through 2 hours of her saying, "even if it wasn't a sin you should wait until your body can handle it." How unbelievable, my life sucks.

Ages indicated in account:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:34

I was at my babysitter�s house when I was 8 years old. I had pooped in my pants. I just could not hold it. I was scared to tell Kelly (my sitter) so I just kept on playing. Later she called me over to her. Kelly asked me if I had a poopy accident. I said no. She did not believe me. Kelly pulled my pants back to check them. Kelly then slapped me for lying to her. She was not too happy. She asked me why I did that and I told her I couldn�t hold it, it was an accident. So she asked me why I did not tell her. I said because I had nothing else to wear and I was scared. Kelly told me, �You still should have told me; besides, I have extra diapers on hand.�

She took me to the bathroom to clean me up. After I was cleaned up I was allowed to put my shirt and shoes back on but no pants. Kelly took me into the living room. She picked up her paddle. She told me she was spanking me because #1- I pooped in my pants; #2- I did not tell her, and; #3- because I lied to her. Kelly told me to bend over and she started swatting me (about 10 times). I was crying because the spankings really hurt. She made me go lie down on the baby changing pad. She went to the bathroom and came back with a diaper. She lifted my legs (like a baby)and placed it under me. She then sprinkled baby powder on my bottom. Kelly put my legs down and pulled the diaper between my legs and fastened the tapes. I hated it because it made me feel like a baby. She told me I had to wear it the rest of the day (it was only about 10 AM). She told me if I had to go potty that I had use my diaper.

Name:Not given
Ages indicated in account:6
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
X X     X       X X          
Current Age:14

It was when I was about 9 years old when my brother was in pre-school. I was so excited when I smelled that diaper smell. So I asked my dad if I could use the bathroom. He said yes. So I went down the hall. Instead of going to the bathroom I went to the diaper room. I dropped my pants and underwear and put one on. Yeah. I took a couple more and went home. I did this for a month. Then I was caught. I never touched a diaper since I was 13. I stole a few Attends. Now I want Goodnights.

Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:48

I was the youngest of three, I had two older sisters. Being there was no preschool, I guess I wasn't pressured into being trained, and I remember being 3, and in diapers. At the park with a few families, I remember doing a load in my pants, and my sister Elise noticing and getting mom, who matter-of-factly changed me in front of everybody else, with the older kids giggling and smirking. I didn't seem embarrassed; in fact I remembered enjoying the attention and the diapering. I was finally trained by 4, in time for kindergarten, but I still had the occasional accident. I guess I never really got past diapers, as I would use plastic bags for plastic pants, and old towels for diapers. When adolescence hit (around 12) and nobody was home I would sometimes watch myself do a load in my pants, putting paper towels inside old undies. I loved seeing the bulge in back and would walk around with the load, imagining I was still 3 or so. Then I'd drop the undies, and jack off. This continued for years, and even after marriage and fatherhood I would sometimes do this when alone for the day or weekend, or just jack off imagining I was a diapered boy again. I thought I was unique in this weird fetish, until the advent of the internet, and then I discovered others had similar stories and feelings. That was a relief.