Date submitted | Name | Age |
12/09/06 | Eddie H. | NG |
12/08/06 | Mike | 15 |
11/18/06 | Johnny R. | 15 |
10/08/06 | Rob | 24 |
10/08/06 | Michael | 14 |
10/03/06 | Kenny K | 55 |
10/02/06 | Justin | 16 |
10/01/06 | DIAPEERBOY | 14 |
09/24/06 | Andrew | 22 |
07/26/06 | James | 10 |
07/26/06 | Colstin | 15 |
04/01/06 | Joey B. | 11 |
03/03/06 | Slim | 27 |
02/04/06 | Benji | 17 |
02/04/06 | Ashton | 17 |
01/22/06 | Tom | 13 |
01/05/06 | Tom | 11 |
Date: | 12/09/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Eddie H. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | Not given |
Today I was at Deeker diapers and I pooped in 3 layers of boxers today. It stank and fortunately I washed theme before mom and dad got home. And for the rest of the day I took a afternoon nap and I drank warm milk fro a bottle. And I peed my boxers a little without getting caught. The End
Date: | 12/08/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Mike | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 15 |
Hi, this story takes place when I was 7, okay.
So I have a brother who is 7 years old, too. He wasn't potty trained yet. So one day my mommy and brother left. They weren't coming back for 2 hours. I thought this would be awhile, so I went into my closet and grabbed my brother's diaper. I put them on and before I knew it I was asleep. I was awakened by a warm feeling around my crotch. I remembered I was wearing diapers. I didn't hear anyone so I didn't think anyone was home. So I went to my closet and my clothes were gone. Instead there were more diapers, a binky, a bottle, onesies, and sleepers. My mom came in.
Like your new closet? asked mommy.
Uuuuhh I said. I wanted to say yes, but I didn't dare.
You'll be wearing these, said mommy well holding out diapers. I was screwed.
The next day was summer. My mommy went to work. I heard something in the closet. I opened it. It was my brother.
What are you doing? I asked.
He explained how he liked diapers, too. So we went on in diapers tell mommy came back. My brother took of his diapers first though. My mommy taught my brother how to change me because she was leaving for a whole week.
So the week went on me and my brother wearing diapers. we do this every time she leaves. It's awesome.
Date: | 11/18/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Johnny R. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 15 |
So me and my friend Alex were hanging out. We went to a store and saw diapers. We bought them. Jamie, my girlfriend, dared me to be a baby. Okay, I said. So me and Alex wore them. We pooped and peed in them.
My girlfriend told my mom. Boy, was I in for it. I was punished. I had to wear diapers for one year- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Plus baby bottles cribs diapers. I forgot how to go potty.
Love to all my baby friends.
gogo gaga
Date: | 10/08/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Rob | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 24 |
It all started when my dad became married again. I was not happy so I got a idea to break into her car and egg it so I did. Then they sent me to my dad�s girlfriend�s mom�s house and she made me drink a whole case of soda and would not let me use the restroom. I wet their bed and I got put back in diapers at night.
Date: | 10/08/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Michael | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 14 |
As soon as my parents leave, my babysitter pulls down my undies and spanks my bare bottom until I cry like an infant. Then, she powders my butt and puts 5 pairs of Huggies on me. I'm forced to wear a rattle and a pacifier.
Date: | 10/03/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Kenny K | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 55 |
My story starts when I was about 6 years old. I was in school and asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she denied me the chance to go. She told me to hold a while longer and then I could go. But I had to go so bad right then that I had wet myself pretty bad. The girl in front of me noticed and told the teacher. From there the teacher took me down to the kindergarten class room. She told the teacher down there to put me in diaper's like the rest of the kids and not to let me use the bathroom and that I had to use my diaper's because I had wet my pants like a little baby boy, so was to be treated like a toddler. The rest of the week. So I was kept in diaper's the rest of the week. So from that point on if I ever wet my pants I was sent down to the kindergarten class and put in thick diapers. The teacher also called my babysitter and told her about my pants wetting in class and that it would be a good idea to keep me in diapers. So every time I got out school and went to the babysitter's place I was put in diapers until my mom would pick me up.
Notes: this is a true story and continued for some year's after, until I got out of grade school.
Date: | 10/02/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Justin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 16 |
When I was 14 I went on a field trip with my grade. I had to go to the bathroom so I went into the men's room when I saw a kid from my class go into a stall and I started to hear some rubbery noises. I looked down by where he feet were and I saw him pull rubber underwear down. I freaked out. I had to tell somebody, but I wanted to do it in a mean way because earlier that kid did something me to me. So I went over to him when we were getting on the bus and I depantsed him, everyone started laughing. Then he pushed me and I fell and he pulled my pants off and I had to run off the bus to go get them and the bus left with out me and I started to run for the bus in my underpants hearing kids on the bus laugh. The bus stopped, I got on with out my pants on and I sat next to the kid I pantsed, I apologized to him and told him that I wore Goodnites to bed because I was a bedwetter and he and I kept my secret and we became good friends.
Date: | 10/01/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | DIAPEERBOY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 14 |
I came home from football practice and I walked into my house with a soda in my hand and my sister hit me and I spilled soda an her favorite shirt. She said that I was going to pay for it. I didn't think much of it, so I went to my room and fell asleep. When I woke up I couldn't move my arms or legs. Then my sister came in and she took some scissors and cut my underwear. I said, "You pervert!" Then she got under her bed and took out a diaper and put it on me I kept yelling. Then she put a baba in my mouth and after that I fell asleep and when I woke up I had a wet and messy diaper on. Then my sister and her friends came in and looked at me and saw that I used my diaper and went, "Aww!" Then my sister's friends changed me and my mom came in and caught me in a diaper. Now I have to wear diapers 24/7.
Date: | 09/24/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Andrew | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 22 |
When I was 13 I was at a Wal-mart and saw diaper dispenser in the restroom. I always wondered what it was like being a baby since I don't remember. So I put 75 cents in the machine and got a diaper. Babies are often changed in public restrooms, I could not have done that there so I waited until someone came in the restroom to open the package and go in the stall. When I was at home I crawled around in my room for a while playing with baby toys going pee pee in the diaper. Then right before I went to bed the unthinkable happened-- I had to go poopy. It was a really weird feeling. I started to take the diaper off but thought babies can't do this. So I went to bed wearing a dirty diaper. There was an awful smell in the morning. Needless to say, I got my 75 cents worth.
Date: | 07/26/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | James | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 10 |
When I was ten I was a diaper boy and I always loved diapers. One time my friends came over for a sleepover and they were interested in diapers and they wanted me to put me in one so I said yes and when I got it on they shit in it.
Date: | 07/26/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Colstin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: | 6
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Current Age: | 15 |
I am a 15 year old who is looking for a place to play with my girlfriend in total diapers. I have not asked her yet if she wants to come with me but I figure she would. I have loved diapers all my life but am not able to reach out my passion.
Date: | 04/01/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Joey B. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 11 |
At a friend's house I found out he was stashing Goodnites in the bathroom. We figured we were both dl's. We both put on a Goodnite and wore all day. He used 3 and I used 3; it was awesome. He had some juice witch made you pee at night so we both woke up the next day wet. His twin beds were wet so he supplied the Goodnites.<@:)
Date: | 03/03/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Slim | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: | 6
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Current Age: | 27 |
I was potty trained at the age of three. But it never felt right without a diaper on. I started taking diapers from my relative that had babies of their own. I would go to their houses and take diapers out of their babies' rooms and hide them under my shirt. Take them home and wear them myself. After I got to be too big for baby diapers I would take adult diapers from my grandparents houses and wear them all throughout high school.
After high school I went to collage. Then I was able to buy diapers from the store without my parents knowing about me wearing diapers still to this day I still gladly and happily wear adult diapers.
Date: | 02/04/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Benji | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: | 6
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Current Age: | 17 |
I was toilet trained at a regular age for most kids, I suppose about 2 and a half to 3. After this I managed to stay dry both during the day and at night. When I was about 5 I started wetting the bed at night. At first it was occasionally, but after a while it was about 3 to 4 times a week. My Mum didn't mind changing the sheets at first, but after a while she got fed up. When it got to the evening one day my Mum called me into my room. She said that from now on I would have to wear a nappy to bed as she was fed up with changing the sheets. I wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea, and was afraid my friends would find out, but I didn't put up too much of a fight. My Mum used these thick nappy liners and a plastic nappy that was tied up other side of my waist tightly. They fit snuggly, but made my bum look massive, it was obvious I was wearing them- but my siblings never seemed to make fun of me.
I continued like this for a few years. On some occasions I had to wear them out. At Midnight Mass for Christmas my Mum made me wear one in case I fell asleep, I was really embarrassed that someone might notice as I was about 6 or 7, but no-one said anything. I also once wet myself on a coach trip when I feel asleep, and had no spare underwear so my mum bought some nappies and put them on me. Everyone knew and I was really embarrassed but they treated me kindly.
At about aged 8 I grew out of wetting and did not have to wear nappies which I was thrilled about.
At about aged 13 I grew attracted to the idea of nappies again. My sister had a baby, and I started stealing them and making ones for myself. I enjoyed the secure feeling they offered, which reminded me of easier times when I was younger and without care. I did this regularly on and off.
When I was 15 my Mum caught me wearing a baby nappy. I overslept for school and she came in a and pulled back the cover and there it was. She was furious and pulled me over her lap, smacking me really hard for about 3 minutes. She asked me why I was wearing one but I could not explain. She told me to take it off and get on to school.
When I got home that evening, my Dad had come home early from work. I could see he was angry. He told me to pull down my pants and lie over his lap. He subjected me to another spanking. He then said that if I wanted to act like a baby that I would be wearing nappies full time. I was sent upstairs to my room, where my mum was waiting. She had some adult disposable nappies piled up on my bed. She pulled down my trousers and knickers, then pulled apart my legs. She slid the nappy under me then pulled it between my legs, fastening it at either side. She then pulled up my knickers and trousers and told me to that if I needed to use the bathroom I had to ask to have the nappy removed, when I had finished she would put it back on. I asked if I would have to wear them to school, she said that I would and that I would have to go to the school nurse when I needed to go to the toilet- my parents had already spoken to the people at my school.
I felt really embarrassed about my punishment, my nappies seemed really obvious but I did my best to hide them with baggy trousers. Whenever guests came around, my mum would often change me on the floor in front of them, and they would laugh at me not believing a teenager would still be in nappies.
I am now 17, and still in nappies. I have gotten used it, but it does not seem as fun as it used to. But my parents know it keeps me out of trouble, so they will probably keep me in them until I go off to university.
Date: | 02/04/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Ashton | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 17 |
When I was 7 my cousins would get their diapers changed and I would ask if I could have my diaper on as well. I said it like I was kidding, but I wasn't. After a few months my sister took my brother in the back and asked if she could ask him something. He came back all acting weird. Then she asked to see my other brother, he came back a little while later. He looked under Alex and they laughed. Next she called in me. She took me into her room and showed me a diaper. She said I could wear it if I wanted. I told her no, it was fine. She then explained to me Alex was wearing one, I didn't know because he put his pants back on.. I thought a minute. My sister then explained to me I didn't have to do it. but I could if I wanted. I said yes. she put one me, then my pants. I walked out there and me and my brothers started laughing. This was my first diaper experience. I hope you enjoyed it.
Date: | 01/22/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Tom | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 13 |
I am 13 years old and over the spring break I turned 13.
I play in the school soccer team and over the summer break we went to play a match. The journey there was 7 hours.
We stopped for a rest stop about one hour into the journey and I was thirsty, so I went and got a large bottle of Coke. The line was so long that by the time I came out of the shop we had to get on the coach. I hadn't had a chance to go to the toilet and was already starting to need it. I sat next to my best mate Tim, who is a goalie. I drank the Coke really quickly and I soon got desperate for the loo. I whispered to my mate and told him I was desperate for the loo. Then a teacher stood up at the front and said that we were so far behind schedule that we had to go the rest of the way without stopping or we would be late for the match and may have to forfeit. She said that we were about two hours away. I grimaced. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it that long. 10 minutes later I was literally holding on. My mate said to tell the teachers and ask to stop but I knew if I did we would have to forfeit the match I held on but then a wet patch the size of a golf ball appeared then it grew to a soccer ball before I knew it I was covered in piss.
On they way back my teachers forced me to wear diapers and about 4 hours into the journey we had a rest stop, and as I was getting off she said, "Are you going do it in your diaper? Unfortunately she said it so loud everybody heard and teased me.
Date: | 01/05/06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Tom | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ages indicated in account: |
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Current Age: | 11 |
Ollie, a normal kid who just happened to wet the bed. One morning he got out of bed and pulled down his tartan PJ bottoms to reveal a large soaked diaper. As he turned around the back of his diaper was completely brown. As he walked down the stairs there were noises coming from his diapers like farting noises. He stopped in the middle of the stairs and started to grunt and let out a big sigh as large amounts of poo slid into his diapers along with a soaking of pee so bad his diaper broke and the poo fell over the stairs. His mother came in and saw this she got so mad she took the diaper and some tape and taped the diaper to his butt so high the poo came from behind over the diaper and all over his T- shirt.