True Accounts (Shorts)- 2005

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2006 True Account Shorts

Date submittedNameAge
08/05/05hypno diaperNG
06/19/05lil mattyboy19
02/16/05liam d.23
01/24/05John S.14
01/21/05Jeff W.43

Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:13

This is an account of my regression to babyhood. I was like any normal 12-year-old when I suddenly wanted to go back to nappies and a baby. So I decided to buy some nappies. I was caught by my dad and he decided that I should be a baby completey. He made me sleep in a cot, play in a playpen, eat in a high chair(baby food),drink from a bottle, wear nappies with no clothes, apart from rompers, keep on reins, kept to baby talk, made to crawl, suck a dummy, changed in front of everyone and keep a complete baby. My friends are all about 2 years old and I am never gonna be let out of this chain. I am spoon-fed with a bib, have to be carted around in a car seat and pushchair.

I wet myself uncontrollably and poop, and I am still in nursery school.

I haven't started big school yet!

I am such a Baby!


Ages indicated in account:6
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
X X X X X X X X X            
Current Age:13

Skyler's Story

Part 1

It all began one night when I was 12, I woke up with a wet bed and I started to cry, well mom came in and saw my wet bed and that's how it happened. My mom said from then on each time I wet I would be put into nothing but a diaper and she explained that along with that I would roll a two dice, the number decided what baby things got put in and what kid stuff got taken out here's a list:

In list (baby things)

  1. Crib
  2. Bottle
  3. Pacifier
  4. High Chair/Baby Food
  5. Wear Diapers to School (1 week)
  6. Go in Public with Diapers on
  7. One Piece Baby Suit
  8. You Must Use the Restroom in Your Diapers (1 month)
  9. Playpen
  10. Bed Time (8:00 pm)
  11. Friends Spend the Night with You Only In a Diaper
  12. Plastic Sheets
Out list (kid things)
  1. TV
  2. Computer
  3. Bed
  4. Underwear (1 week)
  5. Underwear (1 month)
  6. Kid clothes (1 week)
  7. Phone
  8. Radio
  9. Skateboard
  10. Dresser
  11. Regular Food
  12. Table Privileges
That's how it goes, that night I wet again and rolled- In: 11/Out: 2. that's just great will see me in diaper and my computer's gone, too. That Saturday was the night they spent the night, they didn't laugh, but asked "Why do you have a diaper on?" that's when I explained the whole story to them. That night I wet once again and this time my friends saw me roll the numbers- In: 7/ Out: 6. Good thing it was summer break when I rolled this. I walked around the house for the next week in a baby costume.

Part 2

I'm now 13 yrs old, and still wet the bed. Instead I'm just in diapers 24/7 now and my friends are over frequently so of course they know. The school year started about a week ago so I get teased at school a lot, but I don't care. I have all my stuff back except my bed, my regular sheets, and restroom privileges (I use the diaper instead). Well I've got to go, bye!


Name:hypno diaper
Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
              X X X X X X X X
Current Age:Not given

I run a place where we ask people to come with us to take a survey on my computer. Instead of taking the survey we hypnotise them into babies every time they wear a diaper. We baby them for an hour then hypnotise them to tell their brothers or sisters to come also and to come back every day and tell them to tell their mommy to diaper them every day and to pee and poop in bed and in their diaper. We continue this until we have a full daycare full of adult babies.

Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
    X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Current Age:31

I was born August 3, 1973. I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth. At the age of three my mom started the attempt to toilet train me, but I would continue to have accidents. I started wetting my bed every night, so my mother had me wear a diaper to bed. During the day I was allowed to wear training pants, but if I were to have an accident during the day, I would have to wear a diaper the rest of the day until the next morning.

By the time I was 7 years old I started wetting and dirtying myself on a regular basis. On the night of my seventh birthday my family and I went to play mini golf. When we got my mom said to me "Allen, do you need to go potty?" I said, "No, mommy, I don't need to go potty." Mom asked if I was sure I said that I was.

Okay, Mom said, "but you got it in your pants you will not like what will happen to you."

She brought along extra clothes. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into the women's restroom. She took my socks, shoes, pants and underpants. As she was cleaning me up she had told me that she was tired of me going the bathroom in my pants like a 1 1/2 yr old. As she was finishing with me I was told that I was going to start wearing a diaper from then on.

I freaked, "NO, MOMMY! PELASE DON'T MAKE ME WEAR DIAPERS! I'll start going potty, I swear!"

Mom said, "No, I'm sick and tired of you going in your pants all the time. Babies do this, not 7-year-old boys."

Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:22

I went to see my stepmom and the bathroom was locked. I was going to spend the night so my two cousins were bedwetters, so they both wet the bed. I was told if I did that I would be put in diapers also but they wore Goodnites. So I took a shower and went to the bathroom and went to bed. My cousins had a plan to get me to wet the bed. They took a bucket of water and dumped it on me. My stepmom did not believe me and to this day I wear diapers to bed every night.

Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:16

Today I woke up like always but I ran outta diapers so when I walked downstairs I walked to CVS to get some and when I was paying the cashier smirked at me. I usually don't buy my diapers so I was really embarrassed!

Name:lil mattyboy
Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:19

I went to the swimming pool with my mate James. In the cubical there was three nappies. After the swim James had an idea so he picked up the nappies. When we got back to his house he said, "let's play truth or dare".

I said "yeah, okay." The first round I dumbly said "truth". He brought out the nappies and put them together to make them bigger. He then stripped of my clothes, put the nappies under my butt and taped it up. He then said, "bibi" and locked the door.

An hour later he came back followed by my mum! I was so embarrassed that I wet myself mum said, "Oh dear, look like ill need more nappies," then left.

At home that night I was put in an sleeper and a cot. Then I was treated like a baby 24/7. That's how I became a n/l.

Ages indicated in account:6
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
  X X X X X                  
Current Age:10

Dear anyone from Deeker,

The date is May 21,2005 6:00. I have five pull-ups on. I wear Pull-Ups because I use my little brother's. When I was 5 I wore my first diaper but then my parents walked in and saw me. My mom got a picture. It fit me like a charm. The diapers where a lot more comfortable than any old underwear. I poop and pee in pull-ups and diapers for fun. My 5 Pull- Ups are both pooped and peed in 'em. I will soon go back to diapers which fit better, absorb pee better and are more comfortable. No one can change me yet. I now lay in a crib with a teddy bear and a bottle. I LOVE DIAPERS! See you later


poop and pee

Ages indicated in account:6
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
X X X X X X X X X X X        
Current Age:15

=====================The 15 year old baby==================

My dad makes me wear diapers 24/7 because I wet the bed. He says I'm a baby now. My brothers Freddy and Josh have to take care of me. Josh is 17 and Freddy is 9. My dad bought me an oversized crib, high chair, play pen, baby clothes, and baby bottles.

Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:16

My name is Ryan and this is my true account on how I got into diapers just a few days ago.

It was the last day of school before April vacation and I was really happy. I had told my parents that I was going to be walking home with a bunch of my friends. Well, I lied to them. I bunked the last period class and went to the Tennis court outside not knowing that my aunt was going to be there playing tennis. I ran out there and saw her and knew I was in deep trouble. When she saw me, which took about...oh...2 seconds, she called to me and I walked with my head down over to her. She brought me home and explained that she caught me bunking my last class. My mom got really pissed off and said thanks to her and they both left. My mom walked back in and explained to me the things that were going to happen over the next week.

  1. I would be put back in diapers
  2. I would wear 5 at a time so my pants wouldn't fit
  3. I had to go out in public with the diapers on
  4. I would go to the Red Sox game on Monday in just a diaper and either a sleeper or a onesie (I chose the onesie!^_^)
  5. 5- I would go to the bathroom in them
It is now Monday and I went to the game embarrassed as hell and am writing this now. W-mail me if you want to know the rest!

Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:18

My name is Ryan and I am an AB. This is my true story on what happened a few months ago.

That morning:

I woke up like I had normally done and looked over to my left and my stepbrother was in his bed looking dazed as ever. I woke him up and he said something stank and he looked at me. I pulled off my sheets and saw that I wet the bed again. IT was the third time this week. He had gotten sick of it. He got dressed and walked out the door. I washed my bed, which took a few hours, jumped in the shower and just as I was walking out he walked in the door with a few boxes from the post office and a couple of Wal-mart bags. I looked at him and he signaled for me to change. I walked into my room and got changed then left.

Later that night:

I walked into our apartment at 11:30. I walked into my room only to see a changing table full of diapers and a closet full of adult baby clothes.

Ages indicated in account:6
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
X X X X X X X X              
Current Age:12

I walked into the handicapped bathroom. Bryce was getting his diaper change. Miss Herman said, "What are you doing in here?" I told here the line was too long in the normal bathroom. She told me if I helped her she wouldn't give me time after school so I helped. Then she told me to lay down. She took my pants off, threw my boxers away and she diapered me. I have been diapered every day of school since and no one has found out.

Name:liam d.
Ages indicated in account:6
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X  
Current Age:23

No details given.

Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
            X X X X X X X X  
Current Age:19

I was at a friend's house for a sleepover when he mentioned that he wore diapers to bed and that he wore only a diaper and shirt to bed. I looked at him kind of weird and he said that he does it when no one is around and he asked if I would like to wear one. I told him yeah that I would try it for the night. As he was helping me put the diaper on his sister walked in and caught us. She went and told his mother and she came up to his room and caught him taking his off. She told him to stop taking the diaper off and she walked over to him and put him on the bed and put the diaper back on him. Next she told me to lie down on the bed and she took my pants and underwear off and put me in a diaper. She then told us that we would be treated like babies for the whole weekend which included using the diapers for there inteded purposes and drinking from bottles. After the weekend was over his mother told my mother and she went and bought me some diapers and she is now making me wear diapers for there intended purpose and drinking from bottles.

Name:John S.
Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
                X X          
Current Age:14

when I was 13 years old I wet my pants. I then got in trouble and I had to go to bed. As a prank my older sister put some laxative in my ice cream shake that night. I had totally messed the bed that night. ever since I have had to wear diapers, which were very babyish and I can't use the toilet.

Name:Jeff W.
Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
Current Age:43

I have stomach problems and I have lots of wet farts so I went into diapers. I have start liking to where them and I like peeing in them too. One time I went to the mall in Albuquerque and was walking around I had to go so I went to the restroom but all stall were full so I left and decided then I would just wet my diapers and I been wetting ever since, now I looking for a girl (a real girl)friend that understands and will wet her diapers too.

Ages indicated in account: 
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult
          X         X        
Current Age:15

When I was about ten I was wearing diapers and they felt weird, but I liked to wear them so much that whenever my mom would put me in to real underpants would go and put my hand under warm water so that I would pee my pants and have to get a diaper.