This is the continued story of
Simon’s Journal.
I would highly recommend you read the first volume of this story,
Simon’s Journal
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
before you begin this novel.
The following
narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction.
Any similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely
If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their
awakening sexuality is offensive or illegal in your area, then might I suggest
you go read War and Peace or something equally stimulating.
Volume II
Nights – After the Crusade
Written by
Author of Thirteen Days
Chapter - 8
2 –
I managed to hide behind a stack of boxes until she re-entered the
garden room and closed the metal door. I went through the grate, through the
plumbing room, back into the ducts and out the grate by the stairs and made my
way back to Jamie’s apartment.
However, when I reached the door I found it locked and so I had to
ring the bell. When Marsha answered the door she looked a little confused,
“Where’s Jamie?” she asked.
“Oh he’s still at Paul and Noah’s.” I lied.
Then a look of understanding came about her, “Oh, you need to
change?” she asked.
Now I honestly had no idea but I figured there was a really good
chance that I did so I nodded that I did. She escorted me to Jamie’s room and
when I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants I saw that I was wet, maybe not wet
enough to warrant a changing just yet but I went a head and assumed the
position on Jamie’s bed without saying anything.
Marsha unfastened the tapes to my diaper and without removing it
from under me was cleaning off my front diaper area when the intercom buzzer
sounded which I had learned meant that the security guard down in the front
lobby was buzzing up. “Don’t go anywhere!” Marsha said with a funny grin and I
must admit that it was funny.
was laying there on Jamie’s bed with my boy nudity exposed to the elements and
I didn’t, in truth, care. I was lost to my thoughts as I wondered if Jamie,
Paul, Noah and Becky had realized I had taken off again and if they had, were
they again searching the building for me. In an abnormal sort of way, I was
deriving a trivial yet satisfying amount of pleasure from this demented game of
Hide-and-Seek that I was playing. At the same time, I was feeling fiercely perplexed
and besieged by everything that I was trying to keep contained within my skull.
am not sure of the exact time that transpired while I waited for Marsh to
return. However, when I saw the things on Jamie’s wall moving slightly, I
realized she was on her way back in. I made a mental note to try and remember
that when I see him again, to tell Jamie how inventive a warning system that
actually is.
I had no other expectations then to see Marsha walk back into Jamie’s room and
I had none of the fears or worries that I’d been feeling about having her
change my diaper. Somehow, something in the way I viewed her had changed within
me and having her change my diaper or see me naked seemed as normal as if one
of my own parents were going to do it. In fact, I could not understand why I
had been feeling so squeamish around her this weekend. I was ready for Marsha
to come finish the job she had started but when mom walked in holding a new
package of diapers under her arm, I was taken wholly by surprise. I blinked
twice just to be sure my eyes were not playing tricks on me. For maybe half a
second I had the notion that I had fallen asleep and was dreaming but as
quickly as the notion formed it vanished in a cloud of mental vapors.
“MOM!” I roared ecstatically when I saw her.
sweetie!” she said pulling off her coat so that she could finish the job Marsha
had started. Her smile was like sunshine on a summer day. I felt all-warm
inside just seeing her again.
are you here?” I asked.
called this morning and said you were almost out of diapers and I also wanted
to see you!” she said.
my room done? Can I come home now?” I asked.
lay still and let mommy get you cleaned up and rediapered okay?” She said
giving my nose a tweak before raising my bottom and pulling the wet diaper out
from under me and wiping my backside clean too.
in the other room I could faintly hear dad’s voice as he was talking with
Marsha. I also heard another man’s voice but I did not recognize it.
dad here too?” I asked.
we took a break to bring you more diapers.” She said sliding the fresh diaper
under me.
can I come home?” I asked.
“Soon!” Was all she offered as a time frame.
“How soon?” I asked trying to nail her down to a
specific time.
soon!” she teased.
“Mommmm!” I droned and chuckled! Just having her
with me made me so happy that all the bad feeling that had been flowing through
me today seemed to run away and hide from her shinning smile.
should be finished and back this afternoon!” I heard dad say.
looked past mom to see dad standing just inside the doorway of Jamie’s room.
“Hi dad!” I said equally glad to see him.
smiled proudly and said, “Hi there slugger! You been
having fun?”
wanting to make them worry at all I lied, “Yea the best!”
is Jamie anyway?” Mom asked while looking around the room as if he might be
standing silently in some corner.
is at Noah and Paul’s still.” I said.
those friends of his?” dad asked taking the wet diaper from off the bed where
mom had left it and began to fold it up.
“Yea!” I said and giggled when mom
accidentally tickled me as she applying the baby powder. She pulled the diaper
up and taped it into place before helping me to my feet and pulling my pants
back up over the fresh diaper. She was zipping up my pants when I noticed that
dad had a large Band-Aid under the left side of his chin.
started to giggle and mom, while giving my knees a squeeze, asked me, “What are
you giggled about?”
pointed at dad and asked through my giggles, “Dad was using a hammer again
a running joke in my house that every time dad so much as touches a hammer.
Usually he hits his thumb or finger but there have been times where he has
whacked himself in the head, dropped it on my foot or missed what he was trying
to hit and instead whacked himself in the leg. Now dad couldn’t see mom’s face,
she was still kneeling down in front of me and had her back to dad, which was a
good thing because she was having to screw her face up something awful to keep
from laughing out loud.
effects at concealing her laughter only fueled my own. I could not hold back
and was snickering and giggling while dad humorously caressed his injury. “I’ll
have you know that I was wounded while trying to...” he stopped himself before
he gave away anything.
turned to give him a look as if to say, “Shut up before you blow the surprise!”
I bounced with excitement.
never you mind!” Mom said grabbing my head and kissing my forehead as she stood
I was thinking, “I WANT TO GO HOME! I
WANT TO GO HOME! I WANT TO GO HOME!” but on the outside I said, “Oh okay!”
wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug; it felt so good that I did
not want her to stop.
she finally did release me, dad bent down and said, “My turn!” He swooped me up into his arms and lifted me from the floor. He
had his arms braced under my diapered bottom, which allowed me - in essence -
to sit, perched against his chest with my head resting on his shoulder.
”Yea!” dad said with a loving sigh, “Don’t you ever get too big for me to hug
I agreed hugging his neck with all my strength.
out in the living room there was a voluble commotion. It only took me a second
or two to realize that Jamie and his friends had charged in looking for me.
put me back down and mom quickly helped me get my pants pulled back on before
the three of us walked out to the living room where Jamie, Becky, Noah, Paul
and now Vanessa were all standing. Jamie had my shoes in his hands. The five of
them looked so guilty, like a crook caught with his hand in safe as the lights
came on.
was looking around trying to figure out where the other man was I had heard
while Marsha and dad had been out here talking a few minutes ago but aside from
Marsha, mom and dad, there were no other adults around.
tried smiling, “Hi dad!” he said to our dad.
fast Jamie then said to me, “Uh, you forgot your shoes!”
moment might have gotten awkward had Marsha not said, “Why don’t all of you run
and play for a while?”
turned to mom and dad to ask, “When do I get to go home?”
flicked me in the forehead as a joke and answered, “You have plenty of time to
play more! We will call later when it is time.”
I did not really want to go with Jamie and his friends but I did anyway. Jamie
told his mom, “We’re going back to Noah and Paul’s!” and the five of them
absconded with me right in front of my parents.
feet outside Jamie’s apartment I tried to get them to let go of me but the five
of them were gently pushing and pulling me in the direction of the stairs.
on guys stop!” I tried to protest!
said, “We need to talk!”
aren’t going to hurt you!” Paul added using poor grammar.
we reached the first grate behind the door to the stairs Jamie opened it using
his handy-dandy quarter. Noah and Vanessa went in first then Jamie and Becky
pushed me in with Paul bringing up the rear so that he could close the grate
one talked this time until the six of us were back in the garden with the metal
door securely closed and latched.
was cold in the garden room because they had left the window open to allow the
stench of vomit to disapate, which it had. Vanessa went behind the concrete
pillar to close and latch the window again while the three boys forced me to
sit down on an overturned bucket.
have decided something!” Becky said sounding as if she was the spokesperson for
them all.
I’ve decided something too!” I said trying to struggle against Jamie, Paul and
Noah’s hands that continued to hold me from attempting another escape.
Vanessa asked emerging from behind the pillar.
I don’t want anything to do with any of you or your club?” I said as if
spitting my words onto the ground and stomping on them.
“Club? What club?” Becky asked looking right
at Jamie who I fully expected to look surprised and or guilty but he did not
express either of the two.
“Your sex club!” I said trying to tug away again.
Don’t hurt him!” Jamie said as he and the other two boys attempted to keep me
seated on the bucket.
very melodramatic, Becky threw her hands in the air and said, “Secrets are only
secrets when no one tells them.” She paused long enough give Jamie a hard, cold
gaze, “Isn’t that right Jamie?”
“Yea!” Noah said firing his own icy gaze at
me go!” I said trying one more time to get away.
until you hear us out!” Becky said walking over and placing a single finger over
my lips.
she had done nothing but show me kindness today I opted to yield, for the
moment, to her will. “What then?” I said relaxing under the three boys
restraining hands.
turned and looked out one of the dirty window pains with her arms folded over
her chest. She began to speak rather cryptically, making me feel as though I
were playing a part is some bad mystery movie. “Secrets that get out can be
made secret again if those that know the secrets swear to never tell another
living soul as long as they live!”
started to spout off at Becky, “If some people would have . . .” but stopped
when Paul barked at him, “Shut up, will ya Noah!”
turned back toward us and calmly said, “Simon? You know about our secret here,”
she motioned to all the plants around us, “because someone broke our code and
told you.” She said looking right at Jamie, “And we all know about your diapers
because,” I felt myself flush as she again looked right at Jamie, “someone
broke your trust and told us.”
took a step toward Jamie who I could not see but could hear breathing hard
right behind me. She continued, “And you know about our secret club because
that same someone broke our most sacred code and told you!”
beyond Becky, Vanessa was averting her eyes from my own. Becky unfolded her
arms, reached down and picked up one of those small gardening hand shovels and
I started to worry more for Jamie then myself at that point. The small shovel
had a green handle while the actual shovel part looked to have at one time been
painted white but now only a trace of white could be seen close to the plastic
felt Jamie shrinking behind me and I realized that the hand resting on the left
side of my neck belonged to him because it was trembling something fierce.
Becky took a half step toward the four of us while holding the small shovel up
before her.
was Noah who broke the mounting tensions with, “You and Paul broke the code
too!” he yelled to Becky effectively stopping her in her tracks.
appeared indignant that anyone, let alone Noah, should interrupt her grandiose
sounded both confident and frightened as he shouted, “Paul told Simon that I
still sleep with a Teddy Bear and you made me tell Simon that I still wet the
bed sometimes!”
sneered at Noah as if she was just forced to eat an entire lemon-rhine and all.
added, “You can’t make Jamie take the walk unless you and Paul do it too!”
wanted to ask what ‘The walk’ was but Vanessa, who had been standing quietly,
leaning against the pillar this whole time finally spoke up, “Why don’t we just
admit that everyone broke the code and get past it!”
any Vulcan worth his pointy ears would tell you that the natural enemy of
emotion is and always has been pure logic.
broke the code! Everyone!” she said.
offered a small bit of incite, “You didn’t!” he said to Vanessa.
“Code? What code?” I asked.
feeling a little betrayed, Becky turned on Vanessa and for an instant I thought
she was going to lash out at her but she didn’t. “She’s right!” Becky
announced, “We are all guilty of breaking the code!”
growing frustration, I asserted myself by re-stating my previous question and
this time it came out spiced with a drop of my own venom. “What 'effing code?”
except I actually screamed the ‘F’ word at them.
worked, I got their attention. I felt a hand cover my mouth and not knowing or
caring whose it was I opened my mouth and chomped down as hard as I could. It
turned out that the finger I had clamped onto was attached to the hand of Noah.
He let out a cry that could wake the dead. Jamie was pulling on my face from
behind while Paul had straddled my legs and was trying to yank Noah’s finger
from my teeth. I didn’t hang on for long, only long enough to scare the crap
out of Noah, which was about ten seconds.
pulled away cradling his hand, jumping around and howling, “He bit me! He bit
and Vanessa were trying to get him to shut up while Jamie and Becky were
laughing themselves silly. Vanessa smugly said, “You shouldn’t have put your
finger in his mouth!”
didn’t!” he said giving me a dirty look and walking all the way over to the
other side of the greenhouse room. He flipped over another bucket and sat
himself directly across from me while he nursed his aching finger and wiped a
tear or two from his eyes with his shirtsleeve. That was the exact second that
I noticed Noah had a wet spot on the front of his jeans. Evidentially, while I
had his finger clamped between my teeth, I inflicted enough pain, or maybe just
scared him enough that he peed a little.
gave me something to focus my attention on for a while, which I think was
freaking Noah out because he could not stand that I kept staring at him.
Actually, I was staring at his crotch but from across the room, I’m sure he
thought I was giving him the evil eye or something.
for good measure, Jamie gave me a slap on the top of my head with the palm of
his hand and trying not to laugh too hard he commanded me as if I were some
common mutt, “Bad Simon! No biting!”
looked up at Becky who had gone from laughing to not looking amused at all.
Behind her stood Vanessa, who had moved closer to the rest of us and was now
right behind Becky grinning and appearing quite pleased.
if we let you up, will you stay and hear us out?” Becky asked still holding the
little shovel and wielding it about as she spoke.
twisted my head around to look at Jamie, then Paul and finally Noah who was
keeping his distance from me now. I nodded my agreement.
let him go!” Becky commanded which was really a wasted command given that Jamie
was the only one still touching me and even he only had one hand resting on top
of my head. I think Paul was afraid of loosing a finger too because after
successfully freeing his brother from my dental vise he had moved back to one
side and had both of his hands shoved down inside his pants pockets.
looked over at Noah again and he was completely oblivious to condition of his
pants; he was sitting with his knees apart and the finger I bit shoved into his
mouth which I won’t bother commenting on how gross that is given that it had
been in my mouth a moment before. It was kind of funny really. I was sitting
there watching Noah while Becky as going on and on about how important it is to
keep secrets and a bunch of other stuff too. Mostly she was just blowing hot
air. Every few minutes Vanessa would toss in her two cents but really, I wasn’t
listening to either of them. I was pretty well transfixed on Noah now. I’m not
sure why really, I guess it’s because for some reason, I started thinking about
sex. It was a stupid time to think about sex but when I think of the company I
was in the presents of, I suppose it should not have been so surprising.
anything anyone said or any move anyone made reminded me of sex and then a
thought occurred to me. I have never seen or experience real sex, at least not
in the normal girl and guy way. I looked at Becky, then Vanessa and once again,
Jamie’s words were replaying in my ears; “Becky only kisses but Vanessa will do
anything as long as Becky is there.”
just like that I made a decision! I wanted to watch Jamie, Paul or Noah having
sex with Vanessa. However, oddly enough, I did not want to do anything with her
myself, I just wanted to be a witness to the act.
felt another thump on the top of my head, this time with knuckles. “Ouch! What
was that one for?” I groaned at Jamie.
you even heard anything I said?” Becky asked and when I looked over at her she
had her hands on her hips exactly the way my mother does whenever she is really
looked back up at Jamie who was looking at me as if I had a booger hanging out
of my nose. Something possessed me at that very second because the thoughts
that were forming in my head were not my thoughts and were not anything I have
or ever would think about.
honestly believed that I was thinking to myself when I posed the question, “But
how do I even ask?”
what?” Becky’s question snapped me back to reality; making me realize that she
was addressing me and that I’d not just thought it but actually spoke the
was trying to come up with something to say, something that wouldn’t make me
sound like a shmuck. I felt Jamie move his hand. He laid it on my bare neck and
gave me a slight squeeze. He bent down and whispered into my ear. His breath
was hot and caused a shiver to run threw me.
at Noah’s pants.” He whispered.
did you just say to him?” Becky asked sounding a lot like some old nagging
fired his words at her like bullets, “I said look at Noah’s Pants.”
including Noah looked and saw what I’d noticed the second he’d sat down. “Oh
shit!” Noah cursed.
Paul said tossing a clump of dirt at Noah, “Watch your mouth!”
me!” Noah said which of course made Paul laugh.
already did it for me!” Paul said.
let out the biggest sigh before saying, “I’m sick of all this! If everyone’s
just going to keep arguing and fighting then I’m going back home!”
wait!” Becky said, “Hang on a second. Let me finish what I was saying.”
you just get to the point and stop talking nineteen to the dozen?” Jamie said
squeezing my neck again. I felt as if he was trying to tell me something with
the squeeze but I was not sure what just yet.
sneered at Jamie, “Alright!” and then made an offer to everyone, “Why don’t we
make a new club pack?”
the ‘we’? ‘We’ five or ‘We’ six?” Jamie said giving me another
squeeze and now I got the message. He wanted me to keep my mouth shut for a
“All six of us!” Becky and Vanessa both said at exactly
the same time.
he said that he did not want to be in our club!” Noah spouted off pointing at
me with his injured finger.
squeezed me even harder and it kind of hurt but I kept my mouth shut even
though he really wanted to say something. “Noah! You know how you feel about
people being aware that you wet the bed?”
up!” Noah tried asserting himself but lost the battle.
you shut up!” His brother moved to about halfway between Noah and me, “Your
just mad because Simon here knows you wet the bed AND because you were stupid enough to put your fingers in his
started to say something else but Paul didn’t let him. “No! You don’t get to
talk anymore! You are just trying to be mean and if you keep it up I’m going to
be the one that shuts you up.”
was funny to hear these two brothers going at it especially since they looked
so much alike. It was like watching someone yelling at his or her own
didn’t stop there but leveled one more bit of verbal chastising on Noah. “And
as far as you freaking out about everyone in the building knowing you wet the
bed? I’ve got news for you! Everyone has known since we moved in here!”
eyes grew to the size of mini-planets while his brother continued spewing words
at him, “Remember when mom used to have to go to the laundry mat? It doesn’t
take a genius to figure out that one of us was wetting the bed since she had to
drag stinky sheets out of the apartment everyday!”
seemed to be regressing several years’ right before my
eyes. With watery eyes
he whimpered, “But they don’t know it was me!”
do, because I told them!” Paul’s final words were the preverbal straw that broke
Noah’s back.
stopped moving, stopped blinking and I think maybe stopped breathing too, but I
couldn’t be sure from across the green house. He was staring right at Paul as
if the two of them had suddenly become locked together in a stare down contest.
However, with a single sniffle from Noah the whole ordeal ended without another
thing said and no tears being shed, which amazed me to no end.
was a discomfited hush as everyone waited for Paul or Noah to say something
else but when they didn’t, Jamie finally asked Noah, “Do you not like Simon
because he wears diapers or do you just not like him period?”
seemed dazed but rapidly transcended, “I don’t, not like
Jamie squeezing my neck so hard was cutting the blood off to my brain or Noah’s
statement was really screwed up. Either way, I wasn’t sure if he did or did not
like me.
you not want me in your club?” I asked despite Jamie’s attempts to keep me from
doing so.
seemed to be having problems with his brain too, “Yea, I mean, well, what the
fuck!” the word was barely out of his lips before Paul was lunging for him. “Oh
shit sorry!” and quickly covered him mouth with both of his hands.
if you use bad language one more time I am going to tell your mother!” Vanessa
said stepping into Paul’s path, effectively stopping him before he could kill
his older brother.
he said standing up and shrugging his shoulders. Having to speak past three
people Noah raised his voice a little, “Hey Simon? You’re almost thirteen,
numb-nuts! He just turned twelve!” Jamie said and I felt his second hand come
to rest on the other side of my neck. For a second I was scared he was going to
try to choke me if I said anything else.
But I am willing to bet he’s said worse!” Noah argued.
Since Vanessa and Becky wouldn’t let him get at his brother
Paul started to turn away from Noah and flung his hand dismissively at Noah,
“You know, you are so lame!”
he turned toward me, our eyes met briefly. It was long enough that I saw him
roll his eyes and give me a smirk. I felt as if he were giving me his vote to
let me into the club.
I ask one question?” I spoke up again which earned me a loose choking. I had to
reach up and pull at Jamie’s fingers to be able to speak again. “So what do you
do, I mean, in this club?”
felt Jamie’s hot breath in my ear again as he leaned forward to say something
but all he was able to say before Becky interrupted him was, “How stupid are .
. .”
feels good!” and the way Becky said it made her skin seem luminous and her eyes
twinkled behind her glasses.
had to quietly clear my throat and pull at Jamie’s fingers again before I could
respond, “Okay! I could do that!” I felt Jamie finally loosen his grip so I
released my hold on his fingers that I had been keeping from constricting
around my voice box and choking the life right out of me.
trying to keep the conversation about the sex club going I asked, “So who’s the
should have expected the response I got. “Bush!”
Vanessa said.
I asked in disbelief that anyone could be so brainless.
“Bush! President George W. Bush! What do you
think I’m stupid!” she clarified.
rubbed my left temple and wanted to say, “Yes you are a complete brainless twit!”
but I did not say it; but boy, I sure wanted too!
as not to sound offensive I clarified my question, “Sorry! I mean who’s the
President of the Sex Club!”
don’t have one!” Noah replied sitting with his knees together and his hands
covering his crotch to hide the wet spot that we all knew was there now.
an attempt to be funny I asked, “Do you have Jackets?”
Paul been drinking milk it would have shot out his nose just then. He doubled
over laughing, “Jackets? Oh that’s a good one!” He looked over at Noah who was
grinning but not laughing. “We need to get Jackets with sex club embroidered on
the backs!”
Paul! I wasn’t that funny!” Vanessa said.
know what!” Jamie said, “It’s too cold in here since we had the window open!”
“Yea!” Noah agreed.
can go back to my place! My father won’t be up for a couple hours yet.” Vanessa
all agreed and after making our way back to the stairs in silence, Jamie began
to explain to me that Vanessa’s father works the graveyard shift at Rumple
Paper Mill as a Shift Manager. He gets home around
we walked into Vanessa’s apartment, I was blown away. “Wow! It’s like a
magazine!” I said.
went over and plopped down on a big reddish semi-circler sofa and Vanessa
nearly came unhinged. “Hey! Don’t sit there with your wet pee pants on!”
are not that wet!” Noah groaned and covered his crotch with his hands again.
I am serious!” Vanessa stomped her foot.
chimed in too, “Noah, get up now!”
Noah stood up and began taking off his pants I nearly swallowed my tongue; and
when he didn’t stop at just his pants I nearly fell over dead. Seeming
triumphant Noah, now nude from the waist down, sat back down again, picked up
the remote for the television and started surfing through the channels.
was completely mesmerized. Heck, I was more then mesmerized—I was in love! I
watched as Vanessa walked over, picked up Noah’s pants and underwear from the
floor and then disappeared into the back of apartment.
gave me a not so hard punch in the arm, “Huh what?” I said.
asked if you want some Pee.” Jamie said with a mischievous grin.
“Some what?” I asked nearly choking on my words.
do you want some Sweet Tea?” Jamie asked.
that I must have heard him wrong the first time, heck I didn’t even hear Becky
for that matter, I shook my head to clear the cobwebs before looking over at
Becky who was smiling so big that I could have counted every tooth in her head.
“Oh um, yea sure!” I said feeling a twinge of
embarrassment at having been caught staring at Noah’s semi-nude form
was one of those times when I was exceedingly glad I had on a diaper because
without it I am sure the front of my pants would have been bulging out as if I
had a broom handle hidden in them.
who only a few minutes ago had been defending and protecting me once again
turned against me; he began acting as if he was really me. He skipped like a
girl over to Noah who had stopped switching channels and was laughing as Jamie
made fun of me.
“Oh Noah! I am Simon and I want to have sex with
you so much!” Jamie smoozed.
got right into the act, “Uh, I will have to think about it!”
tried to throw himself onto Noah; “I want to suck your penis until steam erupts
from your ears!”
tonight! I got a headache!” Noah acted as though he fainted.
and Paul, who I had not seen leaving the room, had just returned with several
glasses filled with Sweet Tea. The look Becky had was
simply priceless when she saw that Jamie was acting as if he was humping Noah’s
leg. “I want you to make me have an orgasm!” Jamie grunted.
being mocked and made to feel like even more of an idiot for gawking at Noah’s
nudity then I already felt, I was still finding their angst humorous. However,
what Becky did next was even funnier. It became obvious that neither Jamie nor
Noah knew Becky and Paul had returned from the kitchen. Becky reached into one
of the glasses, pulled out an ice cube and quick as a rabbit she was able to
stuff it down the back of Jamie’s pants.
suddenly jumped up yelping and trying to reach into the back of his pants for
the ice. He was hopping and twirling around, “Man that is cold! Oh that is so
not funny!” he said even though he was laughing the whole time.
you looked like you needed cooled off.” Becky said picking one of the glasses
back up and handing it to me. Before letting go of the glass, she told me,
“Vanessa’s mom is from
okay. Thank you!” I said taking the glass. I took a small sip and boy was she
right. It was like drinking the pure nectar of the gods
“Wow!” I exclaimed.
“Told ya.” Becky said taking a big swig of her
own tea.
finally got the ice out of his pants; actually it fell out of his pants leg. To
be gross he picked it up and popped it into his mouth. The four of us all
groaned as one.
are just sick!” Paul said to Jamie.
tried to smile without loosing the piece of ice, “Mmmmm! Butt Ice! So yummy!”
was still laughing himself sick. He was holding his stomach as he rolled around
on the sofa. “Oh man that was too funny!” he said.
returned and was quickly brought up to speed as to what had happened while she
was gone. I also figured out that she had taken Noah’s pants and underwear and
put them in the drier for him. The way she did it, I mean without saying a word
or making a big deal about it made me think that it has happened before. Enough
so, that it was something she now did without really thinking about it. Well
that’s how I saw it anyway.
the five of them carried on, I sat myself in a yellow-gold, wing-backed chair
and sipped at my glass of super sweet ice tea. I watched and listened to them
for several minutes. The subject kept going from normal stuff to borderline
sexual talk and then back again.
asked a question of Becky that lodged itself inside my head ever since hearing
it. He asked her, “If you could be any age at all with the condition that you
had to stay that age forever, what age would you pick and why?”
sat forward in her seat and looked genuinely pleased with the question. “Oh
that’s easy! I would be 29!” she said proudly.
29?” Jamie asked.
my mom says that 29 is the perfect age for a lady!” came Becky’s simple reply.
decided to butt in and offer his own ideas for that question, “I would want to be18 because then
I would never have to go to school again and I could stay in our apartment all
day and play video games!”
stupid!” Paul said. “Mom and dad won’t let you sponge off them for the rest of
your life!”
I will get my own place!” Noah added.
will you pay for it if you don’t have a job?” Vanessa asked.
live with Paul!” Noah said.
“Oh no you won’t!” Paul said back.
gave up when he realized he couldn’t win. It was Vanessa that spoke up next.
She gulped down the last of her tea before saying, “I think I would want to be
about 25 and I would have to be married to a man who stays the same age as me
for ever!”
leaned forward and said, “Yep that’s a good one! You and I will live happy
forever and ever and ever and . . .”
laughed at Paul’s joke but for maybe a second I thought I saw what looked to be
disappointment in Paul’s eyes when Vanessa started laughing.
about you?” Becky said to Jamie.
don’t know!” Jamie replied.
have to pick something!” Noah nagged.
shrugged and reasserted, “I just don’t know!”
figured Jamie needed let off the hook so I spoke up, “I would want to be the
age I am right now. I wouldn’t want to get another day older then I am at this
very second.”
curious and very sincere Becky asked, “How come?”
took a little thinking before I could offer any reason why, “Well, if I were
say a small boy, I couldn’t do much because I would always have to be watched.”
I paused momentarily before continuing, “And if I were older, an adult, I would
have to get a boring job, I would have bills and have to worry about stupid
stuff adult stuff. I am 12 now and I think 12 is the perfect age. I can just
about do anything I want when I want and at the same time I don’t have to work
or pay bills or any of that stuff! Even if I had to go to school for the rest
of my life I wouldn’t mind really; I mean after a couple years learning the
same stuff I would probably never have to study and would always get straight
A’s.” I paused again before adding, “It might take five or six years for me to
get A’s in Social Studies though!”
laughed because he knows how much I disliked my Social Studies teacher this
over to Jamie, I asked, “You figure out what age you would be yet?”
don’t think I would want to be just one age forever. I want to grow up
normally.” He said.
supported his thinking by saying, “I guess that is okay but I don’t ever what
to get old like my grandpa!”
Vanessa stood up and announced to the group while addressed me directly. “I
think that since Simon is now a member of our club he should have to do
something to prove he’s really in with us.”
that’s right!” Noah said standing up and giving me another full view of his
tried to convince them that I did not need to ‘Do’ anything but they all
quickly agreed that I had to ‘Do’ something; kind of an initiation into the
club I suppose.
odd sort of fear grabbed hold of my heart in an instant, “W-w-what d-do I-I-I
h-have t-t-t-t-to do?” I stuttered so bad that Jamie had to explain my problem
to them.
has a little trouble talking with he gets worked up.” Jamie said coming over
and sitting right beside me and tried to calm me down, “You don’t need to
worry. We have a rule that you never have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
“Oh yea! I had forgotten you said something
about that the other day.” Becky said taking another sip from her glass before
sitting it back down on the table.
looked at Jamie, “W-w-what else d-did y-you t-t-t-tell th-them ab-b-bout me?”
told us everything!” Paul said with an evil grin.
felt myself beginning to blush.
“Yea!” Becky added, “You’re brother blabbed
all about you!”
“W-w-w-w-what?” I was really having a hard time
let’s see! You and Jamie are only half brothers. That’s not such a big secret
though but the fact that your father had sex with Jamie’s mom while still
married to your mom I think is a big secret!”
didn’t have time to get mad or upset that they knew that part because she kept
right on hanging my dirty laundry right out there for all to see. “You have
been a bed wetter all your life but since getting beat up you have to wear
diapers all the time now.” Becky was going on in a plain yet seething tone. “Oh
and he told us that you masturbate three times a day and sometimes even while
you are sleeping!”
nearly spilled my glass of tea when she said the ‘M’ word. “I-I-I
d-do n-not!” I nearly shouted. I gave Jamie a punch in the leg but it
wasn’t nearly as hard as I wanted it to be.
looked back to Becky to see the corners of her mouth curled up as she said,
“Well I do!” and I realized she had kidding about that last part.
everyone was laughing again, Jamie leaned over to me and spoke only loud enough
for me to hear, “See what I mean?”
I had never known of any girl that even said the word ‘masturbate’ and yet this
one even said she did it! Needless to say, I was excited . . . and I do mean
was squirming a little to try and get my little boyhood member into a more
comfortable position so that it wasn’t straining so earnestly against my
diaper. Paul must have figured out my reasons for moving around because he
asked, “You got a problem over there Simon?”
“N-no!” I lied and to try and divert attention
from myself I asked, “Is th-there a-a-any b-b-body e-else i-in th-th-this c-club?”
need to calm down or you might cream your jeans!” Becky teased.
I grunted not grasping the phrase she used.
means you might cum in your diaper!” Jamie had leaned over
and explained it too me. That was the last bit I could take and I
couldn’t hide my embarrassment any longer. I felt my face burning and it felt
as if all ten of their eyes were focused on me in an attempt to burn my clothes
from my body.
leaned forward and placed her drinking glass on a small kidney shaped table.
“Just the five of us,” she answered, “but Calvin Kramer used to be until we had
to kick him out because he told his parents.”
“Alright! What’s it going to be then?” Vanessa
said impudently to me.
I grunted again.
if you don’t choose what you are going to do then we will think of something.”
She clarified.
I didn’t respond quick enough I saw Paul lean over and whisper something to
Becky and Vanessa. With a nod from them both he jumped to his feet and with a
single stride was standing in front of me. He reached down, took my glass and
set it on the table next to Becky’s drink. Holding out his hand to me he
instructed, “Stand up please.”
glanced over to Jamie for assistance but his only response was to smile and
shrug his shoulders. “Thanks a lot!” I thought but did not actually say it to
reached down, took my hand and as he began to pull me to my feet Jamie reminded
him, “Just remember he’s got broken ribs.”
my better judgment, I took his hand, rose to my feet and stood before him
nervously quaking. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next.
was so worked up that when Paul reached behind me and pulled me close to him, I
nearly jumped out of my skin. “Will you relax?” He said.
tried, I really did, but I was feeling very out of control and maybe a little
scared too. When he placed his lips against mine and began to kiss me I still
stood ridged and unsure what was next. But as it turned out, that was it!
all?” I said as Paul returned to his seat, leaving me standing there.
“Nope!” Becky said and then she too stood up,
walked over to me and planted a really passionate kiss on me. It lasted much
longer then Paul’s and I have to admit that I liked it; a lot!
Becky came Noah, then Vanessa and finally Jamie. Each kissed me in their own
way and each was good but none as good as Becky’s had been. When Noah came over
to kiss me there was no hiding the fact that he had a stiff one too. Heck he
seemed proud of it and as we kissed he reached behind me and pulled me into him
so that his penis was thrust against me. When Noah backed away he smiled and
said, “Yep! You’re a good kisser!”
last one to kiss me was Jamie. While I had kissed him before, I had never done
so in front of other people. I cocked my head to one side while he cocked his
in the other direction and we kissed the longer then I kissed any of the
others. As we were kissing he reached down, grabbed the front of my diaper and
squeezed which nearly made me cum right then and there. I actually think that
was his intention. With our lips locked together I felt him trying to slip his
tongue into my mouth and after a moments hesitation I relented and let it in.
He was the only one to do that, thankfully.
Jamie and I were finished kissing he pulled away and said in a soft tone so
that the others didn’t over hear him, “I think someone needs to be changed
Before sitting back down Jamie said one more thing, loud
enough for all to hear, “Welcome to the club!”
“Th-thanks!” I said and quickly sat back down. I
still had a party going on inside my diaper and yearned to reach in to give it
a few good tugs but I didn’t. After a few minutes the pressure inside my diaper
decreased though I was still feel all warm and excited inside.
conversation started back up almost immediately but it took on a whole
different tone then before. Paul, seeming to take a commanding role sat forward
on the sofa and asked me, “When do you want to go look for them?”
for who?” I asked.
“Your friends!” Paul answered.
was just not getting where he was going with this so I had to ask again, “Huh?
What friends?”
ran his hands through his hair, “Oh brother!” he groaned, “Jamie here said that
you think you know where your two missing friends are.”
looked at Jamie who at least had the courtesy to look sorry for sharing that
bit of info.
Paul called my name to get my attention. “We may talk about sex and do stuff
together something; but we are also friends and we take care of each other. We
want to help you to go find your friends.”
“Yea! You’re alright in my book!” Noah
added, “I’m with you! Let’s go!”
found it hard to listen to Noah while he was sitting there with no pants on.
Vanessa, Jamie and Becky all agreed with Noah.
opened my mouth and tried to say something but realized I didn’t know what to
say. Noah started to say something again and when he did I looked over at him
and something on the television caught my eye. The sound was muted but even
without the sound my attention was seized.
“Holy crap!” I shouted, “Quick! Turn that up!”
Noah asked.
turn it up!” I ordered as I jumped to my feet.
picked up the remote and pressed the mute button in the middle of a special
news bulletin, “. . . believe that this attack is gang related. The family
members of victim have been notified. Again we are reporting that in what
appears to be a gang related attack here in
Trevor Magilvery?” Becky asked as the Special News Bulletin ended.
sat back down and held my head from behind and began to rock back and forth.
Jamie put his arm around me. “You okay?”
d-don’t th-thing so!” I managed to say.
you know him?” Vanessa asked.
was it?” Noah asked.
w-was T-two-Toes’ p-picture!” I said referring to the year book photo of
Two-Toes that had been used during the news bulletin. “H-he w-was T-Tator
a-a-and B-Bulls f-friend.”
think we better go home. Mom might be looking for us.” Jamie said.
“Yea okay!” Vanessa said standing up.
will call you guys when . . .” Jamie started to say.
“Yea okay!” Becky said.
Next Installment:
PART 3 –
Sunday, March 07, 2004 – Room For Improvement
** For the latest news on how each installment is coming along as well as answers to questions asked by other readers and so much more, visit me at As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: and I promise that I will reply personally to everyone that takes the time to write to me! **