This is the continued story of
Simon’s Journal.
I would highly recommend you read the first volume of this story,
Simon’s Journal
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
before you begin this novel.
The following
narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction.
Any similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely
If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their
awakening sexuality is offensive or illegal in your area, then might I suggest
you go read War and Peace or something equally stimulating.
Volume II
Nights – After the Crusade
Written by
Author of Thirteen Days
3 – Sunday, March 07, 2004 – Room For Improvement
“Holy crap!” I shouted, “Quick! Turn that up!”
“Why?” Noah asked.
“Just turn it up!” I ordered as I jumped to my feet.
Noah picked up the remote and pressed the mute button in the middle
of a special news bulletin, “ . . . believe that this attack is gang related.
The family members of the victims have been notified. Again, we are reporting
that, in what appears to be a gang related attack here in Riverside, three victims
were beat and stabbed. Two of the victims were taken to Riverside Hospital and
are reported to be in serious but stable condition while a third victim, Trevor
Magilvery, a former member of the High School Panthers Foot Ball Team died in
route to the hospital. We will have more on this story for you at during our 6
o’clock news hour. I am Trisha Tackanomi reporting for channel 13 News.
“Who’s Trevor Magilvery?” Becky asked as the Special News Bulletin
I sat back down, held my head from behind, and began to rock back
and forth.
“Simon?” Jamie put his arm around me. “You okay?”
“I-I d-don’t th-thing so!” I managed to say.
“Did you know him?” Vanessa asked.
I nodded.
“Who was it?” Noah asked.
“Th-that w-was T-two-Toes’ p-picture!” I said referring to the
Yearbook photo of Two-Toes that had been used during the news bulletin. “H-he
w-was T-Tator a-a-and B-Bulls f-friend.”
“I think we better go home. Mom might be looking for us.” Jamie
“Yeah okay!” Vanessa said standing up.
“I will call you guys when . . .” Jamie started to say.
“Yeah okay!” Becky said.
and I were back at his apartment in a matter of minutes. We walked in to find
Marsha and Ian sitting on the couch talking and drinking something that has a
strong aromatic aroma of cinnamon. I was reminded instantly of Lowell’s story,
Hamunaptra and how the boy in that story kept encountering the scent of
cinnamon and some other spices all mingled together.
you are! You boy’s getting hungry yet?” Marsha asked. The words were no sooner
out of her mouth than the phone rang and interrupting her.
got it!” Jamie said sprinting toward the kitchen.
It’s for you! It’s dad!” Jamie called out.
didn’t run to the phone the way Jamie had; something inside was telling me that
dad was calling to tell me about Two-Toes. Jamie handed me the phone and stood
close to listen in on what dad had to say but when I gave him a small shove he
got the message and left me alone to talk.
I said into the phone.
Simon! You about ready to come home?” dad asked sounding extremely excited.
I guess so.” I answered.
do you mean you guess so? Is everything all right there? You and your brother
haven’t been fighting again have you?” dad asked.
we haven’t been fighting!” I said.
are you feeling sick? You don’t sound like yourself.” Dad stated.
I’m okay. Are you coming to get me now?” I asked.
recon we should be there in about half an hour.” Dad answered.
response to this news was just one word, “Good!”
you sure you are okay? Nothings bothering you?” Dad asked again.
I’m sure.” I answered.
if you say so. Why don’t you get your things together? Mom and I should be
leaving here soon.” Dad said.
See you in thirty minutes!” I said.
Simon?” dad said.
I answered back.
love you son!” Dad said.
love you too dad! Tell mom I love her! Bye.” I said and hung up the phone. As I
turned back around Jamie had slipping back into the kitchen. “Well?” he asked.
nothing!” I said back.
they don’t know?” he asked.
know!” I shrugged, “He didn’t say.”
what did he say?” Jamie looked like he was about to burst with anticipation.
they will be here in about thirty minutes to pick me up.” I answered.
min . . . but you can’t go yet!” Jamie whined.
got to get my stuff ready.” I said.
looked over his shoulder to be sure his mom or Ian could not see or hear us. He
pushed me a couple steps farther into the kitchen and asked, “What about the
rescue mission?” he asked.
shouldn’t have told them about that!” I said.
shrugged and said, “We tell each other everything.”
you shouldn’t have told them that!” I said again.
pushed past him and into walked into the living room. “They are on their way to
get me.” I told Marsha.
moaned, “Ha! I was hoping to get to do a painting of you before you left
me too!” Jamie said from right behind me.
next time.” Marsha offered.
nodded to Ian and he smiled, “Well you better come back soon then!”
smiled and promised, “I will.”
you . . .?” Marsha started to ask me but she did not have to finish it as I was
already nodding to her affirmatively.
patted Ian’s leg and said, “I’ll be right back. Why don’t you and Jamie get
something out of the fridge for lunch?”
but I’m warning you now, I am going to have ice cream to sooth my hurt feelings
that I don’t get to paint the boys today!” Ian said in a manner that only he
could pull off before standing up and walking with Jamie to the kitchen.
shot one more crack at him, “You keep dipping into the ice cream and you will
end up with a big booty.”
clapped his hands over his heart and squealed, “Oh honey, I can only hope!”
Marsha was marching me into Jamie’s room, I watched from over my shoulder at
the way Ian walked. He wiggled his butt when he walked, the way a woman does
and I could not help but find it funny.
you giggling at?” Marsha said tickling the back of my head with her
fingernails, which only caused me to giggle more.
I giggled despite the fact that inside I was freaking out.
was getting a clean diaper from out of the package that mom and dad had brought
this morning, while I was busy unfastening my pants and pulling them down to my
ankles. Before I could get myself laid down on the bed, she had turned back
around and said, “Why don’t we take that one off before you lay down? I think
it would make things easier.”
was not the way I was used to having my diaper changed but I didn’t really care
either way. I shrugged as much as my armor would allow letting her know that I
did not mind. She started to reach for the first tape when I stopped her, “Um,
Are you okay?” she asked sounding alarmed.
she saw me blushing, she figured out why I stopped her and waited until I
nodded to let her know that I was finished wetting. The extra load of urine
made my diaper sag between my legs.
smiled to try to reassure me by talking in an upbeat and jovial way, “Well,
it’s a good thing we weren’t in a hurry or we might have had to change you
smiled to appease her but I didn’t really feel like smiling inside. After she
had the diaper off me, she folded it up and sat it on the floor before helping
me to lie down on the clean diaper that she had spread out on the bed for me.
Maybe because mom was coming to pick me up and would be doing the next
changing, Marsha seemed to take a little more time and was being a little more
methodical in cleaning my diaper area as well as thoroughly applying the diaper
cream to both sides. I did not have to try to not get hard down there. My mind
was swimming with the words of Two-Toes death that I seriously doubt I could
have gotten it up if I wanted too just then.
think she might have over did the baby powder but I’ll give her marks for being
able to do it without creating a dust cloud. She even took her time taping the
diaper into place and when I stood back up, I noticed that the fit was tighter then
I had ever had anyone do before.
helping me get my pants back on, she lended me a hand with getting my things
together and with carrying them out to the living room.
you like to eat lunch before you go?” she asked.
please!” I answered.
that, Ian and Jamie walked out of the dinning room. They both had kitchen
towels draped over their left arms. Standing proper and speaking together they
announced, “Lunch is served!”
two of them stepped to either side and allowed us to pass between them. Marsha
was the first to gasp at the spread that lay before us and when I realized why
she made that sound, I too gasped at the wonder of it.
was all Marsha was able to ask.
weren’t in there more then five minutes!” I said as my eye roamed across the
minutes, forty-five seconds!” Ian said proudly.
how did you do this?” Marsha asked.
table was decked out like something you would see in a magazine or in a movie.
From bottom to top, the table was covered in lacy table cloth, four places were
set with a plate sitting under a bowl, two forks and a spoon on either side of
the plate and a white napkin folded into the shape of a swan sat atop each
bowl. Each place setting had a fancy glass, the kind with stems. In the middle
of the table were three lit candles surrounded by two large bowls and two
plates. One of the bowls had a tossed salad; the other had a fruit salad for
desert. On the plate closest to the kitchen was a pile of finger sandwiches,
all with the crust cut off and a toothpick stuck in the middle to keep them
together. The plate on the other side of the table had hot wings with a smaller
bowl filled with ranch dressing in the center of the wings.
and Jamie were both grinning as Ian explained; “Jamie made the salad and helped
me with the sandwiches. I noticed you had some fruit in the refrigerator and it
only took two minutes to cut everything up and toss it into a bowl.”
spoke up, “How did you make the wings so fast?”
put a hand beside his mouth as if he were sharing a guarded chef secret, “I had
them in the refrigerator back at my place. I just had to warm them up a bit.
They are from Smokey’s and you are going to love them! They have no bones in
walked over, took my arm and led me to one of the chairs. He pulled it out and
allowed me to sit down before pushing me up to the table. Ian did the same for
Marsha before the two of them asked us what we would like to drink with our
just have water!” Marsha said.
looked across the table to Marsha and asked, “Is it okay if I have coke?”
Whatever you want!” Marsha said with a smile.
looked at Jamie and using my best snob impersonation I said, “A can of your
finest Coca-Cola please?”
Sir, right away sir!” Jamie snickered at my funny voice before speeding off to
the kitchen with Ian following too.
returned, filled our fancy glasses for us before filling their own and taking
their seats at either end of the table. Jamie was sitting to my right with Ian to
my left and Marsha directly across from me. I had to look through the three
candles to see her.
this is so wonderful!” Marsha said.
really incredible!” I said too.
and Ian seemed to be relishing in our complements.
cannot believe you did all this so fast!” Marsha said still in awe of it all.
picked up the salad and handed it to her, “Would you care to start with a
little salad? I think you will love the dressing. It’s a secret family recipe
that’s been handed down for countless ages.”
the salad was passed around, Ian explained that when he was younger he worked
for a catering company called ‘Parties-In-A-Minute’. He explained that he would
sometimes have to put together parties for hundreds of people and only have an hour,
sometimes less to get everything ready.
laughed, “Jamie and I did this in eight minutes and forty-five seconds. Imagine
what we could have done if we had five more minutes!”
added, “Ian says he knows how to make cookies that you don’t have to cook and
only take about five minutes to make.”
the salad had gone all the way around the table, the four of us dug into our
bowls, “Mmmm! Yeah I like this!” I said to Ian.
asked, “Do you like it mom?”
I do! I do!” Marsha said as she was taking another bite.
leaned forward a little and whispered across the table to Ian as if Marsha and
I could not hear him, “Can I tell them the secret recipe now?”
whispered back, “I think it’s safe!” and gave Jamie a wink.
upright Jamie announced, “It is only Miracle Whip with a little bit of sugar
and some Pap-pap . . .”
he could not say the name of the spice they used Ian helped him out, “Paprika!”
Pap-rika!” Jamie repeated.
it’s absolutely magnificent!” Marsha said.
leaned over to Marsha, “Actually, I got the recipe off the back of the Miracle
Whip jar.”
laughed and had to cover her mouth to keep from spitting out her mouthful of
don‘t think Ian could help tooting his own horn because he said next, “I don’t
mean to brag but you have got to try my Fettuccine Alfredo sometime! It takes
only three minutes to put together and you will swear I slaved over a hot stove
for hours!”
could have honestly stopped at the salad. I had eaten every single bit of my
salad and I am not even a salad lover, it was just that good and filling too!
When Jamie began passing the little finger sandwiches, I almost passed on them
but I did not want to be rude. Ian had also started the hot wings going around.
Everything was fantastic and the four of us talked and carried on as if we were
a normal everyday family. Ian kept making us laugh by sharing different stories
from his life. For someone as young looking as Ian, he sure has done a lot of
Ian tried to pass me the bowl of fruit salad I thought I was going to explode
from my middle, but I took it and spooned a generous helping onto my plate. I
ate every bite and did not leave anything behind.
were just finishing when the intercom buzzer sounded. Marsha excused herself
from the table to go let the security guard know that it was okay to send my
parents up. When mom and dad came in, Ian tried to get them to sit down with us
but they both said that they had only just had lunch themselves and could not
eat another bite.
food in my belly and seeing my parents again made me feel better then I had
only a few minutes ago but I was still feeling really horrible inside for poor
Two-Toes. I have never make any secret of the fact that I never much cared for
Two-Toes. In fact, I downright didn’t like the guy but I never would have
wanted him dead. There was something else; something deep inside me that wasn’t
buying into the news report of how he died. However, having dad bend down and
give me the best hug chased those negative thoughts from my mind for the time
to go?” dad asked giving my diapered bottom a playful swat as he released me
from his hug.
I guess so!” I said and then turned to Jamie who had removed himself from the
table and came over to give mom and dad a hug too. I was going to say something
to him but instead, I looked up at Marsha and thanked her, “Thanks for letting
me stay and for . . . well, for everything.” And by ‘everything’, I meant all
the diaper changes. I could tell by the way she looked at me, that she got my
meaning loud and clear.
was a pleasure to have you stay with us and you are welcome to come back
anytime you like.” Marsha said bending down to give me a hug and a peck on my
stuck out a hand for me to shake, “Thanks for lunch. It was grand!” I said.
stop it!” Ian said lightly swatting me on top of my head. “You are going to
make me blush! Just don’t forget you owe me a posing.”
I said back.
had stepped through the crowd and picked up my things, “Mom, I’m going to help
carry stuff down okay?”
but come right back up.” Marsha said.
picked up the new package of diapers and put them under his arm in full view. I
could have killed him for letting Ian see them. I had purposefully hid the
package under my other things when Marsha and I had brought everything out.
must have been blushing because Ian patted the back of my head and gave me a
knowing wink.
Dad, Mom, Jamie and I left. We road down in the elevator and Jamie was busy
telling mom and dad about how he and Ian had put together the lunch and how
fast they did it.
had said, “He’s an amazing painter.”
know him?” I asked with no small amount of astonishment that she knew this
about him.
answered for her, “Met him a few months ago when we were bring Jamie back
Yeah!” Jamie remembered, “I remember that!”
on the first floor we started for the door when dad stopped and told Jamie, “If
you’re mother doesn’t mind, how about I stop by after work tomorrow to pick you
up so you can come see yours and Simon’s new room?”
was quick to notice and was quite glad of the fact that Jamie and I would still
be roommates. It had been nagging me all weekend that mom and dad might take
this opportunity to split us into separate rooms. Even though we have not had
the best history, I don’t think I would like not having him sleeping in the
same room when he came over.
lit up like an exploding star, “Yeah that would be great!”
should have time to come home and do your homework before I get off work. Be
sure to tell your mother that I’ll have you back after dinner.” Dad said taking
my things from Jamie.
looked over at me and handed my e-journal to me, “See ya tomorrow then.”
see ya tomorrow! Thanks for everything and for letting me meet your friends.” I
glanced up at mom and dad before adding, “I will email you tonight.”
and dad started for the door and I had time to quickly mouth one more message
to Jamie before leaving, “Tell them to be ready tonight!”
eyes grew enormous when he realized what I had just mouthed to him and what I
meant by it. He nodded, punched his fist triumphantly into the air and ran back
to the elevators.
my parents and I passed the security guard, I saw that it was the same guard
that had been on duty that night I had come to Jamie’s building with Bull,
Tater, Runt and Two-Two’s so that I could apologize to Jamie for the fight we
had. The guard was standing behind his desk looking grumpy. Checking to be sure
that mom and dad were not looking, I stuck my tongue out at him and raced
was surprised to see mom’s van was sitting right in front of the door. It was
running and someone I did not recognize was sitting in the driver’s seat. Dad
opened the side sliding door so that I could climb in while he went around and
put my things in the back of the van. Mom climbed in next to me, which should
have clued me in that we were not alone but I guess I was not being very observant.
did you get the van back?” I asked as I was buckling myself in.
evening.” Mom said. “They did a fabulous job fixing it and do you remember how
the radio would cut out if we his a big bump?”
I answered.
fixed that too!” She said as she buckled her seatbelt around herself.
was when dad opened the front passager door and climbed in that I noticed
someone else was sitting in the driver’s seat.
this is Mr. Segal.” Dad said motioning to the man behind the wheel.
my sudden surprise at seeing this stranger in our van, I remembered my manners,
which I had not had to use all that much recently, and said to him, “Hello
still feel really stupid for what I said next and I wish I could take it back
now. “Is he our new chauffeur or Butler or something?”
howled so loud I thought he might pass a kidney from laughing so hard. Mom too
was giggling but at least she was trying not to laugh so outrageously as dad
Segal, who I might add looked nothing like the movie star by the same last
name, looked into the rearview mirror at me. I could only see his eyes, which
to me seemed dark and tired. Chuckling in a sort of low gravely voice he said,
“I’m just along for the ride. Thought your folks here might need a break!”
we drove toward home, I kept noticing that every few minutes, Mr. Segal would
be looking at me intently via the rearview mirror but when he would see that I
noticed him, he would stop looking. It made me feel kind of funny but not in a
good way.
a lot was said until we were almost home. Dad turned about halfway around in
his seat so that he was able to look at me while he said, “There might still be
a few people at the house. They were putting the final touches on everything as
we left.”
there a lot of people there?” I asked curiously.
answered, “I counted and at one point there were fourteen people at our house
working all at the same time.”
I said, genuinely stunned by that number. “Were they all in my room?”
dad said, “Some were in the garage putting furniture together, others were
painting the doors. Everyone did a little bit of everything I think.”
dad said ‘painting’, an alarm bell sounded in my head. Once a couple Years ago
dad had been painting in the garage and I walked in to see what he was doing.
One whiff of the paint fumes and I had a sudden asthma attack.
I can’t be around paint!” I said with concern.
it’s okay. We used a special latex paint that didn’t smell at all.” Dad said.
it was Mr.Ruddy Nader that had told us about the paint!” mom added.
to be safe though, we have had every window and door in the house open all day
long.” Dad reassured me.
an added security I reached into my coat pocket and fingered my asthma inhaler
to be sure it was there incase I needed it.
put her arm around me and said, “You know all those shows we watch on the Home
and Garden Channel where they come in and redecorate someone’s room in just a
couple days?”
I answered while looking at dad who was positively blissful. I glanced up and
the mirror and caught Mr. Segal watching me again before quickly diverting his
eyes back to the road a head.
was a lot like that this weekend, except I don’t think our house was as calm
and well ordered as those shows make it seem.” Mom said.
let your mom fool you! She worked harder then anyone there to keep everyone fed
and she kept cleaning all of the messes we made.” Dad said. Knowing mom as well
as I do; I could imagine her with her vacuum cleaner in hand trying to clean up
right under the feets of those that were trying to work.
were now entering my neighborhood and my own excitement started to outgrow any
trepidations I might have. I looked out the front window and thought I saw
something very odd that until later I did not remember seeing. I saw what
appeared to be a cat dragging something large. I had glanced away for only a
millisecond but when I looked back, the cat was gone. I know seeing that cat
was not such a remarkable thing to witness and I probably would not have even
remembered seeing it had I not encountered the cat again before the afternoon
before we reached our street dad took a breath and said, “It was a really bad
thing that happened but I believe when you see your room, you are going to
really like the changes.”
Segal turned the van onto our street and started up the hill toward our house,
“Just about there.” He announced.
we turned into the driveway, I noticed a police cruiser that was parking down
the street several houses away. I couldn’t help wondering if it had been
following us the whole time without me knowing about it.
started to climb from the van with my e-journal tucked under one arm and
realized I had wet my diaper a lot on the way home. I am not sure why I noticed
it, maybe because it felt so bulky between my legs or maybe because Marsha had
fitted it so snuggly to my body that the urine did not have enough room to move
thought the diaper while I had been sitting down. Mom reached down for my
e-journal and said, “Why don’t you let me carry that for you.”
was around behind the van already and Mr. Segal had headed toward the front of
the house so I took the opportunity to tell mom, “I think I need a change.”
smiled, “I should have thought of that before we left your brothers.”
shook my head, “Marsha did it right before you came.”
you think you will be alright for a little while longer?” she asked.
I think so.” I said though I really did not have any idea if I could or not.
since I had been indoors all weekend, I had not realized how much the weather
had warmed up. The sun was shining so nice and bright though there was still a
slight chill in the air; but it was warm enough out that nearly all the snow
had melted away. Just the deep snow drifts and piles of snow left by the
snowplows were still around. Everything had gone from white to wet in the past
couple of days. In addition, the grass, which was brown and lying completely
flat, looked almost soupy. I bet if I were to step off the driveway and into
the grass I would sink up to my knees.
Mr. Segal had pulled the van all the way back to the garage behind our house,
we did not go in through the backdoor like we usually do. Dad made us walk
around the house and go in through the front door. I couldn’t help but notice
that while Mom, dad and I stepping onto the front porch, Mr. Segal had
continued walking down the driveway and toward the police cruiser down the
on the porch, I could see that there were still people in our livingroom. I
started to feel a twinge of apprehension about going inside again but once I
stepped through the door, my mood changed for the better.
very first person I saw was Lowell and his parents who were standing there
smiling and clapping along with BJ and both of his parents, Mr. Nader and
Officer Mecums who was out of uniform and looked quite grungy with a big blob
of what I was guessing was paint in her hair. I had one silly thought that went
through my mind upon seeing all those people standing in our livingroom, “I bet
mom’s going nuts having all these people standing on the carpet.” However, that
thought was canceled out when I looked down to see that the carpet was
completely covered with brown paper, taped together with blue masking tape. In
an odd sort of way, it looked pretty; I mean if brown paper and blue tape can
look pretty.
the crowd calmed down Lowell’s dad nudged him and Lowell stepped forward to
hand me a rolled up piece of paper. There was a thin baby-blue satin ribbon
tied around it that I slid off one end. As I was unrolling the paper and before
I even saw the picture, the smell of crayons hit me nostrils. I knew instantly
that whatever it was, Lowell must have colored it himself. The first thing I
saw were the words, “Welcome to your new room Simon!” wrote across the top.
Looking down in the lower left corner Lowell, confirmed my suspicion that he
was the artist, when I saw the letters BL. I held it all the way open and saw
that it was a drawing of a bedroom and until after I saw my own room, I didn’t
know that it was a drawing he had made of my new room.
taking me back to see my room, dad made me stand there as each person came up
to shake my hand and give me hugs. Actually, it was good because I was able to
personally thank everyone, which after seeing my room was much harder to do, as
I was so overwhelmed.
every hand I shook my anticipation seemed to build until I couldn’t stand it
any long and asked in a rather demanding voice, “Can I see my room now before I
got nuts!” and everyone laughed, including my parents.
led the way down to my room with mom behind me covering my eyes so I could not
see anything until she was ready for me too. Under my feet, I could hear the
crinkling of the brown paper being crushed under our shoes. Not being able to
see a thing made the trip down our hallway seem to take forever and wondered if
they somehow made our house bigger.
I heard the sound of a door latch I knew that it was dad opening the door and
that we were almost in my room. I was glad to hear the sound of my shoes on a
hard surface as mom led me in. I always liked my hardwood floors in my room
because Matchbox cars rolled really well on it.
you ready?” dad asked.
was trembling with excitement. “YES!” I squealed.
removed her hand and I nearly fell backwards into her with shock. It was
nothing like I had imagined and at the same time it was so much more then I
ever could have hoped for. Even the picture Lowell had colored for me had not
come close to preparing me for what I saw; it was the perfect room.
will try to describe it but I am not sure I can put into words how perfect
everything is in my new room.
the wall were my bed used to be now sits a grey metal desk with a wooden top
and a white rolling chair in front of it. There are three drawers in the desk
that look like doors off a gym locker but turned sideways and each painted a
different primary color. To the right of that desk was a matching dresser with
four drawers like the ones in the desk except the forth drawer was in a fourth
was so much to see that I had not noticed at first that there was a brand new
computer monitor sitting on top of the desk. I looked under the desk and
screamed when I saw a brand new computer tower sitting on the floor.
yes!” I shouted and began punching my fists into the air triumphantly! “Yes!
Yes! Yes!” I screamed. From out in the livingroom I could hear the sound of
laughter and people talking loudly. “He found the computer!” someone said.
took me a minute to stop crying my tears of joy over the computer. I even
leaned over the desk and hugged the monitor.
took hold of my head and turned me around, “Look over there.” She said.
opposite that desk, on the other wall where Jamie’s bed used to set, is a desk
identical to the other with it’s own computer too. “Oh my gaud, oh my gaud, oh
my gaud, oh my gaud!” I kept chanting.
for you and one for Simon.” Dad said and I noticed that hung on the walls above
each desk were paintings of Jamie and I. I stopped, looked at Jamie’s painting,
then to mine, back and forth before it hit me. “Hey! HEY! HEEEYYY!” I shouted
at the top of my lungs as I realized that they both had been painted by Ian.
“Th-th-these are . . .” I tried to say and thankfully dad jumped in and
was Marsha’s idea to have Ian paint portraits of you and your brother for your
room.” Dad had said.
w-we n-never posed.” I stuttered out of overwhelming excitement.
was just covering so that you wouldn’t figure out he was already painted your
portraits.” Mom said.
th-that is w-why he c-cov-vered up th-the p-painting when w-we w-were
v-v-v-visiting?” Dispite my stuttering I was squealing so loud that mom tried
to put her hand over my mouth to try to rein me in some but I moved too fast
for her.
had to go over and touch Jamie’s desk and computer too, walking right past the
new bed without even seeing it yet. To the left of Jamie’s desk was a matching
dresser exactly like the one on my side of the room.
side of the room!” I thought aloud, “And this is Jamie’s side of the room.”
spun myself around to face mom and dad before saying, “We should have brought
Jamie with us today!”
will be here tomorrow evening!” Dad said, “Today is your day!”
walked over and standing so that we were facing each other he placed his hands
on my shoulders, “What do you think of the bed?” he asked twirling me around so
that I was now facing it. I leaned back against dad and went from the
occasional happy tear to full out crying. It was enormous and beautiful!
Between the two desks and dressers, on the wall where my old desk and
wallshelves used to be now stands a metal bed that matched the rest of the furniture
in the room.
is a loft bed, one on top and one coming out from under it. Under both ends of
the upper bed there were metal and canvas shelves filled with books and toys.
Both beds were dressed out in super nice blue and white comforters with a blue
pillowcases on the upper bed and a dark red one on the lower.
one are you going to choose to be your’s?” Mom asked.
had to go over and sit on the lower bed; I heard the unmistakable sound of a
plastic sheet crinkly as I sat down. I then climbed up the ladder partway to
see the loft bed, pressed on it and heard the same sound. Still standing on the
ladder I decided, “I think I am going to let Jamie choose first!” That simple
declaration from me made mom and dad begin to wheep and sniffle.
climbed back down the ladder and went to the shelves of on my side of the room.
The shelves were made of a metal frame with the sides and back covered in
canvas that snapped on tight as a drum skin. The front of the shelves had a
canvas cover too that was held at the top and left side with snaps and Velcro
on the right side. I had to look behind the canvas and saw that the actual
shelves were wooden which matched to tops of the desks and dressers. In
addition, most everything on the shelves were things that I did not recognize
as anything I had once owned, apart from one thing, my golden Yo-Yo
Championship Award. I could tell instantly that it had been broken during the
invasion and then mended back together by someone. I picked it up and looked at
it, turning it in my fingers; I felt a real pain with in my heart as if
something inside me had died right at that very moment. I lowered myself to the
floor and began to sob uncontrollably. Mom and dad tried in vain to console me
for the longest time. Everything that was inside of me came flooding out with
my tears. I never said a word, never groaned or made a sound; I just cried and
cried until I was out of tears. Then just like that my tears stopped, my
heaving chest calmed itself and I declared, “I’m okay now.”
went back out to the living room to hug and thank everyone again though this
time I was doing so with tears of joy flowing freely from my eyes. We kids
ended up back in my room, each sharing with me how they helped, what they did
and what some of the other adults did. As exciting as it all was, as happy as
it all made me, I was relieved when everyone started to leave. It had been an
emotional morning and afternoon and I was beginning to feel as if I needed some
down time to recharge my batteries.
and Lowell were the last two to go. BJ faked a Karate chop to my neck and said,
“See you at school tomorrow?”
was my response.
looked like he wanted to embrace and plant one on my lips but since all of our
parents were standing right there he just said, “When do I get to sleep over!”
looked up at mom and dad for the answer. Dad smiled and said, “Soon!”
parents and I stood on the front porch waving as everyone left. I noticed that
the cruiser I had seen earlier was still sitting down the hill and Mr. Segal
did not appear to be anywhere in site. I thought to myself, “If he’s supposed
to be some kind of bodyguard, he should be here now!” I have no idea where I
got the notion that he was a bodyguard but I was soon to learn a whole lot more
about him then I cared to know.
less then an instant I thought I saw something move out of the corner of my
right eye but when I turned to look there was nothing there. BJ’s dad honked
his horn as they pulled away and I waved again.
inside I went right to my room to look at everything again but I had no sooner
stepped one foot onto the wooden floor then I got the shock of my life. Sitting
on the lower bed was a cat, and not just any cat; I knew the little furry beast
instantly as the one I had seen in Crazy Old-Man Johnson’s spooky, book filled,
house a few days ago. The cat was sitting right in the middle of the bed and a
filthy cloth bag lying beside him.
took a single step backward and the cat stood up on all fours looking mean as
can be. “How did you get in here?” I spoke to the cat.
was its reply.
looked at the window thinking it had come in that way but the window was still
closed. When the cat took a step toward me I quickly jumped out of my room and
pulled the door shut, trapping the cat inside, which wasn’t such a smart move
because now I had a man eating cat trapped in my room with no way of getting it
was just about to scream for dad or mom . . . or anyone for that matter but
stopped and thought for a quick second. “Wait a sec? Why is Crazy Old-Man
Johnson’s cat in my room?” I was thinking aloud but whispering so that no one
could hear me.
heard the cat just on the other side of the door cry out in a low angry growl,
“Reoooooow!” and I feared that someone might hear the cat if I didn’t do
something and fast.
glanced down the hallway to be sure no one was coming or looking for the
origins of the cat noise before stepping over to close the door to mom and
dad’s room. I slipped down to close the bathroom door as well and figured that
if the cat was going to get out, at least it might run into the rest of the
house for someone else to find. I thought that maybe they would assume the cat
had got in during all the work this weekend and would not associate the cat to
me in any way.
my back to the small section of wall between our two bedroom doors, I slowly
turned the knob and pushed the door all the way open. I was braced for the cat
to run out and maybe even attack me, but it did not even try to escape my room
while it had the chance. Leaning forward only enough to allow myself to peek
into my room, I could see no sight of the cat except for the filthy cloth bag
it had left on my bed. Without moving from were I was standing I continued to
scan the room hoping to spot it under the bed or maybe one of the desk.
another glance down the hallway to be sure the coast was still clear I called
out softly, “Here kitty, kitty, kitty!” and listened.
I did not hear anything, I tried calling for it again only a little louder this
time on the odd chance that maybe the cat was hard of hearing. “Here kitty,
kitty, kitty!” Still nothing.
closed my eyes and in a sort of prayer, I mumbled; “Get out of my room and go
back to your crazy owner!”
the thought occurred to me that maybe the cat was never there; maybe I was
really just sleeping and dreaming! I mean - I sure have been having some weird
dreams in the past few weeks that at the time seemed pretty-dang-real while I
was dreaming them. “But why would I dream about that stupid cat?” I asked
myself aloud.
out in the living room I heard Mr. Segal’s voice talking with one or both of my
parents. I figured he must have come back in and could tell by the way he was
talking that he was attempting to keep his voice low enough so that I would not
or could not hear him. I suppose he was succeeding since I could not make out a
single word that was said.
my eyes scanning frantically for the cat again, I muttered softly, “You are not
welcome here cat! You have to go elsewhere! Far, far, far away! Just go away!”
took a very cautious step into my room while keeping my senses at their optimum
levels of operation for any sign of the monster feline.
was four or was it five steps into my room, crouching as low as I was able
while still trying to be cautious of ribs. I had searched every inch of my room
and found no sign of the cat anywhere. I had started to think that maybe it had
run out and I just did not see it; suddenly there was a funny noise over by the
window and I jumped a little mostly out of nervousness. I was all the way over
on Jamie’s side of the room so I had to walk around the bed to see what had
made the noise.
turned out to be the cat but here is the most amazing thing that I still cannot
explain. The cat was sitting on the window ledge, on the OUTSIDE of my CLOSED
the heck did you get out there?” I groaned and scratched at my head.
one last, “Reeoooow!” it jumped down and vanished from site leaving me in a
state of shock and bewilderment.
raced to the window to try to catch another glimpse of the cat before it got
away to prove to myself that it had really been here but I saw nothing but the
police cruiser sitting down the street.
felt as if my feet had been frozen to the floor and when I looked down at them,
I was horrified to find a small puddle around my feet. “What the heck?” I
thought, and for a second or two I had thought I had peed my pants but then
remembered I was wearing a diaper. I then noticed the small muddy paw prints
that lead from the window to the side of the bed. And in the middle of the bed,
where I had seen the cat sitting was a dirty spot right beside the muddy bag
the cat had left behind.
fast I slipped out to the bathroom, got two wet rags and a towel before racing
back to my room, closing my door and cleaning the new bedspread. Luckily, it
appeared to be some kind of moisture resistant material because with a little
elbow grease I was able to get it completely clean. I remember thinking how
cool it was that someone had thought a head and got bedding that was bladder
friendly. As for the muddy bag the cat had left, I rapped the towel around it
and stashed it under my dresser while I finished cleaning the floor and the
inside windowsill.
slipping back out of my room and into the bathroom, I rinsed both rags until no
sign of dirt or mud could be seen on them before hanging both of them in my
shower to use in the morning before school.
in the hallway I took the opportunity to stop and listen to the conversation
going on in the living room between my parents and Mr. Segal. I also heard
someone else’s voice but I did not dare attempt to see who it was and risk
being seen.
a short thirty seconds, I heard all I needed to hear from the fourth unknown
voice. “ . . . after that we will run
some tests to see if there are any connections between the slaying and the
missing children but as it stands now, it looks as if the Magilvery boy and his
two friends were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
in my room I clinched my fists and groaned to myself, “I knew it!”
made sure to stay clear of my window now, as it made me have a serious case of
the heebie-jeebies whenever I would think about that darn cat and how it
managed to get through a closed window. I did however notice something that I
had not noticed despite being so near the window already. I no longer have
mini-blinds, or heavy curtains the way I did with my old window. I now have new
white shear curtains that complement the blue comforters on the beds. I was
more then a little concern about the idea that I would not have the privacy
that the mini-blinds and heavy curtains afforded me, but mom later assured me
that the fabric was specially made so that when I closed the curtains, the
sunlight could still shine in but no one outside could see into my room.
came back into my room just as I was about to retrieve from under my dresser
the item the cat had left. Had she been two seconds later I am sure she would
have caught me kneeling down to get it.
are you ready to get changed?” she asked.
answering, I laid myself down sideways on the lower bed with my feet hanging
over the side so that mom could change my now tremendously wet diaper. I looked
up at the new ceiling light fixture. It looked to be a little larger then
two-foot square and almost looked like a real sky light right in the middle of
my bedroom ceiling.
that a real sky light?” I asked while mom was wiping my diaper area clean for
sweetie, it is electric but isn’t it pretty?” She asked.
is perfect!” I replied.
finished getting me cleaned up and started applying the diaper rash cream when
I asked, “Have they found Tater and Mike yet?” and it surprised me how little
emotion I had when I said it. I think after crying for so long and so very hard
only a few minutes ago it left me void of tears and sadness. I just hope it
doesn’t last forever, I don’t think I would like going through life feeling
this cold inside.
got quiet for a second before answering me straight, “No, not yet.”
I said after a couple more seconds of thinking.
she answered hesitantly as she reached for a baby wipe to clean the diaper rash
cream from her hands.
you think the police will find them?” I asked.
could tell by the sound of her voice, this was not a conversation she was
looking forward to having with me, and now that it was happening, she sounded
slightly panicked. “I don’t know, but I really hope so.”
to not shock her too badly, but not knowing how else to ask her, I spoke softly
and inquired, “Were you and dad going to tell me about Trevor being killed?”
wasn’t looking at her but up at the light as I posed my question and even
though I couldn’t see her, I could feel her fingers trembling as she attempted
to get my clean diaper taped into place.
she could answer I said, “Seen it on a special new report thingy today.”
wish we could have been the ones to tell you.” Mom’s voice gave out.
didn’t really like him you know!” I stated honestly, “But still, I never wished
him to be dead.”
finished with my diaper and had straightened herself back up to return the
diapering supplies to my new dresser. I watched as she crossed to it, placed both
hands on top to brace herself as her body began to tremble as she finally broke
down crying.
sat up and was going to go to her to hug her, but I did not have too. Dad came
back into my room right then. When mom saw him she said, “He already knows about
the other boy being killed.” She fell into dad’s arms and wept as I had done
only minutes before.
dad comforted her, I got up and went to my new dresser in search of plastic
pants to put on over my diaper. Now that I was home, that is what I wanted to
wear. However, I had to run my fingers across the smooth wooden top, admiring
its finish before opening the top drawer to see what had been placed in there
for me. When I saw no plastic pants, I slid it closed and checked the second
drawer. Much to my elation, I found all new plastic pants, but not just the
solid colored or clear ones, like I had before. I think I might have smiled at
seeing them because I knew that Lowell or maybe his whole family had been
responsible for this wonderful gift. The drawer was filled with all different
colors and most had some kind of little images on them, some more juvenile then
others. I pulled out the pair that had a big superman emblem on the back of
them. They were red with blue piping around the leg openings and the waste
must have seen me looking at the plastic pants and assumed I did not like them
because most of them looked so baby-like. “We’ll get you some more plain ones
tomorrow.” Dad had said.
I said a little too quickly, “These are good! I-I like these fine, just
surprised there are so many is all.” I tried convincing them.
still had on my socks; they were the same pair I had been wearing while running
around the hallways of Jamie’s apartment building today and they were more then
a little dirty. I pulled them off by grabbing a hold of the toes and giving
them each a good yank. I turned to toss them into my laundry hamper; I think
that was the first time that it really and truly hit me that I was in a
different room now.
up at dad, who was still holding mom, I asked, “Where?” and held up my filthy
socks to let him know I was looking for my dirty clothesbasket. Before my room
had been trashed, I used to keep it right beside my closet. A few times I had
actually put it into my closet but stopped doing that because it took up space
for me get in there and lay down so that I could write, think or just hide-out
for a while.
tilted his head toward the closet; “Right side is yours. Left is for your
started to cross over when he asked, “Will you be alright in here for a few
looked at him as if it were a stupid question to ask, “Yeah!” I said and he
took mom out to try to calm her down.
old closet doors used to slide from side to side and were flat, stained-wood
doors but the new doors are louvered, painted white with blue and brass
hardware. However, the most different characteristic is that they are bi
folding instead of sliding back and forth. I think I like my old doors better;
at least when I sat in the bottom of my closet I had more privacy with the old
style of doors. However, when I opened both sides of the bi-folding closet
doors at the same time, I realized that my days of sitting in the bottom of my
closet were over. The inside had been completely organized with rods, white
laminated shelves, shoe racks and cubbyholes for sweaters and things. There was
no room on the floor for me to even sit Indian style now.
disappointment at loosing my favorite place to sit and write was quickly
replaced by amazement once again, as I realized that every article of clothing
handing in the closet was brand new and still had the tags on them. Even
Jamie’s side of the closet was packed with new clothes. On my side of the
closet alone were new pants, jeans, three complete school uniforms, more shirts
then I could count, belts, ties, a new suite and many sweaters of various
colors and styles. Down by the floor was a new pair of Nikey trainers, my new
track shoes which I was so glad were not trashed too and a new pair of school
shoes with the Velcro closers, which are my favorite. I later found out that
mom had spent over an hour scrubbing my new track shoes clean for me.
noticed three other things hanging in my closet that, had my tears well not run
dry, probably would have pushed me over the edge for sure. The Panther jersey
that had been signed by all the Panthers was hanging, undamaged. At least it
looked undamaged. Mom Later told me that she had to do a little mending to it
too. Also hanging in my closet was my new Varsity track shirt along with the
oversized yellow Junior varsity shirt Mr. Shaffer had given me the day I had
helped Mikey to the nurses office after falling and busting open his lip.
in me made me take out my Varsity Track shirt to look at it. “How many sixth
graders have ever made the Varsity team?” I asked myself and then followed up
with, “I wonder if I will get to compete at all this year?” before hanging it
back in the closet.
between Jamie’s and my shoes was a white, wire basket with a cloth bag inside
it. On the outside of the bag it said, “Laundry” in blue letters that matched
the rest of my room. I dropped my socks in before going back over to my dresser
and slipping on the new plastic pants. After tossing my pants, which were
laying on my bed, into the laundry basket, I pulled off my shirt and dropped it
in too.
any other time I think I might have stayed like that, wearing nothing but a
diaper, plastic pants and my body armor but I figured there might still be some
people in or around the house so I pulled out a pair of desert style camouflage
pants form the closet and slipped them on. They fit a bit loose and for a few
minutes I was a little disappointed until I realized that if I were wearing
cloth diapers right then they would have first perfectly. I reached in, took
out one of the plain white shirts, put it on and decided to go back to the
dresser to see what other goodies might await discovery in the bottom two
had already discovered that the first drawer contained socks for both dress and
play whereas the second drawer contained plastic pants and diapering supplies.
Pulling open the third drawer I found disposable diapers and Goodnite bed
wetter pants. The diapers I had recognized as the ones mom had been getting for
me, attends youth which I think I like more then the Pampers 6 that Lowell
would let me wear. The Pampers looked more babyish but the Attends held more
pee and were bigger meaning they fit me better. When I looked in the last
drawer, the blue one on the bottom, I saw that it was filled with cloth diapers
and a clear plastic container with a light blue lid that contained large diaper
closing the blue drawer I was standing beside my dresser buttoning the last two
buttons on my shirt when a single word flashed in my mind, “slippers?” Now I
did not remember seeing any slippers in the closet but I went back for another
look and this time when I was finished, I closed both doors to preserve the
beauty and neatness of my new room. I was thinking to myself, “I can’t change a
single thing until after Jamie gets to see everything tomorrow.”
finding any slippers in the closet, I walked over to the shelves on my side,
the left side, of the bed to see if maybe someone might have put them there and
when I didn’t find any, I went to Jamie’s side thinking maybe someone made a
mistake and put two pair on his shelves. “Huh!” I exclaimed in amazement. “They
thought of everything but . . .” and then I spotted a pair of slippers sitting
neatly on the floor beside Jamie’s dresser. I’d not been able to see them from
anywhere else in the room and sure enough, when I checked beside my dresser I
found not only a pair of nice gray and green slippers but also got a chance to
check out the new white diaper pail which I had noticed earlier. When I slid on
the slippers, they fit great and felt so incredibly soft against my bare feet.
had been looking for slippers because I had intended to go out into the rest of
the house to check on mom but instead I decided to sit down and check out my
new computer. Despite all the excitement and joy my new room brought to me, I
still had a mission to accomplish tonight and if everything went right, I would
be bringing home Tater and Mike before the sun came up in the morning and
before anyone knew I was gone.
the computer was a windows based PC instead of a Mac like my old computer,
which is what I am use to using and also what we have at school, it took a
while for me to figure everything out. I am not completely ignorant when it
comes to PC’s with Windows installed but I am also not anywhere close to being
fluent. I was able to get online but was not able to get into my email yet.
Then I remembered my e-journal had the information I needed and went in search
of it as well as the rest of my stuff I had brought home with me.
of my things were sitting by the front door, which was closed and I noticed
something new had been added to our door. There was new, shinny brass, deadbolt
lock above the knob and in the middle of the door were two new peepholes. One
at mom and dad’s height and one lower just for me. I was peering through it
when dad asked, “Someone at the door?”
Just looking!” I said unfazed by his presents in the room.
turned and asked, “Mom okay?”
just tired.” Dad said, “But I’m more concerned about you right now.”
okay.” I said.
I don’t think so.” Dad said.
shrugged as much as I was able and started to reach down for my things.
dad said and I think he was going to say something else but he didn’t, at least
not right away.
my things in hand I said, “Yeah?”
his head slightly he said, “Nothing. It can wait ‘til later.”
I’m going to go play with my new computer and see if I can get the email to
work.” I said feeling relieved that he was letting the matter drop, at least
for the moment.
heard dad mumbling something as I was headed down the hallway but could not
make it out and did not know if he was directing it to me or was just mumbling
for the heck of it. The paper covering the carpet crinkled louder then my
diaper with every step I took. It was somewhat funny now and I wondered how
long it would be before mom had that stuff pulled up and the carpet beneath
looking for the cable to connect my e-journal to my computer, I found a brand
new accessory kit in the top drawer of my desk. There was a very small
explosion in my head when I saw it. “Dang they must have trashed the other
too!” I said to myself and then realized that, “Dad must have thought about
managing to get it opened so that I could have the connecting wire, I looked
for a way to get it plugged into the computer, however I couldn’t find the
right kind of input jack. I turned back to the assessory kit for instructions
and saw another cable with a small yellow plug on one end and the right kind of
plug for my e-journal on the other. Now that I was actually reading what the
package said I could see that the cable I pulled out was for connecting to
e-journals together, which I’ve no idea why anyone would need to do that and
the other was for a pc installation. A minute later, I had the two connected
together and was able to get into my email.
was my inbox full! I had emails from everyone plus several hundred pieces of
spam. I was not in the mood to spend the rest of my day going through all the
email so all I did was delete the ones I knew to be spam. Then I sent only two
emails out; one to Jamie, telling him to have everyone ready at exactly
midnight and be waiting for me and a second one went out to the only person I
thought I might be able to get help from, Bull.
Simon here! No time to go into anything now but I will later if I
see you. Right now I need your help again! Please don’t tell anyone! If you are
able to, I need you to come in your car and meet me at the same place you
picked me up that one night. I will be waiting there at 11:30 p.m. tonight.
Please come; it is a matter of life and death!
signed off my email and disconnected my e-journal from the computer and since I
did not have my closet hide-away anymore, I desired that the loft bed would
have to do. I climbed up, sat myself down while leaning against the fresh white
walls and began journaling to pass the time.
Next Installment:
PART 4 –
Sunday, March 07, 2004 – Bump in the Night
** For the latest news on how each installment is coming along as well as answers to questions asked by other readers and so much more, visit me at As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: and I promise that I will reply personally to everyone that takes the time to write to me! **